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Chapter XII

My sensitive pego and consequences. • Wanting yet revolting. • At P*r*s. • At the lapunar. • Alexandrine the new chambermaid. • Her useful information • An erotic evening. • Sappho. • A limp doodle. • A second Paphian suggested. • Raffaella in the adjoining room • In my room after-wards. • The German's semen. • My dislike to it. • Dislike forgotten. • Tribadic exercises. • The Paphian's opinion of me. • A lewed triad. • Flat fucking and gamahuching galore.

[Many a page of manuscript must now be burnt, a mere outline given instead, tho some erotic episodes will be retained as written.]

[The irritation in my gland about this time increased, and came on quite once or twice a week, in fact directly I wanted the love of woman. In coition then, a freshly washed cunt such as gay ladies like to prepare for their visitors, became to me more objectionable than ever. My first thrusts in the warm red avenues at the period of these visitations, were positively painful to me, and I thought incessantly of the pleasure I had, when the spermatic softness had just been given to the pudenda, by a pioneer on to the road which was open and ready for me to enter. Strange it was however, that at that time, a dislike at the idea of following an-other of my sex there, sometimes came over me, a dislike mingled with fear. — Foolish tho it was for the time — a short time only — it restrained me from giving myself the fullest pleasure, and I contented myself in preparing pudendas by lingual and digital friction, so that natural lubrication might be got before we fucked — if permitted.]

A month after being in the mountains I went to the lapunar at P*r*s already mentioned. At various periods, many of the Paphians there knew my tastes — I usually saw the saloon when full of women, and each was anxious for my selection, for I was liberal.

[A new chambermaid soon after came to that part of the house in which I usually had my chamber — for I had a favorite room — who was quite unlike her class. She was not thirty years old, plump and not bad looking. I tipped her handsomely got very friendly with her, kissed her when I arrived and left, and tried hard to in-duce her to let me fuck her, for she was appetizing, but which she would not permit. — Nor would she let me feel her cunt, nor even her legs. Her name was Alexandrine. The one before that was Hortense, but further reference will be made to these aids to my pleasure.

She told me after we got friendly, that she was married, had never been gay, nor kept, nor in a bordel before, nor did she seem to me as if she had; and from enquiries made I believed this to be true. — After Hortense left, she became sous-maitresse and our friendliness much increased. — She had more time to talk with me, and she carefully instructed the chamber-maid who replaced her, about my whims and letches, and how to minister to them. I increased still more my tips to her, she got more and more communicative, showed me the women's bedrooms, the medical examination chairs, whips, birches, straps, dildoes, and the whole paraphernalia of artistic whoredom; told me from time to time what woman had just come in the house, and when one came who was new to her occupation there, which women loved each other and flat fucked, in fact put me up to every dodge, and completed my knowledge of human nature in its erotic phases, and of the internal economy of the lapunar. Of course all this was under pledge of secrecy. — But this is looking forward too much.]

I went to the bordel early, the women had only just left the coiffeur's hands, few had been fucked that night, tho some no doubt had during the day. — About twenty of them were in the salon, some quite naked, stockings and shoes excepted, others with diaphanous gauze around them, thro which all their charms were visible. Some sitting, others half reclining, one or two standing. — Breasts, arms, fat thighs and backsides nude — mottes shewing like charcoal set in ivory, some women exhibiting hairy armpits, — an indescribably voluptuous scene.

“Salon mesdames,” said the sous-maitresse opening the door. — For a second the chatter ceased, then re-commenced, limbs moved, eyes flashed, many spoke and all at once. — “Ici, Monsieur.” — “Monsieur c'est moi.” — “Moi Marguerite.” — “Ohe.” — “Ah cochon.” — “Vous ne vous souvenez pas du moi” — etc. etc. — Some put out their tongues lasciviously. — Some opened wide their thighs. — Some put fingers on their clitorises with frigging movements, — others pulled their cunt lips open. — It is one of the most marvellous sights in the world, but the excitement renders selection of a woman difficult. My eyes roved from one to another of the Paphians, dazzled, bewildered by sight, sound, and lewed suggestions.

I selected a woman, who went upstairs naked, step-ping up daintly, I following just so low behind her, that I could see the dark furrow between her buttocks, which moved with a wriggle as she went prancing up step by step — a cock standing sight, but mine didn't stand — “Marie, est ce que la jaune est occupee?” Her hand was on the handle — I had asked for that room. — “Si, si, Mademoiselle, pas la, — ici donc, — ici.” We entered another room, rich looking and hot — they are all kept hot, so that the women who are naked for hours should not catch cold, and can strip themselves. In fact, a fucking atmosphere is kept up.

I did not like my choice, she was thinner than I'd thought, but was beautifully made, had dark brown hair on her cunt and not too much of it, — a pretty cunt. Her face was Southern, her head dressed in Oriental fashion was hung with sequins, large gold bracelets were on her arms, gold coins round her neck. She was she said twenty two. “I'll make my toilet,” quoth she. I don't know what made me say it or what passed thro my mind, for I had come to be gamahuched, and on those occasions like to feel a quite clean cunt — for all that I objected. “Have you been fucked to night?”

— “Not yet.” — “Don't wash, I don't like a dry cunt.”

— “Tres bien, je le rafraichirai seulement.” Out she went, in a minute returned, I put my fingers up her cunt and felt its natural state, it had not been washed inside. — Then I wished it had been but did not say so, looked at it well but was confused, saw a cunt and nothing particular about it, and had no desire to fuck.

I had travelled much two days previously, felt tired — and worse — that I should not like her. I had felt my cock whilst she was washing and there was no stiffness in it. — “I shall give you trouble, am old, may not be able to fuck you.” — “Old? not so old — I'll make you do it.” — “No, I am old.” — “How old then?” — I told. “Quel mensonge — what shall we do — faite l'amour?”

— “Let me see your cunt more.” She threw herself on the bed, her legs invitingly apart. — It was a pretty and fresh cunt but it did not stir me. — When I had done amusing myself with it, “Suck my prick” I said. — “Tres bien.” — Taking a wet towel she washed the top, pulling down the prepuce and looking carefully at it — I took off my clothes and laid on the bed, she began running her nimble tongue all round the roots, over the balls, and finally taking the tip into her mouth, gave a preliminary lick, spat out, and then went on quickly rolling her tongue over the tip, moving her head up and down. One moment the tip came into sight the next it was hidden to the roots.

For a moment it stood stiff under her delicate tongue friction — She gave it a gentle frig, and down my prick sunk again, — to my shame — “I told you I was tired.” “Never mind, I'll make it come up” — and she re-commenced.

I turned her about in many attitudes, her lithe form twisted any way I felt her cunt deeply whilst she gamahuched, then put her over me kneeling and looked at her cunt, but all was useless. — Ashamed, “I told you so.” — “You are fatigued” — I was glad of the excuse which was true tho. — “Let me feel your finger.” — Finding the nails short, — “Put one up my bum, gently, oh, gently.” — “Open your legs wide.” Wetting her finger with spittle she gently drove it up me, irritating my fundament, sucking my cock all the time, giving me voluptuous sensations — but no cockstand came. Then she tickled my bum hole with her tongue, then up went her finger again — but it remained limp.