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“We intend to.” Troy nuzzled the centre of her back while licking a trail of heat up her spine.

The air smelled like sex and cinnamon, the spicy taste of jasmine now hanging in the room as well. Both mouths left her body. She started to whine until Bill took her hand and tugged her towards the couch. He sat down, his dick bobbing happily up and down.

“How did we do this, Troy?”

“Anneke straddle Bill, and I’ll come in from behind like we did before.”

She turned around to see the grin on his face. He was definitely excited, though the candlelight cast a warm glow around his skin, giving him a softer appearance. Their eyes met for a moment and locked.

She saw a flicker of where she could have her perfect boyfriends, at least for now. She wasn’t sure she wanted a serious relationship but now wasn’t really the time to debate that fact. The glint in Troy ’s eyes was nothing shy of sincere, just like the expression Bill often wore. She thought she had them figured out but…

A pat on her ass sent her forward. She gave Troy a mock glare.

“Well?” Troy shot her a wry glance. “I’ll be back in a moment.”

She set a hand on her hip only to watch Troy disappear down the hallway. Turning her gaze back on Bill, she saw him sitting with his legs spread with his cock standing straight up.

“Looks like you’ve got something for me.” She stepped between his legs then straddled him.

His hand went instantly to her hips while one of her hands stroked his cock. “Yup. Have a seat.”

“Don’t mind if I do.” She sank down his cock, feeling him impale her inch by slow inch. Her mouth hung open, head thrown back while her hair brushed the tops of his thighs. The fullness of his dick was a unique feeling, and the angle of his penetration was also different.

Bill half snickered, half sighed through gritted teeth. “You’re hot as hell, woman. I swear I could get used to this.” He shifted their weight so that he settled against the corner of the couch and was almost lying down. Anneke’s thigh brushed against his and the soft cushions.

Anneke lifted herself up and slammed down on Bill’s cock, a groan tearing from his mouth as she repeated the gesture. Her lips squeezed around his shaft, tighter on the up stroke, looser going down until she felt the tops of his thighs slap her ass.

He leaned forward, embracing her with his huge arms. She put a hand on his chest, fingernails twirling around the light tuft of hair on his chest. “You’re going to give me a second orgasm, baby?” She smiled, tilted her head and leaned forward to kiss him.

Their lips met briefly, his mouth curling upwards in a smile against hers. “Yes ma’am.” He flicked his tongue across her bottom lip.

She leaned forward, kissing him deeper. Something wet and warm wriggled against her asshole.

Anneke glanced over her shoulder, saw the full glory of Troy ’s nude body, his face buried between her cheeks. His tongue snaked up and down her crack before working its way inside her tight hole.

He pulled back from her and caressed her with two thick fingers.

She arched her hips to take in those fingers, her hole opening greedily.

They slid in, a cold wet solution forcing her muscles to clench around his fingers. He worked them in and out slowly with the rhythm of her stroking Bill’s cock.

Bill continued to groan, cupping Anneke’s breasts and taking their full weight in the palms of his hands.

She enjoyed the rush of pleasure that filled her when Troy’s fingers slid in and out faster, faster still until she thought she’d cream right there.

She cocked a brow up. “You gonna fuck me with that big cock of yours?”

Troy nodded. Standing, he stepped closer so that his cock brushed against her asshole. Slipping on a condom, he jerked himself a few more times before pressing the head of his cock against her tight entrance.

She shifted her weight to take him in while still keeping Bill’s dick inside her. Bracing herself against Bill, she bowed her spine upwards and relaxed her anal muscles to take in Troy ’s girth.

The head of his prick passed through her anal entrance.

She groaned, the pleasure/pain intensifying every sensation, including Bill’s thumb circling her nub. Waves of electricity pulsed through her body straight to her throbbing clit and made her buck forward. Rocking gently backwards, she helped Troy ease his dick inside her.

Her mouth remained open.

“One thick inch in,” she heard Troy mutter through gritted teeth. “You’re so tight, Anneke. Such a beautiful ass.” He patted her butt and began withdrawing.

“No!” Her anal muscles gripped his cock hungrily.

Troy hesitated.

“I want,” she begged, her breathy voice an indicator to her own ears as to how much she wanted to be stuffed by both men.

Troy pulled himself all the way out, paused and pressed his cock against her again. He slid in with more ease. The lubricant helped relax her even more while providing slight warmth.

Minor pain gave way to the pleasure of being filled so completely when Troy ’s cock was buried to the balls.

Both men shifted positions, still keeping themselves inside her. Anneke gripped the arm of the couch and rocked back and forth, the sensation of being fucked first in one hole then the other causing her orgasm to spiral quicker within her.

Bill’s mouth claimed a breast while fingers tangled in her hair and tugged lightly.

The feeling of both men fucking her, pumping into her helped her settle into a smoother rhythm, allowing her to concentrate on everything around her. The smell of hot cinnamon and apricot from the candles, along with sweat forming on her brow, kept her focused on the one thing she wanted most right now.

To come like a rocket!

Gentle thrusts picked up while both men fucked her, stimulating her clit from one angle or her pussy from another. She bobbed up and down, higher and higher as adrenaline coursed through her.

Gripping her hips tightly, Troy pumped harder, faster, sending heat from the many nerves in her asshole throughout the rest of her body.

Anneke shook. The build-up of another orgasm started low in her groin and spread throughout her body, causing her to feel lightheaded and warm.

A thin sheen of sweat covered Bill, and her hands slid along the smooth skin of his shoulders. She tangled her hands in his hair, yanking his mouth to her breast while his tongue worked magic that set her nerve endings in her pussy overload.

Troy ’s thrusting picked up again, his balls crashing against her ass while Bill continued to pump upwards into her.

Anneke’s screams of “Oh Gawd!” and “Fuck me!” filled the air along with both men’s grunting and groaning. Finally, Troy shot inside her, his cock quivering rapidly.

She threw back her head, yanking her breasts from Bill’s mouth. She cupped her chest, and rode both men higher into a zone where the only thing she saw were stars and rockets. Bill’s continued pumping slammed against her clit, slicking it up with pre-cum until he’d gripped her waist and came deep inside her.

She gripped both cocks with her muscles and squeezed the last bit out of each man before falling forward, her hair spilling over her back and Bill’s shoulders.

Tender fingers stroked her spine until those fingers met the tops of her legs and caressed the sweet spot where her thigh met her hips.

Soft kisses caressed her sweat-covered forehead while a pair of arms wrapped around her and stroked her hair.

Both men pulled out of her. Troy sat down beside her.

Bill adjusted himself so that Anneke sat between the two men, her pussy dripping cum.

Troy ’s cock was still hard, despite his release.

Anneke licked her lips at the prospect of another round with both men. Looking around, she brushed her hair out of her face. She leaned back on the couch sighed. Turning her head, she rolled onto her back and looked at both men, each wearing a satisfied smile on their face.