Daniël turns as quickly as he’s likely being able to.

“Use your hands to support your legs, so you can really open up.” Steve presses two fingers

against Daniël’s relaxed opening, going in with one smooth move, spreading out a little bit to make

room for the third one. His lover had told him over and over how he enjoyed the feeling of being

stretched. Showed him many times more.

Steve, fully concentrated on the needs of his lover by now and no longer touching his own

erection, watches Daniël’s face until he sees the expression that tells him pleasure is so close to pain,

the boundary between the two becomes translucent like a membrane.

“Please, let me come. I need to come,” Daniël moans and he tries to spread his thighs even

more, yielding himself; his eyes staring into Steve’s. There are no secrets, no pretences, no lies. He

tries to push himself further against Steve’s hand. Sweat dripping from his brow. His cock is now a

deep red, throbbing in need. His testicles look full to the bursting. But he keeps his hands where they

are. “Tell me to come. Please, Steve, let me come for you.”

For a split second, Steve wants to reach out with his free hand, knowing that a few strokes will

be enough. He would be mad not to want it, but he doesn’t give in to it.

“Then come for me.” Four simple words.

It’s all Daniël needs.

He grimaces and tenses up and shudders and trembles and moans and gags and grinds his teeth

and drools and cries and comes and comes and comes and ...

To Steve, there could not be a more beautiful sight in the world.

He can’t blame himself for touching his cock and bring out his own orgasm. Thick strands of

come land between Daniël’s still widespread thighs.

Somehow, he finds himself in Daniël’s arms, cleaned up, warm and safe.

A smile. A soft kiss on his lips. Nothing more.

Chapter 19

“You think there are paparazzi outside?” Steve asks while resting in the circle of Daniël’s


“I guess there’s always a few, temporary ceasefire with the club or not. Why? You’re planning

to go out? I mean, if you want to …”

“Not particularly.”

“Good, because I want to spend the next two days spoiling you rotten in every way possible

before we have to deal with everything we have to deal with.”

Steve snuggles even closer, inhaling the scent of his lover. “Spunk and sweat. Didn’t realise

how much I missed it until now.”

“I know I could do with a shower, I smell pretty rank,” Daniël admits shamelessly.

Steve knows Dan’s right, but he doesn’t care.

“Care to join me?” The suggestive undertone in Dan’s voice is unmistakable.

Of course Steve would love to, but he isn’t sure how long he’s able to stand without support

and what if the floor is too slippery and what good would he be to ...

Realistically, Daniël isn’t really able to read Steve’s mind, but he comes pretty close because

he gets up and says, “I’ve got something to show you.”

The change is in the details, but those details make Steve’s eyes wet with tears while at the

same time he can’t stop smiling. The floor has been made non-slippery, there are some strategically

placed handles so he has a firm grip no matter where he stands, a simple but comfortable stool in the

shower stall: it all speaks of well-thought out care.

“They did a great job, didn’t they?” Daniël beams. “I asked Matthew to hire someone who

knows about these sorts of things so it will be good and safe for you when you take a shower.”

Steve can only nod and smile and not cry.

“Want me to wash your back?” Daniël asks, standing very close to Steve even though there’s

room enough for him not to. But then, why shouldn’t he?

“Thank you.”

Steve has said ‘thank you’ a lot of times in recent weeks, and many of those times it was in

situations he wasn’t really thankful for, although he always appreciated that someone was kind, or at

least professional enough to perform any particular task for him. But this thank you is as real as the

man tactfully supporting him so Steve’s able to keep standing on his feet just a little longer. And those

few minutes are sufficient for Daniël to get a good feel of Steve’s body while getting him nice and

clean. The sheer luxury of time and privacy is something he doesn’t want to get complacent about, but

he also knows he’s all too human in his tendency to forget to count the small blessings.

“Tired?” Daniël asks.

“Lost in thought but yes, also a bit tired.”

Daniël helps him on the stool. “I’ll finish quickly and perhaps you can rest a bit while I prepare

dinner. Sounds good?”

“Good? Sounds perfect.”

There is something to be said about sitting comfortably in a well heated shower stall while

watching your gorgeous lover washing himself, Steve muses. Good strong erection too on the boy, or

perhaps man would be a better word in this case.

Daniël notices the direction of his gaze and gives his cock a bit of extra attention while, with

mixed success, trying to keep a wicked grin from his face. “You’d like me to jerk myself off while

you’re watching?” He cradles his scrotum in one hand, forms a fist with the other one and pumps up

and down a few times.

Steve’s voice isn’t really as stable as it sounds; he’s just very good at pretending. “Since when

do you need to ask me that?”

“So hot, your eyes on me,” Daniël breathes. “Fuck, so hot.”

“Show me what you usually do...did...in the hospital shower ...Please, Danny ...”

Daniël closes his eyes, but Steve knows it’s not to shut him out. It even gives him a chance to

study the face of his beloved, so concentrated in lust it makes the boy grimace in a way that would

almost be comical if not for it being so honest and bare in its vulnerability.

This is no longer a show or a kinky fantasy. Daniël is standing in that hospital shower, fucking

his own hand in equal lust and frustration; biting his lip close to bleeding to keep himself from

making any noise. Steve knows this beyond any doubt.

“Daniël, please look at me.”

The boy opens his eyes.

Even in his orgasm he’s silent.

“I’m sorry...I’m so sorry ...” The words stumble over his tongue. “I was back in the hospital

and I watched you die and I couldn’t let that happen. So it didn’t happen. I wanted to touch you, but

there was almost nothing left unbroken and I tried to imagine it was you touching me, and that didn’t

work either. So I jerked myself off out of frustration and missing you so much I thought I was going to

throw up with it. And all I wanted was giving you a bit of real life porn to look at.”

Steve gets up, praising the cleverly-placed handles once more, and takes him in his arms; the

boy sighs like a lost child finding home again. “I asked you, remember. What fantasy could be more

beautiful than the truth on your face?” Steve places a gentle hand against Dan’s cheek.

After a few moments, Daniël reaches for a big, fluffy towel and wraps it around Steve. “Do you

wonder too how long it will take us before we’ve left the hospital for real?” He dries himself

methodically and puts on his clothes before he helps Steve.


“Not much we can do about that now. I guess it takes time. What about we leave it for now,

and concentrate on dinner in say an hour or two? Is that enough for you to get rested?”

“It depends on what you have planned for the rest of the evening,” Steve jokes.

“I’m all for a little improvisation. No nurses, no visitors, no nothing but you and me and this

whole weekend to do whatever we please.”

“There is something I would perhaps like to try. But, after dinner.” Steve hears in his own