behind my back, resting his head on my shoulder. I could feel him sob against me just once. I stroked his


“I’m not surprised he hit you,” he said muffled. “He was always fucking jealous of you anyway.”

When he lifted his head again I saw that there was a dark spot on my T-shirt. David pulled out his phone

from his back pocket.

“I’m calling him right now,” he said resolutely.

“Do you want me to leave the room?” I asked. He shook his head.

“No you can stay.”

Then he started dialing and Chris picked up. He’d been expecting this call.

“I’m here with Michael,” David said and he put the phone on speaker so that I could hear what Chris

would say.

“Michael’s face looks all fucked up and he told me you did it.”

“Did he tell you why?” Chris asked.

“You tell me,” David said.

I could hear Chris breathing heavily on the other side of the line. There was no way he could talk himself

out of this.

“Your brother caught me doing something I shouldn’t have.”

“Like fucking someone?” David said dryly.

“It wasn’t like that at all,” Chris said. “I was just caught in the moment and I made out with this other

guy. It didn’t mean anything.” He paused, “You know I love you.” David sucked in air through his teeth.

“If you love me then why didn’t you just tell me? You didn’t have to punch my brother in the face.”

“I’m really sorry about that…He got me all worked up,” Chris said. “You know what kind of asshole

he can be, you told me yourself.” That last line hurt me more than the punch in the face.

“Fuck you,” David yelled into the phone “You mess up my brother’s face because he catches you

cheating and then it’s his fault because he’s an asshole. Am I to feel sympathy for you now? You’re out of

your mind! You know nothing about Michael.”

“I know enough about him to know that he’s a jerk,” Chris yelled. “And you’re pathetic David,

worshipping this asshole like you do!”

“I don’t want to see you anymore,” David yelled back.

“Well good,” Chris said. “ I’m bored with you anyway. You’re such a good boy David, all the time! It

makes me sick. Maybe that’s why your brother can’t stand you as well.”

David hung up. He was looking thoroughly shaken. “Do you want to sit down?” I asked and he nodded.

“I’ll get you some coffee,” I said and walked to the kitchen. Meanwhile my thoughts were racing. “Had

he really told Chris I was an asshole?”

When I came back into the living room he was sitting quietly on the couch.

“I really liked him,” he said. His eyes were wet. I felt my heart twitch seeing tears running down his


“He said he loved me.” I sat down next to him.

“I love you,” I said. “Even though you think I’m an asshole.” He put his arms around me again and

buried his face against my neck.

“I didn’t mean that,” he said muffled. “You know you are everything to me.”

As soon as David was single again we fell back in to our old routine. He came over all the time to

watch DVD’s. Again, we were always looking for excuses for him to sleep over at my place. It’s amazing

that we’d still managed the restrained not to fuck like bunnies because that’s obviously what we both

wanted. Still, I was feeling so fucked-up that I didn’t allow myself to do more than touch his dick when

we were really drunk.

Then one night when we were watching ‘Pitch Black’ together, David loved Sci-Fi movies, and

drinking whiskey straight from the bottle. It was best to get drunk when I was around him, it was the only

way I wouldn’t constantly feel guilty about what I wanted to do with him.

We’d been sitting on the couch, his body pressed against mine and I had my arm around his waist. We

both knew where this evening was heading again, another night of repressed feelings and messing around

in my bed.

Just as the scary alien creatures where chasing Vin Diesel, he got down on his knees in front of me and

started unbuttoning my jeans out of the blue. We’d been drinking the whole evening together, but not so

much that I’d already lost my self-control completely. I put my hands over his hands to stop him.

“What are you doing?” I asked hoarsely. He looked up at me. Strands of his long hair were falling over

his face. His cheeks looked flushed. I knew exactly what he wanted to do.

“We can’t,” I said, my voice sounding strained. He bent over and kissed my hands before pulling them

away. I let him. I wanted him to do what he was about to.

“ I really want to”. His voice sounded a little slurred. He’d been pouring down those whiskey shots fast

enough to be bolder than usual. He reached down next to him and grabbed the half empty bottle from the

floor and took another deep swig from it. I took the bottle out of his hand and swallowed a mouthful too.

He continued unbuttoning my jeans and then reached to touch my dick through my boxer shorts. My dick

was rock-hard and already some pre-come had made a darker stain in my grey boxer shorts. He started

tugging on my jeans to pull them further down. I took another deep drink from the bottle. The world was

starting to spin. My groin ached to establish contact with his hand again. He pulled down my boxer shorts

in a fluent move and let his lips brush against my rock-hard dick. I sucked in air through my teeth. It felt so

good, it almost hurt. Then he took the whole throbbing, burning thing into his mouth and started sucking me

off. My brain was melting. I couldn’t think of anything else than the feel of his mouth, his tongue, and his

hands that were on my ass. I’d never gotten a blow-job without using a condom before and the silky wet

feeling of this mouth felt better than anything I’d ever experienced before. I was so deep inside of him that

it was amazing that his gag-reflex hadn’t set in yet. Within minutes I started to come and I couldn’t hold

back, no matter how hard I tried to make it last. My hands were tangled in his longish hair and I pulled it

hard enough to rip some strands out of his skull when I came. My hips bucked forward and I was almost

choking him but there was nothing I could do. I was moaning out loud and I could think of nothing else but

pleasure until David pulled my dick out of his mouth to breathe. Some of my come was dripping out of the

corner of his mouth; he brushed it away with his hand and swallowed down the rest. Then he reached for

the whiskey bottle and took a swig to get rid of the taste.

I fell back on the couch, my pants down on my ankles, heaving like crazy. He was looking up at me,

disoriented. We were both silent for a couple of minutes. It seemed liked those minutes were stretching on


“Fuck,” he finally said and he stumbled to get up. I got up too and pulled up my pants. I didn’t know

what to say and neither did he.

“Maybe it’s better if I go home tonight,” he said shaking. He walked to the other side of the room to get

his jacket.

“Do you want me to call you a cab?” I asked. I was feeling all torn up. I was starting to freak out again

and I wanted to be alone, but I didn’t want him to go at the same time.

“I’ll walk,” he said. “The fresh air will do me some good.” I nodded. He rushed to the hallway. I guess

he was freaking out more than a little too.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay?” I asked half-heartedly. He pondered my question for a second

but then shook his head and left.

16. Working for dad

After this evening, I decided to move back to the West coast to work for my dad a little earlier than

planned. I couldn’t face David anymore. Of course we both pretended to have been too drunk to