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Chapter Five

Bill wriggled an eyebrow and smirked.

She looked up the line of his body until she met his eyes. Steady determination met hers as he sat down on the couch and patted his lap. “Come here baby, bring that lovely mouth with you.”

Hesitantly, she crawled away from the mouth that occupied her pussy and settled herself over Bill’s thighs.

Troy ’s tongue trailed down the length of her leg until reaching the top of her stockings. “I love these. They’re sexy. You should model for us sometime.”

His voice was laced with an edge of more than just tonight, which pleased Anneke. She could do more than one night with these two if they were going to pamper her like this.

She heard a zipper slid down. Troy shucked off his pants and tossed them near the fireplace. A fire would definitely be romantic, but it’d be overkill on the first night with the two of them, she decided. Taking Bill’s cock in her mouth, she gave him a long hard suck that made him groan.

Pleased with herself, she popped the heat of his cock out of her mouth and sat up to look at Troy. She remained straddled over Bill’s thighs.

Standing before her completely nude, Troy had a build similar to Bill’s but a little less stocky. He was circumcised, dark hair covering his chest and groin but it looked well manicured. His cock sprang firmly forward from between two strong, well-developed legs. His six pack begged for her tongue while his nipples were tight buds.

Low slung balls hung from beneath his cock, shaved as well. He set a hand on a hip, tilted his head and grinned at Anneke.


She felt like a kid in a candy store. Two delicious men before her, both bent on pleasing her and not themselves? This was a fantasy come true.

Sliding off the couch, she straightened to her full height. Stepping back from the boys, she set a hand on her hip, shifted her weight so that she emphasised her breasts for them, then her hips tilted forward so she showed off the garter belt. Watching both pairs of eyes travel down the length of her body and back to her face again was a major turn on that made juices run down her leg.

“I could use another tongue in my mouth.” She crooked a hand.

“Nu huh. Turn around first and show me what Troy was so thoroughly enjoying.” Bill grimaced, his cock bobbing as he stood beside Troy.

Anneke blushed, heat creeping up her cheeks. She’d already been worked into a frenzy by both men and was annoyed that neither one had fucked her yet. But she spun around on one heel. Wriggling her ass, she bent over, touching her toes while aware that both men eyed her slit and asshole.

Who would take her first? She thought about reissuing the challenge she put out earlier. Were both men gay? That was a great line, she decided, but Troy came up behind her, nudging her pussy with his cock. “I want in you babe, you down?”

She slowly rose to her full height, purring and leaning against Troy ’s huge frame. “Yeah. I am. Wanna ride me, baby?”

Troy didn’t hesitate. Grabbing her by the hips, he bent her over carefully.

She griped the couch and waited, arcing her hips upwards.

The head of his cock brushed against her entrance, wet and hot. He was thick, his bulbous head protruding just between her slick lips.

She relaxed herself, opening herself up for him. “Come inside, baby,” she cooed, her voice a soft whisper laced with desire and dripping with sensuality.

In one thrust, Troy impaled her, burying his cock to the hilt while his balls slapped against her. “Goddamn honey, you’re so hot and wet!”

Both moaned in ecstasy from the contact. Finally! Filled to the hilt with cock!

But that left Bill standing behind them, jacking off.

“Bill,” she groaned as Troy pulled out and thrust inside her again, their hips slapping together hard in a motion that had sound echoing throughout the room, “you should be in my mouth.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice, honey.” Padding over to the front of the couch, Bill stood in front of her, his cock proudly jutting out from his body.

Anneke licked her lips and took him in one hand. She pumped him a few times and watched pre-cum ooze out of his slit.

“I like this.” She licked his cock, tasting the saltiness of his dick and covering him with her own saliva while Troy slowly pulled out of her.

He slid back in slowly, inch by painful inch, her body opening slowly to accommodate his girth. He was bigger than that previous asshole she’d fucked, that was for sure. And much gentler.

He took his time, thrusting in and out, grabbing her hips to steady himself until she’d worked up a rhythm between the two men that had them both moaning pleasurably.

Taking Bill’s cock in and out of her mouth while Troy fucked her took patience, but she managed. Cupping Bill’s balls, she tugged lightly while a finger probed between his cheeks.

His hips lunged forward, shoving him deeper down her throat.

She gasped for air, and he pulled back.

“I’m sorry, darlin’.” He pulled completely out of her mouth.

She looked at him, and their eyes met, his filled with lust and desire. She looked over her shoulder at Troy, who pumped into her slowly, his thrusts driving her towards the height of passion. Her climax seemed imminent if he kept a comfortable pace, but she craved both men inside her.

Anal sex wasn’t something she was new to, but both men had a rather large girth so this time would be tough. She bucked against Troy, taking Bill’s dick in hand and pumping him.

Bill set a palm on her shoulder, caressing her hair and stroking fingers down her cheek.

She smiled against him, a groan escaping her parted lips while Troy thrust. The two of them were very good. Could she come multiple times from them?

Bowing her back to take more of Troy inside her, Anneke opened her mouth and thrust Bill deep inside her, swallowing him to the hilt. Her jaw relaxed while his cock nudged the back of her throat. She ran her tongue up and down the length of his shaft, cupping his balls while Troy gently rocked against her.

Her orgasm built, starting low in her toes before reaching her calves, thighs, and finally crashing into her core with a fierceness that shook her entire body. She cried, bucking faster against Troy ’s cock and angling her hips so his every thrust continued to stimulate her throbbing clit.

Anneke moaned, sending vibrations up the length of Bill’s cock. Bill’s grip on her shoulders tightened. She withdrew him from her mouth, licking the pre-cum that coated her lips. “I like this,” she panted. Reaching back to pat her asshole, she nudged Troy. “One of you needs to be here.”

Troy slid inside her pussy with a hard thrust.

A shockwave of the next orgasm raced through Anneke but died down from the lack of continued thrusting.

Slowly, he pulled out. “I think,” he said with a ragged breath, “we can do that.”

Anneke patted Bill’s cock and stood up, stretching her arms over her head while thrusting her breasts out for Bill’s delight.

He licked his lips and stepped over the couch until he stood face to face with her.

Troy came up behind her, wrapping his fingers around her hips while Bill caressed her breasts.

Both men placed kisses on each side of her neck, sending more pleasurable sensations racing down her body towards her heated cunt. She threw back her head to enjoy the feel of Bill’s teeth scraping along her neck.

She was definitely enjoying this. Judging by the two hard dicks she stood between, the men were also equally happy. “Is this something you two do often?”

Troy ’s fingers tugged her hair lightly. “Nope, not in six months probably. Both of us work too much.”

Bill chuckled lightly, agreeing with Troy.

She patted Bill’s head while caressing Troy ’s hand on her belly. “What a shame. You two should have more fun.”