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“Let's go on the bed,” said he. Obeying, we placed ourselves side by side — our flesh touching every-where — feeling each other's cods — with seeming curiosity he mine — I his with curiosity mingled now with strange voluptuous wants. Then I mounted him as reminiscences rose up in my brain of doings with the young man at F**r*rs years ago. — Belly to belly, breast to breast we were, I clasped his buttocks, laying between his thighs as if fucking a woman — our pricks and balls touching, laying in a heap together, neither prick stiff — then I moved with a fucking motion. “Look in the glass,” said he. Turning both side ways, our genitals in a heap, the sight overwhelmed me, yet lust, a desire to Socratize him — as nearly as I can de-fine my sensations — scarcely entered into the con-fused and lustful combinations, caused by my clasping him as if he were a woman.

Then I recovered my senses, had clear intentions of doing things, and by his side I played with his prick, frigging it gently, lifting up his thigh to look at his balls, and then again went on frigging, but his prick remained limp. Then at my command he frigged him-self — and seemingly to stimulate himself felt my pego — but all was of no avail, there it lay like a sausage.

Then curiously I looked him all over, stood him up, turned him round as I should a woman, saw that his feet were white and clean, his toe nails carefully trimmed. Never in my life before had I so inspected a naked man and it pleased me much, and to my astonishment. Then we talked, he suggested this and that, knelt and turned his rump to me, shewed me how he stooped to be sodomized. — “I will suck your prick, and you shall suck mine — it is delicious,” said he.

After washing our pricks we laid down together head to tail, and taking his prick in my mouth I minetted it. The smoothness pleased my palate, nothing ever seemed more delicate in my mouth, it excited my saliva, it felt like a jujube between my tongue and palate, and so we played long with each other. But I couldn't make his erect, nor he mine, tho we lay enjoying our mouthfuls for a quarter of an hour perhaps. Then I told him he was frigged out, and not worth his money. I wished to feel and frig a stiff one, and had no intention of doing anything else, tho he politely suggested his anus. He said he should be better another night and could not account for his condition then. — “You have been frigged before tonight” — he denied it — and still we sat feeling each other's pricks.

Then a knock came at the door. — Opening it, there stood a little dark-haired woman — Sappho — who had just been fucked. — “Yes full of sperm” — a fine young man had had her — “full of fat sperm” — Glad of the change, I laid her on the bed and tried to insert my little machine. The sight of her cunt filled with healthy issue pleased me, I saw in imagination the man enjoying her and ejaculating his semen, but all failed to rouse me, I was done for and wild. — “Shall I minette you?” she asked. — Hope rose again at the proposal — hastily I washed my cock, laid down, and she kneeling with her rump towards me, began the delicate exercise, she licked round the gland, tickled the frenum, ran her tongue lightly up and down the stem and over my balls, and then engulfed it in her mouth. — At times it softly rubbed her palate, then came out of her mouth immediately to disappear, then rubbing it gently between her tongue and palate, sometimes she gently squeezed my balls, sometimes the tongue ran quickly just over the delicate little tip slit, sometimes she pushed finger on to my bum hole, whilst I looked at her plump round buttocks, and the black haired, red split, now gaping and dividing — its colour spoiled by the glaze which covered it.

It wouldn't stiffen, tho faint pleasure began to steal through my refractory tool. “I'm too fatigued — you can't make it.” — “Mais si, si, j'en suis sur — soyez tranquille — ne pressez pas” — and again my penis was hidden in her mouth — Eugene stood looking on, then placing his finger under my balls, gently intruded one into my anus. — A voluptuous shiver ran thro me — fancies whirled through my brain. “Kneel over me and put your prick in my mouth,” I cried.

He sprang on to the bed smiling, delighted with the invitation, knelt over me, and in a minute his limp prick met my lips — Sappho had to move slightly to let his legs come over me. His body then hid her head and breasts and I could see her no more, but by turning my head could see her buttocks and sperm-slobbered cunt, now half hidden by the left bum cheek, I felt the delicate movement of her mouth on my prick which began swelling with pleasure, then feeling under his balls and guiding it, his prick dropped well into my mouth, I clasped him round his smooth buttocks with my left hand, pushed my right hand fingers up her glutinous cunt, he began fucking my mouth, I clipped his pego with my tongue, her bum began to wriggle as my three fingers stretched it, and vigorously she worked at my penis which was swelling fast. Imagination played its part in me, all was soft movement, and the two pricks and two mouths worked silently.

Suddenly my prick throbbed, a painful pleasure crept along it, I groaned, still his prick in my mouth. He cried out, — “Foutre — foutre” her buttocks wriggled, I twisted my fingers about in its lubricity and my spunk ejaculated into her mouth. — Now faint with pleasure I noticed nothing more but the lubricity of her vagina, the swelling of his prick between my lips, and the soft squeeze of her mouth still minetting out the last drop of my libation, whilst my pego slowly dwindled.

All was tranquil for awhile. Artists in eroticism, they perfectly well knew when to move. — Then all rising, quickly she left the room, Eugene threw himself by the side of me feeling his own prick not yet stiff. My prick shrinking to a bag of skin, had a chilly sensation on, it due to the evaporation of her saliva. So I lay speechless till she returned smiling, with her mouth and cunt purified.

I spoke. “You are frigged out Eugene, you have no spunk in you.” — “Ah yes — tonight so — but another night, Ah! you shall find me strong.” — “Go now.” — These were the last words spoken, I paid him and he departed naked as he came.

Sappho now stood by the bed side, wetted a towel and washed my prick and balls, I pissed, and we both laid down. — The pretty little damzel was curious, talkative, and very communicative. Almost directly I re-versed her, placing her head at the foot of the bed, keeping mine at the top. So placed she laid hold of my prick and I felt her cunt conveniently placed both for feeling and seeing.

She not being dressed had not been present at the money scramble, and was sorry. How much had I thrown, every girl had got some thing but four. — She of course not — did I often do that sort of thing? — I was talked of in the house as good to the women — that I liked spermatized cunts. — She was sorry I had not stiffened, for she had never had it done her when full by another man. — She would have liked it, liked to try, did I always like it so? Our talk ran then about the funny letches of men and women — she evidently liked the conversation and had only been in the house six weeks, this was her first house. The chambermaid afterwards told me that what she had said was true, that she had come there “an innocent.” — The sous-maitresse said the same to me also. — “Have her, you will find her charming, she is fresh.”

We talked thus for half an hour in the warm room. Her clitoris was a large one, and I had, with the usual restlessness of my hand when on a cunt, rubbed her clitoris continuously with my thumb. After I had fingered and satisfied my curiosity about the innermost parts of her sex, I ceased thumbing, tho laying hips touching, side by side, it was quite easy. — “Go on rubbing,” said she. — “What, softly like that?” — “Yes, don't leave off.” “Do you like it?” — “Yes.” Replacing the thumb I rubbed on and we went on talking. She hadn't spent that night, once a night she always spent, and often twice, it depended on the man, she told me. — Soon after she leant her head on the pillow, then rose and sucked my prick for a minute, relinquished it, fell back, and saying “Go on,” closed her eyes.