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Bill’s fingers continued to massage down her arms until he’d reached her elbows. Sliding his hands around her waist, he lifted up the hem of her shirt slightly and touched her cool skin with his hands.

She adjusted her weight against him to allow him to slide his hands up her back while kissing Troy ’s luscious lips.

Troy continued his oral assault on her mouth, pushing, nibbling on her lower lip while tugging at her lips to tease her.

It worked.

She pushed him back and let Bill’s hands lift off her top. Discarding it on the floor, she sat between the two men in jeans and bra while they were both fully clothed. “This is a good start!” Her eyes widened when Bill unhooked her bra.

“If you don’t want this, say so. We’ll-”

She turned around and seized Bill’s mouth with hers. Glad for respect, but damn!

Bill’s mouth wasn’t quite as pliable as Troy ’s, but it was just as delicious. He was more open, more submissive in his gestures, letting her take control of the kiss. His heady scent was a mix of aftershave and hay, a scent that she could certainly get used to while fucking his mouth with her tongue.

His five o’clock shadow nudged against her chin, his mouth parting for more of her tongue’s plundering.

Troy ’s hands found her breasts, capturing them between his large hands and rubbing the nipples in circular motion with his thumbs.

The sensation of his hands on her breasts sent electricity arcing down her body towards her throbbing clit. She was definitely soaked now!

Every nerve was primed for Troy ’s skilled touch. Hands squeezed her breasts while a hot wet mouth latched onto one and suckled hard.

Troy now lay halfway across her body, his mouth working her nipple into his mouth. He trailed his tongue over one breast, down her belly then back to the other breast without fully removing her bra.

She shivered against him and let Bill’s hands cup the back of her head. She pulled him in deeper for a kiss while a palm caressed his chest and fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. Once she popped one open, she worked her way to the next one, her hand caressing the light thatch of hair that covered his chest. She looked down at his musculature. Sure enough, he was built beneath those clothes. Licking her lips, she kissed a trail of fire down his neck.

He arched into her, his hands tugging lightly at her hair.

Troy ’s mouth found her belly and suckled her flesh.

Anneke giggled and licked Bill’s mouth while a hand snaked through Troy ’s thick hair.

Bill caught her lower lip between his and suckled, nipping before dragging his mouth down her neck, leaving fiery kisses in the wake of his mouth.

Anneke broke out in a sweat, her breasts heaving.

Troy took one in his mouth and suckled hard, sending more electrical pulses shooting towards her wet pussy.

She shifted her weight to accommodate his hot mouth. Hands reached for her waist band, tugging lightly at the zipper.

“I’d love to taste more of you.” He breathed hot air against her belly that sent heat pooling between her lower lips.

After undoing the button, Troy ’s fingers tugged the zipper down.

Anneke shifted her weight again, stretching out so she could kiss Bill more, feel his hands on her shoulders. She now lay on her belly, legs sprawled out behind her while her upper body blanketed Bill’s. Her mouth locked onto his while she lifted her hips upward to assist Troy in sliding her jeans off her legs.

“My, what long legs you have. And a sexy garter,” he pulled off her pants and tossed them aside. Lowering his body to hers, he kissed the small of her back, tugging on her garter.

Giggling, she arched her hips upward, inviting him to kiss her ass.

He caught the hint, placing heated kisses over the globes of her ass cheeks. His tongue swirled around one cheek, then the other, licking flames over her. Strong hands parted her thighs while his mouth licked between her cheeks.

Thank goddess, she’d remembered to shave earlier! His mouth felt hot, wet against her flesh, so good. So wonderful.

Bill’s hands massaged her breasts, catching her nipples between his thumb and forefingers.

She moaned while his mouth dragged down her throat and his tongue made circular motions over her collarbone.

Anneke arched her body into Bill’s mouth, enjoying the feel of his tongue sliding against her heated flesh. Her breath caught in her throat.

Troy had parted her ass and slid his tongue inside her asshole, practically fucking her with it.

She moaned, spreading her thighs even wider apart for easier access.

He slid a hand down the length of one leg, caressing the garter and stocking clad thigh. “I like this.”

She laughed, rolling her hips for his benefit.

Bill shifted positions beneath Anneke, pressing his cock against her belly.

She felt the huge bulge swell up and decided she needed a taste. Reaching for his pants, she unzipped him, popped the button and pulled his cock free. “Hmm, what have we here?”

Bill looked down at her, a smile growing on his face.

“My cock looks like it needs something.” he muttered, gasping when she took him in her mouth. He tasted of masculine salt and sweat.

Pre-cum oozed from the head of his swollen cock, tasting even saltier. She licked him up and down, twisting her tongue around his shaft.

He shook, lifting his hips up off the couch.

His cock slid deeper down her throat. She opened her mouth wider to accommodate his girth, taking more of him. She pumped and bobbed her head up and down, enjoying the feel of his velvety steel in her mouth while Troy ’s tongue worked in and out of her asshole.

Troy ’s hands kept her legs parted, slurping up and down around her anus before moving slowly towards her slit.

Anneke braced herself pressure from his tongue that never came. Troy ’s mouth pressed at her ass, his tongue sliding in and out, licking, swirling like her asshole was her mouth. He’d made sure to lubricate her well before she felt him pull out.

She practically cried from the loss of his heat against her, but the cock in her mouth pulsed and reminded her of the salty cum that awaited her.

She bobbed up and down, relaxing muscles in her throat to take Bill in deeper.

A moment later, she felt hands on her ass, spreading her and lifting up her hips. A tongue dipped inside her slit, making circular motions that forced a moan from her.

Bill groaned, tangling his fingers in her hair while he massaged her scalp with one hand and continued fondling a breast with the other.

Anneke lifted herself up, letting him squeeze her breast before she settled her body over his powerful jean clad thighs.

“I should remove these,” Bill said as he tugged at his jeans.

She didn’t want to move, the tongue in her cunt felt so wonderful, warm and wet while it filled her.

Still, Bill slid from underneath her and slipped out of his jeans, removing his shirt at the same time. He stood before her, his cock hanging large and wet between two large, well-defined thighs. He was moderately hairy, but a dark patch of hair covered the area around the base of his cock.

“You should shave that so I can see it all,” she giggled.