and I felt drained but happy.

Afterwards I kissed him some more and stroked his hair. He drew a heart on my sweaty chest with his

fingertip and then pulled his blanket up to cover us both and snuggled against me.

“I’m so happy I feel like my heart will explode,” he said and he took my hand and put it on his chest. I

could feel his heart pounding. “I love you so much, I can’t believe we actually finally did it. It was even

better than I’d imagined.”

“I thought about this a million times,” I laughed. When I started kissing his throat, he said: “I don’t want

to be away from you anymore Michael. I want you to get your stuff and move in with me or I’ll come live

at your place. We’ve wasted enough time being apart from each other, what do you think?”

I thought about it for a second but this was not the time to have any doubts. “I’ll get my stuff and move

in with you. I don’t have so much junk so it’ll be easier to move things,” I said.

“You really will?”

“You sound surprised, I told you that I’m choosing you. Once I’ve told dad, it’s pointless to keep things

a secret anymore. Besides I don’t want to be away from you anymore either.” He kissed me and tousled

my hair.

“There is one thing… When I move in here, I’m going to do some serious cleaning. You’re such a pig

David,” I laughed.

“And you’re totally neurotic Michael, but that’s what I love about you. Now do you mind getting up and

making me some coffee like you always did back in New York?”

“You mean the coffee we drank in the morning while we pretended not to have given each other a handjob

the night before? Those were some awkward mornings.”

“But the nights were pretty good, even though you were too freaked-out to fuck me.”

“I’ll make up for that,” I said and got out of bed to make some coffee.

We spend the rest of the day making out, ordering pizza and then having sex again. The second time was

even better. We spend hours just kissing and teasing and David gave me the wettest, hottest blow-job that

I’d ever gotten. I almost choked on my own need as he took me in his mouth. Finally I started fucking him

again. We made it last this time, it seemed like an eternity. I’d never felt so connected with anyone during

sex. It was like I’d been broken and was finally glued back together in all the right places.

I lived the whole week in absolute bliss, waking up next to David and rushing to his place in the

evening. We decided that we would go to our parent’s place the next Sunday to tell them. I tried not to

think about that moment but to enjoy the days as they came.

Brad noticed how happy I was when I came in to the office on Monday. He caught me at the coffee

machine in the hallway. “I recon you’ve talked to David?” he asked. I dragged him to my office and

closed the door so that nobody would hear us talk.

“I talked to David… Actually we did more than talk,” I said.

“So you are finally together for real?” he asked.

“Yeah we are, we’re telling my dad and Juliette this Sunday. I’m kind of nervous about it. How do you

think my dad will react?”

“He’s probably going to be shocked, maybe angry, you know how he loves his families’ reputation.

He’s probably going to give you a speech about your reputation at the firm… But he’ll get over it


“I sure hope you’re right,” I said.

“Come on Michael, lighten up. You’re finally together with the guy you’ve loved for ten years. You’ve

been waiting for this for all those years, don’t let your dad ruin things.”

“You’re right. It is amazing to finally be with David and not just the sex. I’ve never been in love with

anybody but him. It’s like I’ve had a hole inside my heart that finally got fixed.”

“Good, Christine will be very glad to hear that.”

“Are you sure she’s okay with this? I haven’t spoken to her.”

“It’s a bit unconventional to know that your brother and stepbrother are getting it on, but she’s a very

open-minded women and she wants you both to be happy. And for me, it’s really none of my business who

you fuck. And we’re friends right, not just brothers-in-law or colleagues, so I want you to be happy too.”

“Thanks Brad, you don’t know how much that means to me,” I sighed as he padded my shoulder and left

the room to get some work done.

That evening on my way to David’s place, I called Glenn. I hadn’t spoken to him in a couple of weeks

and I longed to confide in him.

“I’ve got to tell you something,” I told him in a serious voice as he picked up the phone.

“Let me guess, you’ve finally gotten over your daddy issues and you’re fucking your stepbrother every

night now.”

“Yeah I am,” I said.

“Well good for you, I always thought he was smoking hot.”

I told him everything, about our big fight and me breaking David’s nose to the way it felt to fuck David for

the first time.

“I can’t believe you never actually did it before,” he said. “I thought you’d been doing him for years. In

fact all our friends think that you and David have been fucking for years.”

“I never dared to, before. I thought the world would come to an end if I finally gave in to my feelings.

We just gave each other hand-jobs in the dark and I was so embarrassed about it that I could have died,” I


“If my brother looked like your stepbrother I might do the same,” Glenn snickered.

“So have you talked to Remi lately?” I asked.

“Yeah, I have. He’s coming to New York in May. And guess what, he’ll be staying for a couple of

months, as long as you can stay on a tourist visa. We’ve been talking on Skype for hours each week and

we want to see if we can make it work.”

“Glenn, that’s great! I never imagined you falling for a guy, but I’m really happy for you both. Remi is

such a great friend.

“You and David should come to New York when he’s here. Then we can hit the nightlife with the four

of us. I know how you and David love dancing together,” he laughed.

“We’ll come to New York, I promise.”

When I reached David’s apartment, he was waiting with dinner. A bottle of expensive champagne was

standing on the table. “Why the champagne?” I asked.

“I’ve got a new job. I’m going to work for Hoffman’s law firm, starting next month.”

“That’s great,” I said and hugged him tightly. “But then you are not coming back to work for dad?”

“It doesn’t seem like a good idea to go back to the firm now that we are together. The whole firm

doesn’t have to know right away.” A surge of relief went through me. I had actually been afraid that he

wanted me to tell the whole firm that we were sleeping together. That would certainly drive my dad over

the edge. If dad even wanted me to still work for him once we’d told him. We could always move to

Paris I thought. Nobody knew us there.

“Thanks for being so thoughtful,” I said and kissed him. “I’m really happy for you that you have a great

new job.” It felt so natural to hold him in my arms, to feel the warmth of his chest through his shirt, to be

able to put my hands on his ass without thinking. This was all worth it after all.

34. Confronting dad

On Sunday morning I was so nervous that I secretly threw up in the bathroom before we drove to our

parent’s place. We’d both dressed impeccably, like we were going to an official event. I could see that

David was worried too; he hadn’t slept well and kept fumbling with his hands. We didn’t talk in the car

until we drove up in front of the house.

“Well, here goes,” David said while he tried to force a smile on his face.

“I’ll do the talking,” I said and bend over to kiss him before we got out of the car.