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Sascha Illyvich

Trouble For Three

Caught in the Middle pic_7.jpg

To Michele, my editor, for putting up with my shit and making this a better story than when she got it. To my support, my pack. I love you all. Morgan as always, thanks for the kick in the ass. Kayelle, Kiernan, Francine, Stephanie, Seletta, Kaitlyn, and anyone else who put up with me while I suffered trying to write this book. Thank you.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Mazda: Mazda Motor Corporation

Laz-E-Boy: LZB Properties Inc.

Indianapolis 500: Brickyard Trademarks, Inc.

Chapter One

Anneke was so fucking through with this mess. Men like Jones were an incompetent lot, and there sure were a fuck load of them.

“Ugh,” she stormed around the office, aware of the lush furniture that complimented Jones and his seemingly expensive taste. In truth, she’d been with him when he’d made his last few purchases, all discount knock-offs of clothing and furniture that would make the average woman sick from the sheer amount of his cheapness.

But that was only one straw out of many on the camel’s back.

“You were fucking another man last night and that whore. What more is there to say?”

“But Anna, wait!” Standing, he reached out to her over his cluttered desk. His hair had been parted in the centre so that it curled upwards, showing off his dark skin, delicate jaw and soft features. Dressed in a power suit that showed off clean lines and a tailored appearance, he had the looks all right.

But she didn’t care. Anneke spun on a heel and marched towards the door. Reaching for the handle, she looked over her shoulder, an angry smirk on her face. “Fuck off, Jones. We’re through. Deal with it.”

She stormed from her former lover’s office. She started down the hallway, aware he was calling her name. She had no time for fools. Running a hand through her auburn hair, she lunged down another hallway until she came to the elevator.

The previous evening, Thom Jones had left her high and dry for the last time. He’d started off with some excuse about how he’d been busy until late at work, but she knew better. He was with that fucking whore of an ex of his-the woman who could probably suck a tennis ball through a garden hose. What was her name?


Evil bitch.

Not that Anneke could blame Jennifer. She’d met the woman once and realised within ten seconds that Jennifer was just as shallow as Thom. They’d be a perfect match for each other until the sniping started, and Jennifer realised Thom liked dick.

Oh well. Anneke stepped inside the elevator and vowed never to darken this doorway again. Tomorrow, she’d look for some excitement of her own. Tired of the same old bullshit routine of dating a man, fucking him if he was commitment-worthy, or dumping him if he was a slob, she decided what she really wanted was two men. Well hell, she actually seemed to need two men. One wasn’t enough for her, that much she’d found out early on.

Silence stopped her when she realised she’d quit moving and was no longer in Thom’s office. A male co-worker looked askance at her.

Anneke glowered.

The man stepped away quickly as if there were a threat.

Which, there was.

Leaving the elevator, Anneke picked up where she’d left off, heading towards the parking garage, a smile on her lips.

Yeah, two men.

She licked her lips at the thought-two men who would be solely focused on her pleasure, her experiences.

The last time she was with a man had been awhile. Jones had been something to pass the time but one couldn’t call what they did sex. More like a blind grunting monkey trying to find the proper hole with a pencil. Of course, the reality with two men was that they’d have to compliment each other as well as her.

Her head and heart were separate forces to reckon with. One man would balance out her emotional side. The other would be for her mentality. That’d be good. It was silly of her to think that she could get either of that shit from Jones.

Sure Jones was good looking, tall and dark skinned. But he wasn’t a real man. He was more of a bitch. Mainly because he’d said he was straight, but the way he’d been with her in the sack had been less than okay.

The two or three times a week they’d seen each other hadn’t sated her sexual desires. Nor was he there for her emotionally. The bastard was just like her mother, selfish and self-centred.

Her heels clattered along a set of concrete steps that led to the main floor of the parking garage. She huffed and shrugged her shoulders at the thought of Thom, his confused scowl implanted firmly in her mind as the last thing she had seen before storming out of his office.

But he was no more. After last night, she’d kicked him to the kerb just like she had her distant memories of bad parents. She’d worked fucking hard to get to where she was, and she was damn proud of it.

Fuck them all.

“You’re not even half as good as me!” Her scream made her feel slightly less angry, but Thom hadn’t heard it.

She wanted him to, not that it’d do any good.

Men like him were only interested in what women could do for him.

Straightening her shoulders, Anneke inhaled, exhaled and then marched her ass down a flight of stairs into the parking garage. Retrieving the keys from her jeans pocket, she clicked off her car alarm and opened the door to her red convertible. A Mazda, with plenty of horses for one little girl, soon purred nicely beneath her, exciting her. Hell, it was almost enough power that she wished the engine could be shrunk down and fit into her vibrator. Revving the engine, she put the car in drive and pulled out of the garage, spinning the tires as she sped out onto the highway.

Wind whipped through her hair as she hit the freeway, heading home. Her girlfriends would help her relax tonight with a bottle of whiskey and chick porn. That’d be an interesting night for sure.

Ogling hard bodies while making fun of bad dialogue with a few close friends would certainly put a smile on her face. That was a ladies night in, all right.

Amanda would have to come over with her latest stash. Anneke enjoyed how free Amanda seemed to be with her sexuality. The woman was full of stories. Who could blame her? Amanda was five-foot-four, curvy in all the right places and a fantastic kisser. Anneke had firsthand knowledge from a one night interlude that had involved too much whiskey and a lot of tears.

She sighed. Shifting the car into a higher gear, Anneke picked up speed. It was definitely time to relax.

The job had been stressful today. Clients had called from all over the country to bitch about rising prices on products they’d been ordering. Economic times were tough right now, but Anneke had reminded them that salesmen and women were the backbone of society and managed to calm quite a few fires. Still, it had stressed her out. She’d thought a few coffees during lunch had helped settle her nerves, until her boss pointed out that she looked high strung. She inhaled, exhaled and resumed her job with a modicum of tension.

But seeing Thom earlier had irked her. It wasn’t the bisexuality she hated, it was the selfishness he’d blatantly displayed.

Men like Thom were scum, she decided as she pulled onto the off-ramp and shifted into a lower gear while bringing the car to a slower speed.

A few minutes later, she’d pulled into her driveway, managed to drag her tired ass inside the house and strip off her clothes before heading towards the shower.