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I had thought her manners not those of a gay woman — but women are so cunning. — Soon after I had got this history which she seemed bursting to tell me, I'd frigged her into silence, her tears had ceased. The titillation of a cunt drowns sorrow, the frigging of a prick the same, and again my prober gently entered the tight warm sheath. Slowly at first then quicker we fucked ourselves into Elysium. It was delicious to feel the pleasure she felt — for she wanted it — lovely to lie up her afterwards, my prick revelling in the soft compression of her tight but mucilaginous cunt. Again she washed, again unasked got onto the bed.

Then our passions assuaged, and she made amiable by the fucking, I looked over her sweet body. It was two and twenty in perfection. — A gentleman whose prick had moistened many a cunt, a connoisseur in female beauty, should have ruptured her virginity, and not a man servant. — It was pearls to swine.

I saw no chance of a stiff again, yet cuddled her a while, making her put one knee over my haunch, then feeling from bum bone to clitoris, intruding a finger up the tight channel, hearing all again that the courier swore by God he'd marry her, how he showed his stiff prick, how she succumbed. She bled, and spent, tho not at the first fuck. He never took his clothes off, and she'd never been in bed with a man till with me now. There is great charm in eliciting these disclosures from a woman. But my pego remained dormant tho sausage-like. I got her to the bed side, looked at and felt, and smelt the little cunt without result. “I'm keeping you long.” — “Never mind, I'll stop as long as you like.” — Then in the bed again we fondled and frigged our copulating organs, till I made her lewed, which made me stiff, which made her happy and myself as well. — “Yes, I like it of course, it's only natural,” and again I fucked her.

She was overwhelmed with a couple of sovereigns, for I took great interest in her, ten shillings was all she'd received from men before. “Oh thank you, sir, I'm much obliged, I can live on it a fortnight.” I promised her as much if she'd meet me again. “I will if I can, that's all I can say.” She didn't meet me and I thought she wouldn't, for on parting she said “I mean to get to service if I can, I won't be gay.” — I wonder if she did, or whether fucking demoralized her, — to use an absurd term — for why call a natural, needful function demoralizing, — and she continued harlotting.

Early in June the weather became suddenly blazing hot, insufferable almost after prolonged very cold weather. At half past two one day walking near Somerset House, I became very thirsty, and up a narrow court seeing what appeared to be an out of the way, quite public house, I entered it and ordered iced sherry and lemonade. There stood at the bar two women, and a little girl not more than three years old. One woman evidently was the mother, a handsome creature seemingly about thirty, the other was old and evidently the grandmother. — I was very fit just then, had been chaste, and was feeling lustful stings, and the instant I set eyes upon the good-looking woman had a voluptuous thrill shoot through my prick. A strong letch for her came on, and I stood looking at her, wondering what thighs and cunt she had — when she'd been fucked last and a crowd of other amorous thoughts and wishes.

They looked fairly well to do but not ladies. The beauty was clad in silk slightly the worse for wear, but all her clothing was neat and modest. The child and grandmother as I soon found her to be, were dressed similarly. — They were talking earnestly and loudly, and went on doing so without at first noticing me, tho dropping their voices a little, and I heard much of what they said. They were drinking sherry, of which the beauty seemed to have had quite enough. — Her face was anxious, excited, and moist with perspiration, which however didn't much impair her beauty. The old woman besought her to go home, not to worry herself and all would come right. — He would certain be home in six weeks, or he wouldn't have written those letters — “Besides Mr. * * * * says he must.” I soon gathered enough to infer that they were talking about the beauty's husband, who had been away for some months.

Then my cock stood stiff and full as I stood looking at her lovely profile, thinking how she must want fucking if she'd kept chaste during her husband's absence. Had she been fucked — did she frig herself — how satisfy her natural passions, she healthy and in the prime of life? — I longed to speak to her and began playing with the little girl, gave her a bun, and at once the mother turning her lovely face round began chatting with me — the old woman saying at intervals. — “My dear you'd better go — I must be off or they will think something has happened.”

“It's hot.” — “Yes it's dreadful, sir.” — Then reciprocal incitements of lust began their play, both almost unconsciously — each stimulating the other by looks prompted by stiffening prick and moistening cunt — I'm sure that by touch of her flesh I can communicate my lust to a woman, that by gently squeezing the woman's hand, looking in her eyes and thinking of fucking I have made many a woman colour up or look lovingly, and half think I can do so by merely looking at her. — We looked full into each other's eyes smiling — suddenly she dropped hers as if something had crossed her mind, and when she raised them again, there was a soft, abashed expression in them, as if half in fear that I might have guessed her mental emotion, for emotion there had been. Had her cunt responded sympathetically to my prick? We chatted on, her eyes grew bolder, and at length we looked into each other's fully, and without speaking. — There was desire in hers, I saw plainly. Suddenly she turned towards her mother saying, “We will go,” and to the child, — “Come along, dear.” — The child peevishly cried, — “Oh carry me, mamma.”

She pulled a glove off and saying, “You are heavy,” stooped to lift her — I stooped and lifted her, anxious to get close to the beauty. — “Have you got her?” saying that I laid hold of her naked arm just above the wrist as it was under the child's bum, and a thrill shot thro me as our flesh met. She took no notice, but moved the child about saying how heavy she was, whilst still I softly held and pressed the arm. — “How you got her well?” “Yes thank you, sir” — our eyes met full again as I relinquished her wrist.

The child was restless. They had turned to leave, when “Oh, you're so heavy dear you must walk,” and putting the child down somewhat hastily it slid with its bum onto the floor. I stooped to help it up, the mother did the same, and again I laid hold of her wrist. There was no excuse for that now, but she said nothing, and again our eyes met. In hers I saw that my lust had roused her passions, that her quim was yearning for a prick, tho perhaps not for mine, whilst mine was throbbing for her cunt. The child cried, the grandmother coming round let it towards the door, the beauty said again, “Good day, sir,” and they were gone.

I saw no chance in following them and turned to the barmaid, a coarse tho good looking woman of about thirty. My throbbing pego made me long for her, — any available cunt at that minute would have had my sexual worship, and I thought of getting a venal fuck-stress. Talking to her I heard she wasn't married — wouldn't mind marrying, but not to be left for months like that lady who I'd been talking to and she listening to. — “Ah, she must want a bedfellow mustn't she?” — “Sure I don't know.” She looked knowingly at me whilst serving customers who came in, but still talking. “She looks like it.” — “Oh does she, I suppose you know all about it, she's had an extra glass and it's a hot day.” — I saw from the barmaid's eyes, that I had set her thinking about fucking. The first hot weather makes the genitals of most of us pleasurably uneasy, and long for companionship and conjunction. I fancied that the barmaid's cunt was inciting her to fucking at that moment. — A hot May they say makes virginities cheap. This was a hot June, and cunts were sweating with lust. I recollect that ten years ago even, my gland was quickly white with sebaceous exudations — the sign of full testicles — if I'd not fucked them empty the night before.