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Then she roused herself suddenly. — “Oh let me get up and wash or I shall be with child — I felt it just as you came.” — “Nonsense.” — “I'm sure I am, don't hold me” — and she struggled up. — “If you are with child, washing won't stop it now, but I'm sure it's non-sense.” — Passing my hand over the whole surface first I let her rise and wash, and got up to see her doing it. There she sat over the basin slopping her cunt and looking at her child asleep on the sofa. — “Piddle” — said I as she was getting up, and handed her the pot. — “Oho” said she as if quite disconcerted with my politeness, but she accepted it and pissed copiously. — “That's the sherry and lemonade. Wash it well.” — “I have well.” “Wash it again and then I'll lick your cunt.” — “Oho — what a man,” said she.

“But where is the tea?” — I hadn't really ordered any but now did, and went on talking baudily. I'd only had one spend, and seeing her wash her quim and piddle had somewhat swollen my prick again; so I lifted my shirt and showed it. — “Let me look at your cunt, I'm sure its lovely.” — “You've seen enough.” — “Only for a moment, let me, and I'll gamahuche you.” — For fear of awaking her child I had sat her down in a large arm chair, and kneeling in front of her had forced one hand between her closed thighs, begging her to show me her charms. — When the tea came of which both partook — for I was thirsty — she drank cup after cup. — “You'll soon want to piss again.” “Oh! what a mari — but tea does run through me quickly.” — We were getting sociable, a woman rarely is otherwise with the man who has just fucked her. — Then she got curious about me. Was I married? — I said. “Yes,” — thinking that the lie might suit her views and my object. — “One's just as bad as the other then — we are a nice couple.” — “We are, but no one but you and I will ever know of our fucking.” She shook her head solemnly but made no reply. — But the idea of my being married quite evidently pleased her much, for her manner got freer and still more sociable directly afterwards.

I wanted to know about her, but she refused to tell me more than that she hadn't seen her husband for five months, was married six years before — had a girl five years old at home — that she'd not had a fuck for five months she would “swear before God,” and that no one had tempted her. She rarely went out excepting to see her mother, so whispers about impropriety could not be uttered of her. Her husband sent money to keep them. “Tho but poorly, but enough with economy.” Then she must go, but I refused to let her — she objected, but I got on my knees on a pillow in front of her as she sat on the chair and my fingers again between her aperture. The position was difficult for frigging her, but by twiddling persistently and talking baudily, I roused her lust again.

She repeated that she didn't want to talk about that, but I did and used my choicest vocabulary, asking her to feel my prick which at first she wouldn't. — But soon that compound of wriggle, heave, jerk and retreat of her bum came on, which in all women is the first symptom of sexual pleasure. They can't help the movement. — “Now leave off, pray.” — I stood up then with prick like a horn. — “You shan't go till we have fucked again — feel it — you've felt it several times, what more harm in feeling it again?” Thoughtfully she felt it, and soon after was at the bedside with me. Standing there in silence we caressed each other's genitals. — I pulled her head to mine, intoxicated her with kisses whilst now frigging her gently, till yielding I got her lying at the bedside, threw up her clothes, then buried my mouth between her thighs extolling her beauty there. Nothing pleases a woman more, it lulls them voluptuously and makes them feel lewed when they hear their cunts praised.

Gently I then pulled her thighs wide apart whilst she lay silent — saw a full lipped handsome gap, hedged round and protected by a crisp and curly chestnut colored bush, a nubby clitoris shewed well out, a longish one, but with short nymphae; my finger curious for knowledge went up the warm avenue which my prick had not long left, and then my tongue laid on the little red bud, and rapturously licked it. — “Aharr — don't,” said she — I did not wish to fuck a fatigued cunt, so ceased the lingual titillation, rose and showed my standard. She pushed down her clothes, stood up and looked at the erection. I closed on her and kissed her — lewed to my marrow. — Whispering, — “Take off your clothes.” — “Oh impossible.”

“Then I will — if we are to fuck let's have all the pleasure we can” — quickly I stripped to my skin, whilst she contemplated me silently. “Undo your dress then dear, let me feel your breasts.” — She refused. — “I can't — suppose my little girl wakes.” — “If she does she won't know, listen how sound asleep she is.” She silently went to the sofa, looked at the child, and then took off her gown. — “Oh, your stays.” — “I'm frightened.” But she took them off and shewed a lovely pair of breasts. I kissed and sucked the nipples, feeling her cunt with one hand, her bum with the other as I sucked. — Then we mounted the bed, heartily she felt my prick in silence, I laid at once between her thighs and fucked a heavenly fuck.

“I'm sure I shall be in the family way,” said she in a whisper and getting off the bed so soon as my prick was out of her she washed quietly, the little girl slept still. — “Lay on the bed again.” She seemed more willing than before and yielded as if the voluptuous amusement was proper enough. We lay and talked, feeling each other, every now and then she getting up to look at her sleeping child. — “I'm so tired,” said she, “I was up all night, couldn't sleep thro a letter I'd got, and wrote to mother to meet me. I've been drinking today and am not accustomed to it or I shouldn't be here. — Oh! if it's ever known, I am ruined — I declare before leaven — I'd no intention. — If I'm in the family way what shall I do? — Do you live in London? you don't live near F*h*m do you? I hope not” — and she began to whimper.

I assured her I was only going to see a friend there and lived miles away. “All will come right but let's have pleasure now, let's see your bum.” — She would not. — “Well your cunt again, but I've seen that already.” — I soon saw both. We had been an hour on the bed, the child had once awakened, she'd soothed it to sleep again, and I don't believe the child knew I was in the room, for I laid quietly still naked, enjoying the coolness on that blazing hot day, when she'd got up.

She started up now saying she must be off — I pulled her down and recommenced my frigging, wantng to get time for another erection. — “Oh! leave off, you'll make me want it again, God forgive me.” — [ fancied there were signs of strength in my prick, so coaxed her to the bedside and gamahuched her. She was in full rut, her long continence, the effect of my talk and frigging coupled with the liquor, had left her in that lascivious state of mind that she was absorbed in it, and the irritation of her cunt killed all moral consciousness. — She might indeed have felt — as I have known others feel — that having sinned once, a little more sin could not affect the consequences, so at the bedside I amused myself with her cunt and its surrounding till she spent again. Then standing naked I inserted my prick in the freshly moistened avenue, it stiffened with pride as it entered it and with long but pleasurable fucking our enjoyment was complete. — “Mammy” said the voice just as I'd recovered from the spasm of delight, and a little head peeped over the foot-board. Out she shot my prick, bounced up and laid the child on the sofa again, looking at me with fear in her eyes.

The child laying down, she dressed, came to me as I lay, and whispered much in an agitated manner. — She didn't want money — had just received twenty pounds, — had been with her mother to the solicitor for it. — “No I won't have any money — God forbid, — I'm wicked, but that will make me worse. — I'm queer in my head I think, it's swimming now. She wouldn't give me her name or address, and left the baudy house whilst I still lay on the bed to pre-vent the child seeing me. — In forty years fucking I never met with a similar adventure, and all thro going into a public house on a hot day. I hadn't been into one in London in the daytime for years, and nearly avoided doing so on this occasion. — Luck.