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exempt, cut off

exhalation, meteor

exhale, draw forth

exhaust, draw out

exhibit, to submit, present

exhibition, allowance of money, gift

expectancy, hope

expedience, speed, expedition

expedient, speedy, direct

expeditious, immediate, urgent

experimental, of experience

expiate, end

extemp’rically, with skill in improvisation

extend, be lavish in praise, exaggerate the worth of, take by force

extent, seizure of property in execution of a writ, attack

extirp, root out

extracting, distracting

extravagancy, wandering

extravagant, straying, vagrant

eyas, young hawk

eyas-musket, young sparrow-hawk

eye-glass, retina, eye’s lens

eyestrings, muscles or nerves of eye

face, appearance, appearance of right; to put on a false appearance, brave, bully, brazen, trim

facinorous, vile

fact, deed, crime

factious, seditious

factor, agent

faculty, disposition, quality

fadge, be suitable, succeed

fading, refrain of a song

fail, failure, fault; to offend, die

fain, glad, obliged

fairing, gift

faithed, believed

faitor, cheat, rogue

falchion, sword, scimitar

falling sickness, epilepsy

falsing, deceptive

fame, rumour, report, reputation; make famous

familiar, attendant spirit

fancy, love, whimsicality; to love, fall in love with

fang, seize

fangled, foppish

fantastic, imaginary, fanciful, extravagant

fantasy, delusion, imagination, fancy, whim

fap, drunk

farce, to cram, stuff

farced, stuffed out

fardel, bundle, burden

farm, lease

farthingale, hooped petticoat

fashions, disease of horses

fault, lack, (in hunting) break in the scent

favour, leniency, something given as a mark of favour, badge, charm, appearance, look, face, feature

feat, dexterous, graceful; show to advantage; deed

feature, shape, form, comeliness

fedary, federary, confederate, accomplice

feed, pasture

feeder, servant, parasite, shepherd

fee-farm, fixed rent for perpetual tenancy

fee-grief, individual sorrow

fee-simple, estate belonging to owner and his heirs for ever, absolute possession

felicitate, happy

fell, fierce, cruel, enraged; skin, covering of hair or wool, fleece

felly, section of rim of wooden wheel

fence, art of fencing, defence; to defend

fere, spouse

fern seed, believed to be invisible and to confer invisibility

ferret, worry

festinate, hasty

fetch, stratagem, trick; to draw, derive, strike a blow

fettle, make ready

fig, to insult with a ‘figo’

fig of Spain, figo, fico, scornful gesture made by thrusting the thumb between two of the closed fingers or into the mouth.

fight, screen for protection of crew in sea battle

file, catalogue, list, roll, rank, number; to smooth, polish, defile

fill, fulfil

fill-horse, shaft horse

film, fine mesh

fine, end; to end, pay, fix as sum payable, punish

fire-drake, fiery dragon, meteor

firk, thrash

fitchew, polecat

fitment, fit equipment, fitting office

fives, strangles (a horse disease)

flap-dragon a raisin in burning brandy; to swallow as a flap-dragon

flapjack, pancake

flatness, completeness

flaw, flake of snow, gust, fragment, fault, outburst; to crack, break

fleckled, dappled

fledge, fledged, covered with down

fleer, mock, sneer; to gibe

flesh, initiate in bloodshed, inflame, gratify

fleshment, excitement resulting from a first success

flewed, having large chaps

flight, fleet, swiftly moving

flirt-jill, woman of loose character

float, sea

flourish, gloss, embellishment, florid decoration, fanfare of trumpets

flush, full, lusty

flux, discharge, flowing, stream

fob, cheat, trick

foin, thrust

foison, harvest, plentiful crop

fond, foolish, silly, trivial, eager, desirous

fool, professional jester, term of endearment or pity, plaything

foot, see FOUTRE

footcloth, saddle cloth

fop, to dupe, fool

foppery, folly, deceit

foppish, foolish

forage, preying

forbid, cursed

fordo, kill, destroy

fordone, exhausted

forecast, foresight

forehorse, first in team

forespent, previously spent, past

forestall, condemn in advance

forgetive, inventive

fork, forked tongue, barbed arrow-head

forked, horned

formal, traditional, dignified, sane

formality, decorum, regularity

former, foremost

forsake, refuse, reject, renounce

forslow, delay

forspent, exhausted

fortitude, strength

forwhy, because

foutre, strong expression of contempt, a fuck (French)

fox, kind of sword

fracted, broken

fraction, discord, quarrel, fragment

frame, contriving, structure, plan; to prepare, go, bring to pass, perform

frampold, disagreeable

franchise, freedom, privilege

franchised, free

frank, unrestrained, generous, free; sty; to pen up in a sty

franklin, yeoman

fray, affray, skirmish; to frighten

free, generous, magnanimous, innocent, untroubled; to absolve, banish

French crown, French coin, baldness produced by venereal disease

frequent, addicted, familiar

friend, lover, mistress, relative

frieze, coarse woollen cloth

frippery, old-clothes’ shop

front, forehead; face, foremost line of battle, beginning; to confront, oppose

frontlet, band worn on forehead

froward, perverse, wilful, rebellious

frush, smash

fullam, false dice

fulsome, pregnant, loathsome, filthy

furnishings, externals

furniture, equipment, harness

fury, rage, passion, poetic passion, goddess of vengeance

fustian, coarse cloth, bombastic gibberish

gaberdine, loose-fitting coat or cloak

gag, prop open, or jerk open

gage, pledge; to stake, bind, engage

gain-giving, misgiving

Galen, famous physician of second century

gall, resentment, bitterness; to rub sore, chafe, graze, wound, harass, scoff

galliard, lively dance

galliass, large, heavy ship

galloglasses, heavily-armed foot-soldiers of Ireland or the Western Isles

gallow, frighten

gallows, gallows-bird, one born (or deserving) to be hanged

gamut, musical scale

garboil, disturbance, quarrel