Each morning, he would bring dad, me and the other guys in the offices down the hall coffee, just the

way we liked it. During long evenings at the office he would be the one to order Chinese food for me and

the other guys who had no social life as well. Although my dad and me didn’t like to admit it, David was

an excellent lawyer who worked hard. At that point David was still obeying my dad’s order like a little

puppy-dog so my dad and him got along quite well. The other colleagues all liked David of course and

sometimes he even went out for drinks with some of them. I vaguely recalled that they’d asked me to come

too when I just started working at the firm but of course I’d been too busy working.

David and me hadn’t been so close together in the same building for whole days since high school and

now that we were, I was torn between the same mixture of annoyance and desire.

Although David and I now saw each other every day, we still didn’t talk much during the week. But

then there were the weekends…

17. Such a perfect day

Each Sunday David, Christine and I spend at our parent’s place. There were dinners and barbeques and

Sunday-cocktails. On those days it was especially hard for me to keep my feelings in check.

When it was hot outside David and I would be in the pool just like in high school. The twins would

prefer to stay inside, glued to their PlayStation, and Christine would never get into the water as well. She

didn’t like to get her perfectly brushed hair wet, but she did enjoy sunbathing on the lawn. Sometimes we

did that too. The picture of David that I had next to my bed, the second time I was in Paris, was taken on

one of those Sundays.

That day during dinner, I’d been in a very good mood. We’d won an important case that Friday and both

dad and me were cheerful and less verbally abusive of David than normally. My dad actually gave him a

compliment about some work he’d done for a client and David radiated with joy.

David had just bought a new digital camera. It was a very small shiny Nikon and he loved it. He’d been

taking pictures all day; of Juliette in the kitchen, of my dad firing up the barbeque, the twins hanging out,

Christine lying on her sun-bed and me. Well, of me mostly.

After dinner, David took some more pictures of Christine who was lounging in her frilly red and pink

bikini with big sunglasses on. She looked like a movie star with those sunglasses. Then he took some

pictures of me as I jumped into the pool theatrically.

“Put the camera down,” I yelled to him from the water, “Just come in.” He did. He jumped in too, just

to splash me, and then dove up. His longish hair clung to his face and I moved closer to stroke it away

from his forehead. My throat was dry when I looked at some of the water drops that were sliding down

his chest. I wanted to bend over and lick those drops away. In stead, I pushed him over and dunked him in

the water like we did when I was sixteen. His strong arms grabbed me when he was underwater and

pulled me down too. For a moment we were both below the surface. His arms were around my waist. I

didn’t want to come up again because then he would let me go. But then, I couldn’t help but struggle for

air and we both resurfaced to take a deep breath. We both swam to the side of the pool and just hung there

for a moment, clutching the poolside and panting.

The sound of him breathing hard sounded so intimate, like I’d heard him catch his breath in my bed

sometimes when we were still fooling around. I wanted David so badly that moment I couldn’t resist

making a move. Christine was reading a thriller and didn’t pay us any attention. I took his wrists in my

hands and pinned him to the poolside tiles. He looked surprised but smiled.

“I surrender,” he said and when he tried to wriggle out of my grip I held him faster. Our chests were

now touching. Blood was rushing through my entire body, going south and giving me an enormous hardon.

It had been months since I’d fucked anybody for the last time. I couldn’t help but push myself against

him. We were now so close that our bellies were touching too. His skin was smooth and slippery against

mine. I focused on his eyes and tried not to think about fucking him right there in the pool. It was

impossible. He pushed himself against me so that our dicks were rubbing together. I felt really horny and I

imagined coming on his wet chest, ejaculate dripping in to the pool. He looked at me with a very serious

look in his eyes and then kissed me. His lips were soft and cold against mine.

It was a sweet little kiss that could have easily led to more but then Christine looked up from her book

and yelled “Michael you’re practically strangling David, let him go!” I let go reluctantly. When I loosened

my grip on David’s right wrist he stroked his hand past my hip and then my dick. His eyes were gleaming.

“You should swim a couple of rounds before you get out,” he said smiling. I knew he meant I shouldn’t

show my hard-on to the entire family. It was the first time he’d ever made a remark about something like


“Yeah,” I said hoarsely and started to swim.

“I should probably do the same,” he said and pushed against me a final time. I could feel he wanted me

just as bad too.

After half an hour or so in the pool, without touching and focusing on court cases and my dad, I was

able to get out of the water without a boner. David got out too and wrung out his hair. His camera was by

the poolside and I picked it up. I shot that picture of him there, the one that I kept next to my bed in Paris,

where he was standing in front of the pool and looked so beautiful.

We sagged down on a big towel on the grass together. I was finally getting a bit of a tan and David was

too, although he was never as pale as I am. Our sides were touching on the towel and I could smell the

chlorine from the pool in his hair, mixed together with his own delicious scent as he was drying up. I

picked up the camera again and shot some pictures of him as he was laying there. He smiled at me.

“Let me take some of you, I look terrible.”

“No you don’t,” I said and when he reached to get the camera I pinned him right arm against the

towel and took another picture of him.

“Let’s make some together then,” he said and I lay down next to him. We both held the camera and took

a couple of goofy head-shots. The pictures showed us smiling or making faces to the camera. Then he took

me by surprise and licked my cheek just as I clicked the camera. I was so startled; I didn’t know what to

say. He’d never done anything like this before where our family could see it. But I was in such an excited

mood to be with him that, for once, I didn’t act like a jerk right away. In stead, I grabbed his chin so that

he couldn’t move his head and planted a kiss on his nose as I clicked the camera. The picture turned out to

be blurry, but you could still see David’s handsome smile well enough.

Then the twins came into the yard to hang out and I put the camera down. I didn’t want to move away

from David though. I folded my arms behind my head and tried to enjoy the sun, while David put his head

in the crook of my arm. His hair had dried up now and his long curls were itching my face. I didn’t want

to move to brush away his hair. Everything was perfect now. I wanted this moment to last forever. We

both fell asleep on the lawn. When we woke up because it was getting chilly, David’s arm was draped

over my chest and I had the worst sunburn.

18. Finding new ways to hurt each other