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D — condom — презерватив

Е — defecate — дефекация

F — ejaculate — эякуляция

G — erection — эрекция

Н — excrement — экскременты

I — female genitals — женские гениталии

J — fornication — половой акт

К — group sex — групповой секс

L — homosexual (female) — лесбиянка

М — homosexual (male) — гомосексуалист

N — illegitimate child — незаконнорожденный

О — lecher — распутник

Р — male genitals — мужские гениталии

Q — pimp — сутенер

R — the posterior — ягодицы

S — pregnant — беременная

Т — prostitute — проститутка

U — sanitary napkin — гигиеническая прокладка

V — semen — семенная жидкость

W — sexual arousal — сексуальное возбуждение

X — sexually fixated — сексуально озабоченный

Y — toilet — туалет

Z — urine — урина

Группы слов [31]

1 — chamber of commerce, comfort station, facilities, jake, lav, leakery, pot, sandbox, whiz stand

2 — long tea, sis, tail juice, zing

3 — chuck a turf, chart, drop a load, grunt, make a deposit, post a letter, squat

4 — brown round, cow риску, doo-doo, duty, hockey, jank, poop, yackum

5 — back door, bim, blot, bogey, brownie, caboose, cheeks, clunes, derriere, duff, dummock, gigi, hind, hunkers, khyber pass, nates, prats, pucker hole, round eye, rump, sewer, tush

6 — bunch punch, choo-choo, club sandwich, crew screw, everythingaton, fuckathon, mongolian cluster fuck, orgy, round pound, swing party, three way

7 — back door, bake potatoes, bend some ham, brown, bugger, chocolate speedway, dig a ditch, fluff the duff, greeking, making roundcake, pop it in the toaster, ream, rectify, saddle up, third way, tom-f иск

8 — boon dagger, butch, fluff, gal boy, jasper, margie, ruffle, rug eater, sappho, sister, sergeant, tootsie, wolf

9 — angel, bandit, bent, bun duster, capon, cannibal, cowboy, daffodil, daisy, dandy, gobbler, gentlemiss, lisper, lavender boy, lily, meat hound, nance, pansy, punk, quiff, queen, rear admiral, swish, three-legged beaver, twinkie, turd burglar, wonk

10 — academy, band box, beaver base, cake shop, can house, fish market, fuckery, house of all nations, ladies' college, nunnery, sporting house

11 — button broker, fishmonger, gorilla, mack man, missionary, ponce, runner, toute, whiskin

12 — bangster, bimmy, bird, broad, bunny, chippy, coffee grinder, company girl, crack salesman, cruiser, fast woman, ferry, flash pot, garbage can, guinea hen, harpie, hay-bag, livestock, merry-legs, moth, nockstress, old rip, piece, puta, quail, sister of mercy, strumpet, tart, toffer, zook

13 — animal, basher, belly bumper, bluebird, casanova, cock hound, cocksmith, don juan, fleece hunter, fox hunter, fuckster, goat, grouser, horseman, ladies' tailor, mr. hornet, parish bull, prigger, ranger, rider, rounder, sexpert, sexual athlete, sportsman, swinger, tad, tomcat, tummy tickler, womanizer

14 — captain standish, flagpole, horn, irish toothache, mean-on, morning pride, prod, rail, rod-on, rock python, spike, stand-up, stiff, throbber

15 — balloon, cheater, diving suit, eel-skin, fear-not, gasket, port said garter, raincoat, sheath

16 — cock-happy, canny haunted, cunt-struck

17 — blotty, bulging, cockish, dripping for it, frisky, fuckish, gamy, hairy, horny, humpy, in the mood, itchy pants, juicy, moist, pruney, randy, ready, rooty, turned on, up, wet

18 — a bit of jam, ball, bananas and cream, basket making, batter, beef, belly ride, blanket drill, board, bore, bottle, bounce, bury the bone, bush patrol, cane, charge, climb, come across, cover, crack it, cram, cream, cut, diddle, dip your wick, do a push, dog, ease nature, fix her plumbing, flop, get a piece, get home, get lucky, get one's oil changed, get some, go vaulting, grease the wheel, have, hide the ferret, hock, invade, irish whist, jink, job, joy ride, jump, knock, know, leap, lob in, make it, mate, mess around, mount, mug, muss, nail, nub, park your yaht in hair harbour, peel one's best end, peg, pile, pin, plow, plug, poke, pop, pound, pump, quimsticking, ram, roasting the broomstick, roll, rock, roger, root, roust, rumble, salt, score, scutz around, secret services, shaft, shake the sheets, shoot one's wad, setup, sink the sausage, slip into, spoil, squeeze and squirt, stab, strum, tear off a piece, thread, throw a leg over, thump, tiff, tooling in the woods, tumble, twiddle, vitamin F, wap, what mother did before me, work out, yard, yentz

19 — bandage, cunt rag, flag, man hole cover, window blind

20 — bagged, belly up, clucky, coming fresh, fragrant, gone to seed, have dumpling, in a family way, in pod, m trouble, loaded, p. g., shot in the giblets, storked, stung by a serpent, up and coming, with squirrel

21 — apples, bangers, big brown eyes, bon-bons, guavas, handful, hand-warmers, headers, headlights, hills, howitzers, loaves, love bubbles, lulus, mammets, meatballs, mountains, muffins, nature's fronts, nodules, nubbles, orbs, pair, paps, peepers, pips, pumps, sandbags, set, spuds, stuffing, tooters, twofers, upper deck, warts, yabbos, zeppehns

22 — altar of love, bearded clam, black bess, bull's eye, bunny, bush, canal, cat's meat, cavern, chocha, cleft, cockpit, cootch, cunny, donut, fish tank, fort bushy, furburger, gap, gash, gate of haven, happy valley, hatch, honey-pot, hot box, Irish fortune, itching jenny, jaxy, keyhole, lather-maker, locker, love tunnel, manhole, meat, mound, muff, naf, nest, nooky, notch, oven, oyster catcher, pelt, pie, playpen, poontang, prick purse, quiff, rose, screw-hole, slot, snatch, socket, toy shop, trench, tube, twat, vertical smile, wooly-booger, yum-yum

23 — big bang, cream, drop your load, fire a shot, get wet, number three, spend, squirt

24 — baby food, buttermilk, chism, cream, crud, duck butter, fetch, glue, honey, hot milk, jam, jizm, load, man oil, marrow, ointment, oyster, slime, spendmgs, spew, spume, spunk, stuff, tail juice, wad, white blow

25 — arm, baby-maker, beef, bald-headed mouse, bathtub eel, bird, bayonet, beef, blade, broomstick, bush beater, candle, carrot, crack haunter, cracksman, carnal stump, chicken, crook, dipstick, dagger, dearest member, ding-dong, dummy, down-leg, eel, end, family organ, fish, forefinger, foreman, gun, gadget, gravy maker, grinding tool, gut stick, hair splitter, hammer, horn, hairy hot dog, jigger, johnson, joint, joy stick, key, kidney cracker, kielbasa, king member, knob, ladies' delight, life preserver, little brother, lizard, lob, long john, love dart, love muscle, magic wand, marrow bone, master of ceremonies, meat, member, milkman, my body's captain, nimrod, noony, old blind bob, one-eyed wonder worm, pile driver, pin, pipe, pocket rocket, pointer, pork sword, prong, pup, rudder, rupert, st. peter, shaft, shmock, silent flute, skin flute, snake, staff, stick, sword, thing, tickler, tool, uncle dick, vomiting cobra, wazoo, weapon, whistle, willie, worm, yosh, zubrick

26 — accident, babe of love, bachelor's son, bar steward, bastard, born out of wedlock, bye-blow, chance child, misbegotten, natural, out-child, side wind, squeaker, whoreson, yard child

Ответы: A7, B21, C10, D15, E3, F23, G14, H4, I22, J8, К6, L8, M9, N26, O13, Р25, Q11, R5, S20, Т12, U19, V24, W17, Х16, Y1, Z2

А теперь для самых внимательных: обнаружили уже, от какого из перечисленных выше терминов производится название нашего родного города Питера? Нет? «Пилите, Шура, они золотые». В смысле — ищите дальше. [32]


(а должен был быть эпиграф)

Все, что хорошо начинается, кончается плохо.

Все, что начинается плохо, кончается еще хуже.


Это народные варианты названия предмета или явления; мы нигде здесь не использовали заглавных букв — частью чтоб еще больше задурить читателя, частью оттого, что имена собственные здесь часто используются как понятия, а по понятиям — все с маленькой буквы.



Подсказка — см. Р25.