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How absurd this repetition seems — but it's a fetching question, — one which makes a woman laugh in all Christian countries. — Lets her know that her questioner is thinking of her secret parts. — Then if she's game, if her carnality is in the ascendant, her cunt be-gins to heat, prick enters her mind, desire rises.

Was it so with this stalwart Kellnerin? — Her eyes, mild, quiet, without a bit of the Paphian in them looked softly into mine, before she answered me, — “Above knee of course.” — “I wish I were the garter then I should see all.” — “Ach Gott — you're a funny gentle-man.” — “There are no rooms above.” — “Yes, a dozen I say, and full often in summer, but the weather's been bad.” — “Show them me, and yours, and I'll give you ten florins to show me your garters.” — “What — ten florins? — I will show the rooms, after the diligence has passed.” — Then I kissed her, pulling her to me and trying to pinch her bum. — She took the kiss but repulsed the pinch. — “My God, how you have set me wanting you.” — My German was vile and I knew but little baudy language in it, but she understood me I saw. She was staring at me kindly when a jingling of bells told the approach of the diligence.

A man and woman from the diligence had breakfast, — which was over in ten minutes — and departed. Said she, — “There will be no one here now till dinner, and I must go to the hotel.” — “Leave this house with-out our seeing them?” — “Show me your garters.” “Nein — I'll show you the rooms” — joking with her, she went forward to do so. I followed, and found that the big, wooden, barn-like structure, was divided into three parts, — that next the eating place was boarded and clean, with a large coarse wood staircase, and on mounting, that on the first floor was quite a dozen, common looking bedrooms, and on one side an enclosure, which I knew from the smell was a bogging place.

The rooms tho large and rough looked quite clean. “Where's yours?” — “There.” — On the other side of the staircase were two rooms where she and a fellow servant slept. She showed me her own room, holding the door half open, I pushed by her and sat down on the bed. — “Come out, I must be off,” said she laughing. — “Come in” — and I pulled her gently inside, sat her on the bed and began kissing her, trying to feel her garters, murmuring all the baudy German I knew, offered her the ten florins to — “lay down with me.” Just as I had managed to touch her flesh above her garters, — she strongly resisted, but begged me not to make a noise, — the house master might come over. — But the mere touch of her flesh had made me reck- less, and repeating that I'd give her ten florins, I took that money out of my pocket and laid it down.

She was evidently staggered by the offer, tho not quite an English sovereign. — “Nein — nein — zehn florin? — Ach nein mein Herr” — but she'd sat down again at the edge of the bed, whilst she seemed reflecting. In a minute I'd pulled my prick out and my fin-gers were between her notch. — My German language left me in my excitement, all was physical now, it was all kissing. — “Nein — nein” — “yah — yah” — and cunt fingering. — At last quietly she got up, listened, bolted the door, the next minute I had pushed her unresisting on to the bed, and her petticoats were up to her navel. I saw an expanse of deliciously white flesh, a triangle of brown hair enclosing her belly rift, and instantly divided it with my pego. — Never before did I seem to have had such exquisite delight, as when my prick opened those soft lips, and my semen gushed copiously out into her midst her pleasure sighs, and belly heavings. The five minutes struggling with me, and the touch of her cunt by my fingers had roused her lust, which as I pierced her was as strong as mine. She was young and hearty.

We lay embracing, kissing, whilst my pego was re-tiring. When it had slipped out, and I felt its tip touching the cunt wig, she whispered, “Be quiet” — told me to stay there till she fetched me, went down stairs, and in five minutes returned. — “Go now, and by the way of the cart yard” — I wouldn't go till I'd had her again, and played with her sexual orifice in its unctuous state, till nature again permitted me the exercise of conjugal rites. She retired first and washed her cunt somewhere, and I had a good look at it, before we fucked ourselves into Elysium again.

Then she went to see if the coast was clear, and by the rear of the building, and a narrow path up into the Church yard I got to my hotel. It wasn't eight o'clock when I arrived there.

I had intended leaving, but now was overwhelmed by lust for her, wanted her again, to see her charms more fully, to revel in them, to sleep with her if possible. So at midday went to the tavern and took a meal there. — Stalwart peasants were feeding, and I rested long, wondering if any of them had tasted the Kellnerin. She didn't look like their sort of meat, but who could tell. — I waited till all had gone, then ordered a chicken which I knew they'd have to roast, and waiting for it talked, and, said I wanted to sleep with her. Whilst talking, in came the hotel keeper, and asked if I wouldn't go opposite where the room was better fitted for “Mein Herr” — I declined and away he went.

In half an hour I'd offered her twenty florins. With much fear and hesitation, — for she was to be married in the winter she said — all was arranged — not for that night, but the next. She hoped there would be no travellers, for if the hotel was full, some might come to these barn rooms — if not she'd be quite alone, for the servant who slept in the room next to hers was to have “her night at home” — I was at dusk to go through the barn yard and the back part of the barn to the first division — the door of which was usually locked at night, but she'd leave open, and go up to her room. If any one chanced to be still in the dining room I must wait, but nearly all went away when it was dark.

The next day I had breakfast at the eating place, it was raining hard. — “If it goes on raining there won't be any travellers.” — “I hope it will for I'm so frightened.” Rain it did to my great joy, only clearing up about the time of my visit. At dusk I went down the rough steps to the barn yard, and fumbling along thro the outer part — filled with lumber and straw — found the door which opened to the staircase portion, and thence into the dining room — saw lights thro the chinks, crept softly up to her bedroom and found the door locked, and the next door locked also. Then a traveller's room door was open, and I sat upon the bed awaiting her in pitch darkness.

In half an hour I heard doors locked, and up she came with an oil lamp. That wasn't sufficient for me, so she went down in the dark to bring up a candle — With the two, all was bright enough. She sat on the bed, said she was frightened, that it would be her ruin if she were found out, and begged me to go. I pressed the twenty florins but it was of no avail, she'd rather not have it — if it were ever known she'd never get married, how came she to arrange this meeting? She'd never done the like before — her intended was away for military training. — She'd let me have her the next morning as she had done the day before if I'd go now, and much more. — She wanted fucking and I dare say the money, but every action, bespoke a woman who didn't get her living by her cunt. She resisted my feeling her till she drove me wild with desire.

I refused to go till I'd had her — would I go if she let me? — No — I'd stop all night. — With that I threw off all but my shirt which I tucked up, shewing my persuader in magnificent erection, sat by her side, and she seeing refusal was hopeless, my fingers were on her notch soon. So for a time twiddling her clitoris, kissing and persuading we sat, she dressed, and still refusing till I made her feel my prick. That weakened her resolve, for she kissed me and began undressing — the feel of the prick makes every woman yield. Her chemise she wouldn't pull off, nor let me look well at her charms. — Women not gay, are so whimsical in their behaviour in love matters — at first.