warmth, feeling his back against my chest as he was resting against me. I could smell his aftershave and

the delicious smell of his body mixed together with the food smells in the house. When he laughed about

some corny scene in the movie, his body jerked against mine. I had a hard-on the entire time and kept it

pressed against his back.

After the movie we had some drinks and I let David drink from my glass. It was getting late by now and

my dad and Juliette went to bed and half an hour later the twins went upstairs too. We were left with Brad

and Christine. We talked some more about dad’s big party and about their wedding plans. Then David got

up to get another bottle of wine in the kitchen and Christine went with him.

“You sure look happier than usual,” Brad said smiling as he nipped from his glass.

“I am happy,” I said and looked at him.

“Because of David?” he asked. I tried to read from his face what he meant with that remark. After a

second he explained himself: “Because you are not fighting so much anymore?”

“Yeah I’m happy because of that,” I said. Christine came back in to the room with David.

“I’m really tired,” she told Brad and they went to bed as well.

“We’ll go to bed soon,” I said before they left the room and then Brad threw me an insinuating look.

David and I were left standing next to the Christmas tree. “Thank you for the present,” he said when we

were finally alone.

“I looks great on you,” I said, “Thanks so much for the watch too.” I was silent for a moment and

studied him. I couldn’t resist saying: “You really do look amazing in that sweater.” David started

blushing, he tried to stroke past his hair, the way he always did when it was still long.

“No really, I meant it David. You look… hot actually.” The blush spread from his face to his throat and

upper chest. I raised my hand and traced his neck and his bare collarbone with my finger. Touching him

like that was giving me goose bumps.

“Your hair is growing back nicely too,” I said and brushed his arm with my other hand. I could feel he

was trembling. I didn’t know what to do next. “Do you want to sit down and watch an old movie?” I

asked. “I think they are showing this ancient black and white thing with pirates.”

He nodded and I dimmed the lights in the room so that the Christmas lights in the tree and the TV screen

were the only sources of illumination. We sat down on the couch watching the movie, but soon we slid

down in our familiar position where he was laying in my arms. I looked at him, his eyes where huge with


“You are the most beautiful guy to me,” I said while I traced my fingers across his chest. “I’m so happy

that we haven’t been fighting for a while now. I couldn’t stand they way things were between us a couple

of months ago. I know that I’m not always the easiest guy to be around but I really missed you…”

“I love you Michael,” he said and he wrapped his arms around my back, holding me tightly. “I’m so

happy that we are talking again. I thought I was going crazy when you were in Paris… I missed you so

much. There were nights that I was awake for hours, just hoping that you’d call me. And then when you

came back you seemed so far way. I didn’t know what to do…”

I brushed my finger across his lips, shutting him up. This whole scene was so familiar; it was like we

were back in New York again on the couch in my apartment. All those nights we shared there, full of need

and desire, never going as far as we both wanted. And I wanted him so much right now, wanted to finally

touch him again, to make sure that he was still mine after all this time. I let one of my hands slide

underneath his sweater to touch his bare skin, which felt warm against the palm of my hand. He jumped a

little when my cold fingers made contact. I stroked his side, feeling his ribcage underneath my fingers. I

traced my hand across his flat stomach and finally put my open palm on his chest, just above his heart. I

could feel his heart pounding like a drum, in sync with my own. My heart was beating so fast that I could

feel it in my throat. My muscles were stiff with tension. We were both breathing heavy. I felt his hot

breath on my face. It would be so easy to catch his mouth with mine.

“I want you so much right now,” I confessed in a strained voice. He sighed: “Just do it Michael,” and

his mouth reached to catch mine. I hesitated for a fraction of a second but then I kissed him, really kissed

him for the first time. My lips brushed against his lips, they were softer than I’d imagined, and then our

mouths really locked and I French kissed him hard. He opened his mouth underneath mine and nothing

could have prepared me for this kiss, it was hotter than anything else I’d experienced until now; hard and

soft at the same time and sweet and strong mixed together. It was like raw power, finally finding a way to

free itself. I tried to feel every muscle, every fiber of him underneath my hands while I was kissing him. I

rubbed my hands across his ribcage, his strong shoulders, trying to melt in to him. I kneaded the muscles

in his broad back and traced my hands across his abdomen and chest. His nipples were hard underneath

my hands and I felt like ripping off his new sweater just to take one in my mouth. His smell was

intoxicating, all desire and pheromones. While we kissed I could feel the slight stubble on his upper lip

and his cheeks, he’s shaved hours ago, the softness of his lips and behind them the hard sharpness of his

teeth. I’d let my tongue explore his mouth like I’d never done before, tasting him, kissing him so deep that

we could both barely breathe. His tongue mimicked the movements of my own. He growled softly, deep in

his throat while he worked on freeing me from my clothes. His hands had tucked my shirt from my pants

and were clutching me from behind. His nails dug into my back as I kissed him, leaving marks. He was a

lot taller and stronger than my last lover Remi had been and the iron force with which he held me was

overpowering. My bare abdomen was touching a strip of his warm skin and it felt like I was burning. My

crotch ached, such a sweet pain, and I pushed against him hard, driving him deeper into our parent’s

couch. We moved slightly so that I was really on top of him and we could rub our dicks together through

our pants. I could feel his restrained hard-on through his trousers. The friction alone was almost enough to

make me come. I broke our kiss to suck in some air, he was panting beneath me, and then I moved away

from David’s mouth to his throat. I kissed and sucked on the delicate flesh below his jaw. He arched his

back and pushed himself up against me.

“God, Michael… ,” he moaned softly in my ear while wrapping one of his legs around my hips and

enclosing me tightly. “Just keep doing that,” he whispered as he ground his hips against mine and I let my

hands slide down to grab his firm ass.

Then we both heard someone stumble on the stairs and we got up in a flash, both still heaving. It was

Brad, coming in to the room. I recognized his footsteps. He turned on the lights without thinking. I shied

away from the light. Brad looked over at the cough and saw us sitting there, looking totally disheveled.

David’s pupils were huge with desire, his lips were swollen and tender. My shirt was half opened and

my hair tousled.

“Fuck guys, sorry, I didn’t know you were still up,” Brad stammered. “I was awake and I wanted to get

a coke from the fridge in the kitchen.” David just nodded. We could both tell that Brad felt uncomfortable,