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“That was fun.” She giggled, tossing her head back.

Two hands clasped hers and held them. “Yeah it was,” Both men said.

The warm afterglow set in. Anneke closed her eyes for a moment only to doze off.

The next morning, she woke up still nude but on the couch with a blanket thrown over her. Slightly disappointed that neither man had offered to share his bed with her, she stood up, stretched and felt pain in her ass and between her thighs.

She licked her lips at the delicious feeling.

The scent of fresh coffee, dark roast probably, wafted through the air. She turned around to see Troy in the kitchen, three cups on the counter. Sunlight beamed in through a window, brightening the entire kitchen. She looked at the marble countertops, and noticed fine hardwood cabinets and updated appliances. Definitely not a bachelor pad.

“Morning, gorgeous. How’d you sleep?” Troy offered a smile that could melt her heart.

She picked up the blanket and wrapped it around herself. Padding into the kitchen, she studied Troy ’s face for a moment before yawning. Her hair must look like shit, but the desire in his eyes didn’t agree with her self image first thing in the morning.

“All right. But I would have slept better in a bed.” She nudged him in the ribs.

He leaned in for a swift kiss. His taste of mint toothpaste was mixed with his masculine sandalwood scent.

“Well, that’s the funny thing.” Troy scratched his head. “Actually my bed is broken, an accident of stupidity and too much beer, and I’m not about to share a bed with Bill. The old man moves about too much in his sleep.”

Laughter filled the room. “Someone say my name?”

Bill stepped into the kitchen.

Anneke turned around to see him dressed in jeans and a white T-shirt that showed off his broad musculature.

She licked her lips at the site of the two gorgeous men who had given her the ride of her life last night. “ Troy was just telling me about the loss of his bed.”

“Yeah.” Bill planted a chaste kiss on her cheek and reached for a cup of coffee. He handed it to Anneke. “Neither of us know how you take your coffee, but we figured you’d take time to teach us.”

She accepted the cup and brought it to her lips. It was black, which she’d grown accustomed to drinking at work.

She lifted an eyebrow. “You’re asking me to become a part of your life?”

Troy nodded.

She looked at Bill, who had a hopeful look in his eyes. “You see, the reason my ex invited me back into the bedroom when Troy was fucking her was that she believes I’m the more sensitive one while Troy is slightly more logical. It turned her on until she took a better job in a different part of the country two years ago and left us.”

“Seems rather odd.”

“Yeah, I had a way with the odd ones years ago. But now, we’ve got you?” His eyebrows rose.

“You both feel this way?” Anneke sipped her coffee, the bitter taste one she’d also grown fond of.

Troy nodded.

Anneke closed her eyes and lowered her head for a moment. Date two men who are absolutely crazy about her? Two men who were also not gay? Wake up to them on a regular basis, have the best ménage à trios of her life, or go back to her dull bullshit life where she had to hunt for a one man to satisfy her? Choices, choices.

She opened her eyes and smiled, taking each one of them by the hand and letting the sheet drop from her body. She stood there nude, nipples hard, pussy aching and ass sore from last night, a smile on her face. “I’m yours, boys.”

About the Author

Radio Host for Radio Dentata, BDSM Erotic romance author and passionate enthusiast, Sascha lives in Oakland California where every day is sunny and the weather is always gorgeous! He spends his time listening to death and thrash metal while writing romance novels. When he’s not writing, he’s listening to real estate education and motivational seminar material.

Email: [email protected]

Sascha Illyvich loves to hear from readers. You can find his contact information, website and author biography at http://www.total-e-bound.com/.

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