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She finished supper and then it was that she said, “Let's fuck now” — went to the bedroom and put the basin again on the floor. — “Don't wash again,” said I. — “It's so beastly hot I must.” — “But you washed your cunt a quarter of an hour ago.” — “You don't like it dry,” said she leaving off and laughing. — Then she got on to the bed, and without a request from me pulled up her chemise well above her navel. — I was delighted, and stood looking at her, feeling, kissing her lovely form, praising its beauty — and its beauty was supreme. — “Oh! Isn't it hot?” — Rising, she then threw off her chemise, saying, “There — that's nice.” — “You're exquisite, lovely,” said I. — “I'll take off my stockings,” said she beginning to do so — but I stopped that. — Nakedness in bed is delicious — absolute nakedness, — but as long as I use my eyes, I like usually to have a woman with silk stockings and garters on, and all the rest naked.

“Let's feel your prick?” — suiting the action to the word. — I had now stripped to my shirt. — “Take off your shirt and let's fuck naked.” — I did. — “You're a fine man, you've nice flesh, and are not hairy.” — She then felt me all over quickly. — “Come on and fuck,” said she impatiently opening her thighs, then laughing, and pulling apart her cunt lips with her fingers. I stood gloating over her delicious red groove, then looked at her, and never saw such a baudy, randy, lewed expression on any woman's face as was on hers. — “Come on, let us fuck, you can look at my cunt afterwards,” she repeated hurriedly, and she wriggled her bottom and loins. I mounted her, and we fucked in nakedness — a glorious fuck. — There is something odd about my memory: Heeps of things I only recollect generally — others I recollect in every detail. We were both hot, perspiring with heat, ale, and strong lust. My breast stuck to hers with perspiration when we had copulated yet her flesh felt quite cool. I recollect that perfectly.

When we recovered from our pleasure — for she spent rapturously — I lay rubbing my naked breast between her splendid bubbies. — “Fucking naked when it's hot weather is nice.” “I always like it naked,” she replied. Then with cock in cunt, that exquisite connection, we talked. “Get off, your spunk's running out on to my quilt, and it's quite a clean one.” “Turn on your side and it will run on to your thigh,” I replied — at the same time pushing my prick well up her, and turning and pulling her sideways with me to avoid uncunting. — “You're a baudy devil.” — “And so are you.” — “You are up to a lot,” — said she laughing and kissing me. “I want to piss again,” and she uncunted me then, tho I pressed close to her belly. — She pissed and washed, and I expected she would put her chemise on as a hint that all was over, and having had my pleasure, would get rid of me, but she laid down again by the side of me, and asked me to stop all night. “I can only stop an hour or two, and can't give you more than * * * * *.” — “Nobody asked you — here is a towel.” — “Are you all right,” I asked. — She gave me several hard slaps on my naked rump. “If I wasn't I shouldn't have laid down by you again — look” — and she turned on to her back, opening her thighs wide to shew me her vulva.

I gave my saturated prick and appendages a rub with the towel, then looked her all over, and her cunt inside and out. “Have you ever been ill,” she asked. — “Yes my dear, many times.” — “I hope you have nothing the matter with you now” — and she took hold of my prick, examined the glans, gave it a hard squeeze, and relinquishing it said, “You are a rum-un” — and she laughed.

I had ever a keen eye for beauty of female form, and now have seen as much of it as the world can show. — She let me do what I liked with her, lifted up this limb and that, placed herself on her side, her back, her belly as I asked — her complaisance delighted me, and she seemed pleased as well. — Then she stood up and turned round as if on a pivot. “Put your right arm as high as you can — as if you were puffing a rope,” I said. — She did and turned round in that attitude. — “Are you an artist?” — “No.” — “Doctor?” — “No.” — “I know you are one or the other and you are lying,” said she curtly. — Then she told me that artists had said she was faultless, as I had said. We laid down — “Your flesh feels like a woman's, so smooth and nice.” She kissed it all over and ran her hand over my breasts, thighs and buttocks, laid hold of my prick, glued her big lips to mine. The next minute I had groped her red love avenue for a second, and we were fucking again start naked still, and I sweating like a blacksmith. It was an awfully hot night.

She put her heels on to my rump to keep me up her when I had done. “Let's have some more ale,” said she, and rang the bell at the bed head. — My prick was still in her cunt when in came the lady who'd come home in the cab with us. — “You're enjoying yourselves,” said she in no way disconcerted at the spectacle — tho I was. She fetched the bottled ale. E *w* * *s drank a lot — so did I — so did the young lady, looking at us laying naked, and then retired. — We had uncoupled, sat up and now lay down again. I wanted to be off, but she kept hold of my tool saying I should do it again, but I got up and put on my shirt, she laying still. — Then I again looked at her lovely form and whilst standing doing so, she caught hold of my prick and played with it, asking when I had fucked last before that night.

What put it into my head then I can't say but think it was the thickness of her lips. I thought of her sucking my cock. — “I should like to do you again but can't.” — “You will if you wait.” — “Kiss it.” — She kissed my prick turning on one side to do so — I felt her lovely haunches, and large firm breasts, yet my cock did not stand. — “You can make it stand, if you put it in your mouth.” — “You beast — do you like that?” — “Yes.” — “Ever had it done?” — “Yes.” — “I won't — I never did such a thing.” — “Do it now then — only for a minute — only just a little in — tickle it with your tongue.” — “I shan't you beast.”

I persisted — “Do.” — “No.” — “Yes.” — “I won't.” “Do, and then we'll fuck.” — “There then,” and she just licked the tip for a second. “Again — longer.” — “There then” — a second lick. — “Now put it in further.” — “It will choke me.” — “Nonsense.” — “I never have done so.” — “Humbug. I'm sure you know how.” — “I don't, show me.” — “There — let it go” — and it went half out of sight between her fat lips. — She shut her eyes and palated it, and then spat on the floor. “It's beastly.” — “Never mind if we like it.” — Then my prick was throbbing, I felt the sperm on her cunt, turned on to her and again we fucked. With me it was a long exercise. — She was passionate now, and kissed me hard when spending.

Then I dressed and left, she came to the street door with me start naked. “When shall I see you again?” — “Tomorrow” — tho I scarcely ever promised to see a woman again. But her splendid form, frank baudy speech, and voluptuous fucking, had caught me.

In the afternoon next day I went, she was having a bath the maid said. In a minute she appeared, chemise and slippers only on, her skin yet moist. — “Did you expect me?” — “Yes, I was sure you would come.” In a minute I had her on the bed, start naked again, I stripped to my skin, and never left her till it was night and I could fuck no longer. — It was fearfully hot weather still. She was five feet eight or nine high and dressed her hair high (a fashion just then) which made her look taller. Her form from neck to feet was absolutely perfect; hands, feet, knees were small, the swell of the calves and thighs, the roundness of the thighs as they grew into her large white handsome buttocks, made superb columns. The solid large breasts like half globes of ivory were faultless, and she had the full flesh of a woman of thirty, yet without a pound weight too much. It was lovely to see her walk naked across the room, so beautifully did she put her feet down, so exquisitely did her bottom and thighs move, so stately did her body undulate, so voluptuously yet without any bum-waggle or swagger, did her buttocks move.