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leman, sweetheart, lover

lengthen, delay, postpone

lenity, gentleness

leno, pimp, pander

lenten, meagre

let, hindrance; to binder, forbear, cause

Lethe, river in Hades; to drink its waters gave forgetfulness

level, aim, line of fire, range; to aim, guess

liable, subject, suitable

liberal, accomplished, humane, abundant, free in speech, unrestrained, gross

lie, to lodge, stay, be still, in prison or in defensive posture

lief, dear

liege, sovereign lord

light, frivolous, unchaste, swift, easy, merry, trivial, delirious

like, please, be in good condition

liking, bodily condition

limbeck, distilling vessel

limber, flexible

lime, cement, catch with birdlime

limit, prescribed time, time of rest after childbearing, region; to appoint

limitation, allotted time

line, rank, Equator, cord for taking measurements; copulate with

linger, prolong, defer

link, torch, lamp-black

linsey-woolsey, woven material of wool and flax, hence medley, nonsense

linstock, forked stick holding a gunner’s match

list, limit, bound, barriers enclosing tilting ground, desire; to please, choose

lither, yielding

livelihood, liveliness, animation

liver, supposedly the seat of love and strong emotion

lob, bumpkin

lockram, linen cloth

lodge, flatten, beat down

loggats, game of aiming small logs at a fixed stake

long, belong

loose, unattached, negligent; moment of arrow a discharge, last moment

lose, to ruin, forget

lover, friend, mistress

luce, pike as heraldic device

luggage, baggage of an army

lune, fit of temper, of frenzy

lurch, lurk, rob

lure, dummy bird for recalling hawk

lust, pleasure, desire

lustihood, vigour

lusty, merry, lustful, insolent, boisterous

luxurious, lustful, lecherous

luxury, lust

lyam, leash

maculate, stained, impure

maculation, stain, impurity

mainly, with force, greatly, perfectly

majority, pre-eminence

make, mate, husband or wife

making, form, appearance

malapert, saucy

malkin, servant wench, slut

mammer, hesitate

mammock, tear to bits

manège, art of horsemanship

mandrake, poisonous plant believed to shriek when pulled up

mankind, resembling a man, violent, ferocious

manner, stolen goods found on a thief

mansionry, dwelling-place

map, picture, embodiment

mappery, map-making

marches, border country next to Scotland or Wales

marry, (as an exclamation) by (the Virgin) Mary

Mars, god of war and patron of soldiers

mate, rival, checkmate, destroy, stupefy

material, important, forming the substance, full of sense

maugre, in spite of

maund, basket

mazzard, head

maw, gullet, stomach

meacock, coward, weakling

meal, spot, stain

mean, something between or intervening, middle, medium position, tenor, alto; to lament; humble, moderate

measurable, suitable

measure, a stately dance; tune; to measure

mechanic, labourer; practical, manual

mechanical, mean, vulgar; labourer

Medea, escaping with Jason she tore to pieces her brother Absyrtus, scattering his limbs in her father’s path to delay him; restored the youth of Jason’s father, Aeson

medicinable, healing, medicinal

medlar, fruit eaten soft and pulpy; prostitute

meed, reward, gift, merit

meiny, company of retainers, multitude

mell, to meddle

memorize, make memorable

memory, memorial, memento, remembrance

Mercury, messenger of the gods

mere, sure, absolute, unqualified, only

merely, simply, entirely

merit, reward

mess, dish, portion, group originally of four persons eating together, set of four

metaphysical, supernatural

mete, measure, aim

metheglin, spiced mead

methinks, it seems to me

method, table of contents

micher, truant

mickle, great

microcosm, little world, man considered as epitome of the universe

milch, in milk, tearful

mince, to extenuate, moderate, affect

mineral, mine

Minerva, goddess of wisdom

minimus, creature of tiniest size

minion, favourite, darling, harlot, saucy creature

Minotaur, devouring monster dwelling in labyrinth of Crete

mirable, wonderful

mirror, model, pattern

mischief, misfortune, injury, disease

misdread, fear of evil

miser, miserable wretch

misgoverned, unruly

misgovernment, misconduct

misgrafted, badly matched

misprision, contempt, mistake, misunderstanding

misproud, arrogant

missive, messenger

mistake, take, undertake or deliver wrongly, misjudge, blunder, feel misgiving about

misthink, think evil of

mistress, the jack at bowls

mobled, muffled

mockery, imitation, futile action

model, architect’s plan, mould, copy

modern, everyday, commonplace

modest, moderate, satisfactory, becoming

modestly, without exaggeration

modesty, moderation, avoidance of exaggeration

moiety, half, share, small part

moldwarp, mole

mome, blockhead

moment, cause

monster, make a monster of, show as monstrous

monument, sepulchre, effigy, portent

monumental, memorial, commemorating

mood, anger, outward appearance, mode

mooncalf, misshapen creature

moonish, changeable

mop, grimace

mope, move blindly and stupidly, be bewildered

moral, morally fabled

moralize, interpret, explain

mort, note on a horn at the death of the deer

mortified, dead to the world, deadened, destroyed

morifying, mortal

mose in the chine, suffer from glanders (a horse disease)

mot, motto

mother, hysteria

motion, motive, puppet show, puppet; to propose

motive, cause, instigator, instrument, moving limb or organ

mould, earth

mountainish, barbarous

mouse, tear, bite

mouse-hunt, woman-chaser

mow, grimace

mulled, thick, heavy

mummy, dead flesh, medicinal or magical preparation from this

muniments, furnishings

mure, wall

murrain, plague

muse, wonder

muset, gap

muss, scramble

mutine, mutineer; rebel

mutinies, riots, civil disturbances

mutiny, strife, quarrel

mutual, common, intimate

mutually, in return, together

mystery, trade, profession, skill