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customer, prostitute

cut, docked or gelded horse; vulva

Cyclops, one of a race of one-eyed giants, workmen for Vulcan the smith.

cyme, medicinal plant

Cynthia, goddess of the moon

cypress, fine lawn fabric

Cytherea, Venus, goddess of love

Daedalus, with his son Icarus, escaped from imprisonment on home-made wings. Icarus flew too high, the sun melted the wax, and he was drowned. Daedalus escaped.

danger, harm, injury, power to harm, range (of a weapon), debt

Daphne, see APOLLO

dare, dazzle

date, time, term, term of life, end

daub, cover with false show; daub it, pretend

dear, important, energetic, dire

debile, weak

Deborah, prophetess who inspired Israel to victory

decimation, execution of every tenth man

decoct, heat

defeat, destruction; to ruin, destroy, disfigure, defraud

defeature, disfigurement

defend, forbid

defunction, death

defunctive, funereal

delightsome, delightful, delighted

demerit, merit, sin

denier, copper coin of little value

denunciation, formal declaration

deplore, tell with grief

depose, swear, examine on oath

deprave, defame

deputation, office of deputy

deracinate, uproot

derive, inherit, descend, bring down on, draw

dern, dark, drear

desperately, recklessly

determinate, fix; ended, decisive, intended

determination, ending, decision, intention

determine, end, settle, decide

Deucalion, the Greek Noah

dexter, right

dey-woman, dairy-woman

Diana, goddess of hunting, the moon, and chastity

diaper, table napkin

dich, attach to

Dido, see AENEAS

diffidence, distrust, suspicion

diffused, confused, disordered

dilate, relate, express at length

dildo, penis, phallus; used in ballad refrains

dime, tenth man

Dis, god of the underworld

disable, impair, disparage

disappointed, unprepared

discase, undress

discourse, reasoning, talk, conversational power, familiarity

discover, uncover, reveal, make known, recognize, spy out, reconnoitre

disease, trouble, annoyance; to disturb

disedge, dull the appetite, sate

disgrace, insult; disfigurement, disfavour

disgracious, disliked, out of favour

dishabit, dislodge

dishonest, dishonourable, unchaste, immoral

dishonesty, dishonour, immorality

dislike, disagreement, disapproval; to displease

disliken, disguise

dismiss, forgive

dismission, dismissal

dismount, lower, draw from sheath

dispiteous, pitiless

displeased, angry

dispose, disposal, control, disposition, temperament, manner; to control, direct, incline, come to terms

disputable, argumentative

distain, stain, defile

distemper, ill humour, illness of mind or body, intoxication; disturb, disorder

distemperature, intemperateness of weather, illness, ailment, disturbance of mind

distinction, discrimination

distinctly, separately, individually

distract, divide, perplex, drive mad

distrain, seize

distressful, hard-earned

dive-dapper, dabchick, little grebe

division, variation, modulation, disposition

divulge, proclaim

do, copulate (with)

doctrine, lesson, learning

document, lesson

dogged, cruel

doit, coin worth half a farthing, a minute sum

dole, portion, share, grief, sorrow

domineer, feast riotously

dominical, red-printed letter in calendar marking the Sundays

doom, judgement

double, false, deceitful; wraith

doubt, suspicion, fear; to suspect, fear

dout, extinguish

dowlas, coarse linen

dowle, downy feather

doxy, beggar’s wench

draff, pigwash

draught, cesspool, privy

draw, withdraw, empty, search for game, track by scent

drawer, tapster

dress, train, groom

dressing, trimming

dribbling, falling short or wide of the mark

drift, purpose, plot, shower

drollery, puppet-show, comic picture

drumble, move slowly

drybeat, beat soundly

dudgeon, hilt of a dagger

duello, duelling code

dump, mournful tune or song

dun, dark; dun horse

dup, open

durance, durability, strong and durable cloth, imprisonment

eager, sour, bitter

ean, to bring forth (lambs)

eanling, young lamb

ear, plough

ecstasy, excitement, trance, madness

edge, appetite, desire

effectual, pertinent, to the point

eftest, easiest

eftsoons, soon

egg, epitome of worthlessness; take eggs for money, accept injury tamely

eisel, vinegar

eld, old age, ancient time

elder gun, pop-gun made from elder wood

element, sky, pl, atmospheric powers

elf, tangle

embarquement, embargo, prohibition

emboss, to drive (a hunted animal) to extremity

embossed, swollen, foaming at the mouth

embowel, disembowel

empiric, quack

emulation, ambitious rivalry, grudge, envy

emulator, disparager

encompassment, winding course, ‘talking round’ a subject

enew, drive into water

engine, artifice, plot, mechanical contrivance, rack

engross, write out in a fair hand; collect, monopolize, fallen

enlarge, set free

enlargement, release, liberty

enormous, disordered, irregular

ensconce, shelter, hide

enseamed, defiled with sweat

ensear, dry up

enshield, concealed, emblazoned

ensteeped, lying under water

entertainment, employment

entreat, treat, negotiate, intercede

entreatment, entering into negotiation

envy, malice, enmity; show malice towards

Ephesian, boon companion

epicurism, luxury, excess

equally, justly, impartially

Erebus, place of darkness, hell

erected, active, attentive

ergo, therefore

eringo, aphrodisiac sweetmeat

erne, grieve

erst, formerly

escot, support financially

espial, spy

estimable, appraising

estimate, valuation, value, repute

estimation, value, thing of value, esteem, reputation, conjecture

estridge, goshawk

Europa, carried away by Jupiter who had taken the form of a bull

event, outcome, issue, result

evidence, evidential documents, title-deeds

evitate, avoid

exception, objection, dissatisfaction

exclamation, loud reproach

excrement, growth (of hair)

excursion, rush, passage of arms