When we came in, the sound was deafening at first. A skinny guy wearing nothing but a black jockstrap

and chains was dancing on a little stage in front. The club was quite small and from the entrance, which

was higher up, you could see the entire dance floor. The smell of sweat, aftershave and beer was

intoxicating and the soles of my shoes stuck to the floor when we walked down the stairs to the dance

floor. The audience was a little older than what we were used too, most people were over thirty, and right

in front of us two heavy muscular guys were making out. Leathermen and other masculine subsets were

cruising and dancing to the heavy beat.

After ordering a drink at the bar we walked to the dance floor and started dancing too. Some guys were

already eyeing Glenn and he loved it. The music was some loud European house beat, which I hated, but I

could feel the beat go through my entire body and it was hard not to dance. Just as I was starting to feel

relaxed because I knew I would never find David in a place like this, I thought I saw Chris.

From the corner of my eye I saw a big blond god-like guy making out with a darker dude. They were

really getting it on and both didn’t see me gleaming at them to get a closer look. The blond guy was

sticking his tongue deep into the other guy’s throat and his hands were below the other guy’s shirt. Just

when I thought I could get a good look at their faces some people started dancing in front of me and all I

could see was their backs as they headed away from the dance floor.

I could see the two guys talking the side entrance outside. Glenn looked at me and shouted over the


“What’s wrong?” You look like you’re not having a good time.”

“I just think I saw someone,” I said.

“Not your brother again?” Glenn laughed. “You always seem to have such a good time with him.” He

looked at me intensely and I was afraid of what he was thinking. Probably by now he though I fucked

David after each of our mutual club nights.

“No not him,” I said brusquely. Glenn handed me another beer. Then fifteen minutes later the blond and

dark-haired guy walked back inside. The dark hair-one looked like he’d just had sex, the satisfied look on

his face gave him away. I looked the blond one right in the face. Although I had seen Chris only a couple

of times up until now, there was no doubt in my mind that it was him. I’d seen him a month ago for the last

time when I walked into him and David when I was on my way to Glenn.

“Shit,” I said.

“What’s the matter?” Glenn asked.

“I think my brothers boyfriend is here too and he just went down on another guy.” Glenn raised an


“And your brother isn’t here?”

“No,” I said. “That bastard just cheated on him.” Chris had started kissing the other guy fiercely again.

Glenn peered at the dance floor to get a closer look and at that point Chris looked up and saw us

standing near the bar. I could see by the look on his face that he’d recognized me immediately and that he

was quite startled to see me.

He rushed over to us to talk me out of telling David that I saw him making out with another guy. He

looked sweaty and nervous when he was standing in front of me.

“Hey,” he said trying to sound casually. “I didn’t know you were here too.”

“I guess you didn’t,” I said sarcastically. “Where’s my brother?” I asked him smiling. “Does he know

you’re here?”

“I’m hanging out with friends,” he said.

“I guess you’re doing more than just hang out,” I snarled. “You do this more often? Hang out and fuck

other people behind my brother’s back?” My voice was raised now and Glenn put his hand on my arm. I

knew he was afraid that I would punch Chris in the face. I knew that Glenn would back me up if I got into

a fight with Chris, but I tried to control myself. I didn’t want to make a big scene in front of other people.

“I’m not fucking behind David’s back,” Chris said.

“What would you call this?” I asked and pointed at the dark-haired guy who was staring at us from a

safe distance.

“I don’t even know that guy,” he said. “I just met him.”

“So you fuck strangers a lot?”

“It’s not like that,” he said.

“Then what’s it like? Please enlighten me,” I said. “Because David is not going to like the way I

explain things to him now.”

“Don’t,” he said and he looked worried. “It was just a blow-job, nothing more.” He looked almost

begging now. “I don’t want to hurt him.”

“Fuck you,” I said. “Have you done this before?” He shook his head but his eyes looked guilty like they

were screaming “Yes, I fuck other guys all the time!”

“He has,” Glenn said with a cynical smile. He looked at me. “You should tell your brother.”

“Shut up,” Chris yelled to Glenn. “This doesn’t concern you.” Now he looked like he wanted to smack

Glenn but he didn’t. Glenn was looking brooding and dangerous.

“I love Michael and Michael loves his brother,” he said. “So yeah, it does concern me.”

“Fuck both of you then,” Chris yelled. People were starting to stare at us now. “It was just a blow-job,

it didn’t mean anything.”

“It will mean something to David, you douche bag!” I yelled back at him. “You think he’s going to like

you fucking around behind his back?” I whipped out my phone. “Let’s call him now and see how he feels

about this!” I yelled.

“Shut the fuck up,” Chris yelled and tried to grab the phone from me. And then, when I started dialing

and put the receiver next to my ear, he took a swing at me and punched me hard in the face. I could see

stars for a moment, blood was trickling down my chin. I never knew how much it could hurt getting hit

like that. Meanwhile, I felt triumphant too because he would never get away with hitting me in the face

with David. Glenn was clutching my arm so that I was still standing up and he was yelling at Chris to fuck

off. The big bulky bouncer was now storming in and dragged Chris away from us. I just had to laugh. This

was also ridiculous, it felt like we’d ended up in a bad movie. Glenn was getting me a really cold beer

that I could keep pressed against the left side of my face which was already starting to swell.

“Jeez what a jerk, he said.

“Are you okay? Nothing broken?”

“I think I’m fine,” I said and I knew that I was okay because now David would be mine again.

The next morning back at home, I took a picture of my black eye with my camera phone and send it to

David. The message just read: “Ask your bf.”

David called me a minute later and I told him Chris and I had been in a fight and that he should come over

to my place. He was there within thirty minutes. When I opened the door he looked shocked at my bruised

face. To be honest, it did look pretty bad. Chris really knew how to punch a guy. I let David into the living


“What happened?” he asked and I could see his hands were trembling a bit. He knew that it would be


“Did you see Chris after last night?”

“No,” he said. “He went to see some friends yesterday and he didn’t come to my place afterwards.”

“He wasn’t seeing friends,” I said. “He was out scoring some guy in a club. Glenn and I caught him

with his dick hanging out.”

David’s eyes started to water. He knew I wasn’t lying.

“When I confronted him and said I would call you he punched me right in the face,” I said. David got

closer and slightly brushed his hand against my swollen face. It hurt and I flinched.

“I’m so sorry,” he said and looked heartbreaking sad.

“You don’t have anything to be sorry about,” I said and hugged him.

“I’m sorry that I had to tell you he’s no good.” For a moment I meant it. David clutched his hands