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[I wonder if that little girl ever recollected what she'd seen, and where she had been. It is not probable, yet when I arrived at manhood, suddenly recollected having felt the hair on a woman's cunt, and her thighs, and sniffing at the aroma — I must have been very young but perhaps not older than this little girl.

[The pleasure this woman had in my embraces seemed supreme, and the exudations of her cunt were great. She certainly under my tongue, finger, and prick spent five times in a couple of hours.]

Chapter XI

Luck. • Harry masturbated. • An orgy. • Two males and one female. • Bum-fucking intentions. • H. gamahuched by both. • Simultaneous masturbations. • Confession of sodomy. • Anus and pudenda plugged. • Sphincter and thumb. • Fucking cum cock-sucking. • H.'s unsated lust. • Champagne and repose. • Amorous exercises resumed. • Baudy ejaculations. • Fucked out. • Voluptuous eyes. • Balls handled. • Prolonged conjunction. • Finger and bumhole. • More repose and more champagne. • Erotic fury. • All exhausted. • Finis. • Reflexions.

In August I went abroad, returning in October. — Beyond a visit to a lapunar, there was nothing worth relating. — Indeed my fidelity was remarkable.

I had been but little to see H**** since the last youthful virginity was taken. Going there towards the middle of October on my return, she had much to tell me. She had quarrelled with the “mean cur” (Donkey prick) yet had not absolutely broken with him. Her other lover was dead. With a little pressure — for she was really longing to tell me — I found she had gratified Harry and herself by letting the lad fuck her, and was frightened of Donkey prick knowing it thro the possible indiscretion of the lad in keeping silence about what he must have been proud of — lucky beggar. — She de-scribed his prick to me, compared it with the donkey tool and her protector's, told me laughing how the lad behaved at his first fuck, and whilst we were talking this over, a letter came from Donkey prick which was brought by the lad who was waiting for a reply. With that instantaneous letch, and recklessness of consequences which when they come, come more rapidly than ever, “Show me his prick, let me see him,” — I said hastily.

The idea pleased her. “But I don't want him to know me.” “Keep your hat on.” — She would go and see him. I rubbed some black off a stove with my finger, darkened under my eyes, and made my eyebrows also darker and wider with it, put on a skull sleeping cap which I happened by mere chance to have in the pocket of my traveling suit, and also a pair of tinted glass spectacles which I had used on glaciers. Really I scarcely knew myself when I looked in the glass.

She laughed when she saw my disguise. She had written a letter to the Donkey whilst down stairs, and now thought for a minute. Donkey prick was going out of town. — Harry was to take the reply to him at the station, and dare not wait long to fuck her as I now suggested, or he perhaps might lose his place — Don-key prick being a hard master. — “I'll make him show his prick and make it stiff.” — “All right.” — On the landing she called him up into the bed room. — “Never mind this gentleman.” He was scared at seeing me. — Then what followed took place as quickly as I write this narrative of it. — All was unpremeditated by either of us, one letch leads to another, I follow blindly the promptings of instinct when in this concupiscent state.

“How's your prick, Harry?” said she. He seemed perfectly flabbergasted for a moment, looked at me, then at her. — “Is it stiff?” — “No it ain't,” said he — shamefaced in manner. “Show it me.” — “No” — said he very solemnly and looking but for an instant only at me. “Why? you know I've seen it.” — He grinned. “Do” — said I speaking in a husky voice “and I'll give you five shillings.” — H*** said. “There, show it, and I'll show you my cunt.” — He reflected — “I can't — if I don't catch him before the train, he'll sack me perhaps.” — “I'll give you a cab fare and here is five shillings” — shewing it. — H. then without more ado laid hold of him and pulled his prick out, he unresisting. “When did you fuck last?” — “Not since you,” said the lad getting bolder. — “Have you frigged your-self?” — “No.” — “Would you like to see my cunt.” — “Oh yes.” — She went to the bed and lay down on the edge. — “I'll give you half a sovereign if you'll let me frig you” for that letch now seized me. — “There's luck, Harry.” — He never looked at me, was engrossed with her and made no reply — his prick was not stiff.

H. pulled up her clothes. — At the sight of her lovely cunt quickly up rose his prick erect — a longish but thin article, perhaps to thicken, in a year or two — I seized and felt, then frigged it, he making no resistance and she inciting him. “Let me fuck you — do,” — said he piteously, as I found by a certain vibration of his belly that he felt the pleasure. “No. You get the half sovereign.” — “Open your thighs wider,” said I, “pull open the lips” — for I wanted to make him spend over her cunt. She saw my game. — “Is it nice?” — “Yes” — “Shall you spend,” said she. — “Yhes” — and his bum jogged. I felt him coming. “Bend forward, put your prick nearer her cunt.” “Oh let's fuck,” he cried as his sperm shot over her vulva, and I frigged till not a drop was left in his balls.

He put his hand to feel the lovely receptacle, but she arose and I gave him the money. “You take the letter and be off, or you'll catch it,” said she. — In a minute he was out of the room, buttoning up his trowsers as he went. She laughed. “Fuck me, dear,” said she going on to the bed, and shewing her mucilaginated vulva. — But I'd fucked her twice and couldn't again then, so without further word she frigged herself. — “Ain't we beasts?” said she as she washed her cunt. “No; I'll gamahuche you.” — “Do. I've not been fucked for a week. Phil's away, and I've quarrelled with Donkey” — as we now named him. — “But you've frigged your-self.” — “Of course, every night — I sleep by myself and read in bed till tired, then frig myself and go to sleep.”

[It was a great piece of luck this to me and the next time I saw H*** we talked over this masturbating frolic with the lad. She had been fucked by him twice, and the letch gratified, desired no more of him. But his youth and inexperience started in me a wish to see him fucking, to be in the room and then for us all together to do what we liked erotically. Before I left it had all been planned. The baudy episode — tho so long and prolix — is one of the remaining evidences of how this manuscript was originally written. It is too much trouble to abbreviate and I retain it nearly as it was written. It's the narrative of one of those erotic fren- zies, which come over women and men when together, and they are heated by wine and lust.]

On the evening about a fortnight after, H. looked lovely in laced chemise, crimson silk stockings, and pretty slippers. — As she threw up her legs shewing her beautifully formed thighs and buttocks, the chestnut curls filling the space between them, relieved by a slight red stripe in the centre, never had I seen a more be-witchingly voluptuous sight. Rapidly my cock stood stiff and nodding, tho I was a little out of condition. — What a lovely odour it had as I gently licked her clitoris for a minute. But we had other fish to fry. “Harry's here,” said she. I stripped to my shirt, then he came up, a tall slim youth now just turned seventeen. Quickly he too stripped, for he knew the treat in store for him. I laid hold of his long thin tool, which was not stiff, and he seemed nervous.

How strange seems the handling of another's prick tho it's so like one's own. “Show him your cunt.” — Back she went on the bed exhibiting her charms. The delicious red gap opened, his prick stiffened at once, and after a feel or two of his rigid gristle, I made him wash it tho already clean as a whistle. — I'd already washed my own. Then a letch came on suddenly, for I had arranged nothing — and taking his prick in my mouth I palated it. What a pleasant sensation is a nice smooth prick moving about one's mouth. No wonder French Paphians say that until a woman has sucked one whilst she's spending under another man's fucking, frigging, or gamahuche, that she has never tasted the supremest voluptuous pleasure. Some however had told me that they liked licking another woman's cunt, whilst a woman gamahuched them, better than sucking a prick in those exciting moments. But erotic tastes of course vary.