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Of course, if her friends had anything to do with it, it was for her own good.

“Sure. I’m game. Jamie can break.” Anneke retrieved a pool stick from the many on the wall then rolled it along the table to check its evenness. Satisfied, she glanced at Troy and Bill. “I like a straight stick.”

Troy smiled, his lips curving upwards in a wicked grin. “I appreciate a woman who likes them firm.”

Bill snickered and nodded.

Jamie picked up a stick and looked down the length of the wood. “It’s nice and hard.” She snickered, a blush reaching her face.

Bending over the table, she took careful aim, adjusted the stick between her fingers and punched the cue ball directly into the triangle formation, sending balls scattering everywhere.

“Balls on the table. Nice.” This came from Amanda.

Bill and Troy exchanged glances before Troy stepped forward to line up a shot. He sank a solid coloured ball into the corner pocket. “Girls are stripes, I guess.” He took aim on a ball near the side pocket.

Anneke waited for him to strike before she coughed.

As she planned, the ball just missed the side pocket, rebounding off the corner before slowing to a halt in the centre of the table.

“Now that’s not fair.” The grin on Troy ’s face seemed more devilish than innocent, Anneke decided. Still, the intensity of his gaze on her body radiated within her.

She snorted. “Like I’d cheat at a game I’m already good at. Besides, it’s not my fault that some men can’t handle their balls.”

“Oh babe, you’re mistaken there.” Troy gestured with his hips, a glint in his eyes.

Walking to Troy, Anneke licked her lips. She bent over the table, directly in front of him, giving him a view of her ass.

The moment his eyes roamed up the length of her body, the hairs stood on edge on the back of her neck. Still, she sank her shot with ease. Slowly straightening, she glided to another area of the table, bending over in front of Bill and giving him a great view of exposed cleavage.

He set a hand on his hip, and his tongue darted out over his bottom lip.

Anneke smiled and banked her shot against the opposing wall only to miss the corner pocket slightly.

“Aw, poor baby couldn’t handle the ball.” Troy snickered behind Anneke.

Anneke wiggled her ass and made a clucking noise before standing to face him. There was a note of humour in his tone that she found amusing. “No, I have great ball skills. Sometimes the stick’s not up to par.” She walked past him, running a hand over his well-muscled arm.

She swore Troy flexed his arm beneath the shirt for her benefit.

He lined up a shot, looking down the line of the stick. His lips turned upward in a little bow she found endearing until a wicked glint reached his eyes, and he sank his shot.

“Looks like I can handle my balls and stick.” He moved in for another shot.

“I like a man who can handle his stick.” Amanda chuckled in a low, throaty voice.

Anneke shot her a glare. Weren’t they supposed to be getting her that threesome?

For that matter, was Bill even interested?

Amanda smirked and waited for Troy to miss his third shot. She sauntered to the table and bent low enough that her breasts practically fell out of her top. She puckered her lips and kept her gaze on Anneke’s reaction.

Anneke snorted and pushed her own breasts upwards, adjusting them in the top she wore.

As if on purpose, Amanda missed her shot, a simple straight shot into the side pocket.

“Damn, I must be rusty.” She took a sip of her beer.

Jamie came around the table and wrapped a hand around Anneke, almost possessively. She stood on tiptoes and whispered into Anneke’s ear. “Are you interested in these two, honey?”

Anneke glanced at Bill, who was aiming his shot. The line of his body would fit perfectly against her if she backed up to the bulge in his pants. It also seemed that Troy had plans of his own with the way he stared at Anneke, but were the two of them friends enough to share a woman?

Anneke nodded and patted Jamie on the ass. “Yeah. We’ll see.”

Jamie shook her head and walked back towards Amanda.

“Another round?” Bill headed towards the bar.

Nodding, Anneke leaned against the wall and watched Troy take another shot. The man wasn’t bad at pool, she had to give him that. But his body was more interesting than his technique. She wondered just how well he handled himself in bed and grew aroused, the coil in her belly pooling heat between her thighs. Good thing she’d worn jeans tonight, otherwise she’d have wetness dripping from her pussy down her thighs.

She watched Amanda and Jamie take shots to clear the table before Bill came back with another round for everyone. He handed the girls their drinks, set one down for Troy and came back to hand Anneke hers.

She took the beer, their fingers touching, and a spark of excitement tingled through her. His hand lingered just a little longer again, as did the smile on his lips.

He was clean shaven and smelled of man. His closeness to her made her nose twitch. She took a long sip of the cool liquid before setting her drink on the table.

“Up for one more game, ladies?” This came from Troy as he took a sip of his beer.

Amanda shook her head. “It’s nearing my bedtime, and I know Jamie has to be up early, too. What say we take a rain check?”

Anneke frowned. “You girls dragged me out for two beers and an early night?”

“Aw, that’s no fun. We were just getting warmed up.” Troy came around to stand by Anneke. “How about you, gorgeous?”

She shook her head and frowned harder. “I’m afraid I’m the one who brought these two. I’d have to leave with them.”

“Well, that makes sense, I suppose.” Troy looked disappointed but managed to keep the hint of the seduction in his voice that had revved Anneke’s engine earlier. “Here,” he reached into his pocket and retrieved a business card. He flipped it over and handed it to her.

She took it and slid it between her breasts, licking her lips as she did so.

“Call me.” He winked at her.

Anneke walked to the other side of the table where Amanda and Jamie waited. “Sure will, cowboy.” She winked back. Taking a sip of her beer, she finished the last swig and set down the empty bottle.

Amanda and Jamie followed suit. Both set down their empty bottles on the shelf behind them before eyeing the guys.

“We’ll be here next week if you’re around,” Troy said to all three women but kept a heated gaze on Anneke.

“Oh, I plan to be.” She hugged Troy firmly.

His hand patted her ass lightly.

She tilted her hips forward and pressed against the impressive bulge in his pants.

She did the same with Bill. His hug was firm, strong. Just like his cock.

“Ready, girls?” Amanda extended her hand and waited.

Jamie and Anneke linked arms with Amanda before striding out of the bar and into the parking lot.

Anneke stopped when they were about three feet from the car. “Okay,” she spun around and glared at the other two. “What was with that?”

Jamie shrugged her shoulders.

Amanda coughed.

“You two drag me out for a few beers, with the idea of getting me laid, then bail out on me after two beers? What the hell?” She eyed them both warily.

Amanda stepped forward. “You could give us the keys and go back in there. I’m sure neither of them would mind.” Her chest stuck out proudly beneath her top despite it being a loose-fitting nightie.

“I could, and that’d leave me stuck with the two of them overnight. I have a big presentation in the morning, and I don’t care about it. But I think it’s kinda fucked up that you two appeared to be setting me up, don’t you think?”

Jamie yawned. “I think it’s about that time.”

Anneke glared at her.

Jamie frowned and looked at Amanda. Her expression looked like she’d just been caught.