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But the gamahuching tho at first I avoided it, she often made me do. — When I had well seen and felt her glorious form, her baudy smile came on. “Put your head down I've just had my bath, but I'll wash again there,” I took a towel to wipe my lips and obeyed but did not like it at first. — Again my letch for being minetted came on. “Suck my cock whilst I do it,” said I one day — “or I won't lick you.” She turned onto the bed directly. “I may bite it when I spend, you'd better not.” — “If you do I'll bite your clitoris off.” — Then we went at it, and I shall never forget it. We inverted ourselves on each other, — arsy — versy — mouth to genitals. — I was on the top and spent in her mouth, just as my tongue on her cunt fetched her. She hurt my prick in her ecstasy.

“I love a double gamahuche,” said she. The cat was out of the bag now, I had had no doubt of it before, for it was she who incited me to do all this. Now so hand-some was her cunt, so beautiful her form, so sweet the smell of her body, that I began to take to it. She liked the taste of my pego in her mouth, and always put it there before I commenced licking her clitoris. — “I like it when it's quite small at first, and to feel it stiffen up in my mouth” — was her remark one night when I passed a voluptuous evening with her, for now she avowed all her lusts, and did not care how openly she told them. She said it as she was laying on the bed with thighs wide apart, ready for me to cover her reversely, and lick her clitoris. The next second I was at it, kneeling over her, my backside well over her head, my prick dropped between her eager lips, one of her hands clasping my bum, whilst with the other she held my prick in her mouth, then with my hands under her lovely thighs, rapidly I passed my tongue over her clitoris. — In a few short minutes she spent, but my libation shot over her chin and neck. — “You cheat,” — said I. “I couldn't help it, as I began to spend I let it go” [women in the acme of their pleasure, sometimes do so when in that position, the stiff stander with difficuty keeps in their mouths, and in the spasm of their own pleasure, in the voluptuous after lassitude they frig it for a minute, and let it out, or cease sucking it].

I was annoyed, for part of my enjoyment in this double gamahuching, is in the idea of my sperm deluging my sweet companion's mouth instead of her cunt. — “I won't let you spend next time until my spend's over.” — “You shan't my pet, now let's do it again.” — “I'm not stiff.” — “I'll make it stiff, let's wash.” — Both genitals made sweet and fresh again, and after half an hour's chat lying side by side, feeling each other's fucking tools, we went to work but in a different position.

I laid on my back, she over me, her knees on each side of my shoulders, and gradually lowering her belly, her gorious white backside came near my face; her bum hole shewed, the crimson cunt opened wide, showing its little inner lips and the clitoris — together looking like a crimson gash in her belly — whilst beyond just a bit of her curly brown haired motte was visible. This for a second, and then it was lost to my delighted gaze, her cunt dropped on to my mouth, and sinking down her belly towards mine she seized my drooping pego and placed it between her big rosy lips. I felt her tongue playing round the plum shaped knob, tickling, and sucking; — a voluptuous feeling shot thro it, it stiffened up and was at once engulfed in her mouth. Then up and down gently moved her head, the friction of her palate and tongue giving me intense pleasure. Out darted my tongue reciprocating her minetting, licking the expanded surface of her cunt, now seeking the full clitoris, now shooting it up the avenue to her womb. So for some time went on this luscious play with mutual de-light. Then her backside wriggles, her cunt presses closer to my mouth, my prick stiffer and stiffer, involuntarily is jerked upwards by my backside: With gentle fucking motion quicker moves her mouth up and down it, whilst more quickly wriggles her buttocks as I clasp them or rub them and lick her quim rapidly.

With a moan of pleasure from me the sound almost lost in her cunt, out shot with thrills of delight my pearly libation into her mouth. “Aha.” A fucking wriggling motion of her backside responds at once, as she feels my warm spunk gush, her cunt settles closer on my mouth, my nose is buried up it, her clitoris is between my lips, rapidly shoots my tongue over it as harder I clasp her ivory buttocks, a salt flux inundates my mouth, her wriggles cease, and heavily she now lies upon me, tranquil in her pleasure. She has spent a flood, my prick and its libation still in her mouth, her cunt still emitting its juices over mine.

“I did it first this time,” said I. — “Yes, and it fetched me at once, now give me another gamahuche, I love it tonight, and then we'll fuck my pet.” — I did it to her again and again now kneeling at the bedside, watching her face and quivering belly as she spent and spent again, and we fucked for a finish of the evening's amusement. — Ach Gott! what exquisite delights the cock and cunt give to those who know how to use them.

Soon after luncheon one day I went to see her and took champagne (I had never done so before) intending a voluptuous afternoon. I found her excited, she had been out of luck and not fucked for four days. Night and day she had been expecting her Spaniard, fearing he had cut her, and that the marriage was off. Now overjoyed she showed me a letter just arrived, written in bad English, filled with baudy words of love. He would be with her that night. She had been drinking with her luncheon, and after my champagne was more screwed tho but slightly so. She quickly unbuttoned my trowsers and got hold of my prick. “Let's fuck pet,” said she throwing herself on the bed, strip-ping herself of chemise and loose gown, — as usual all she had on — and opening her thighs. — It was cooler weather and I would not strip. — “Make haste pet or I shall frig myself.” — “Frig then, let's see you.” — “No, put your prick up.” — Then she began to frig herself.

I wasn't quite undressed, and thought I should like to see her frig. — “Frig away,” said I placing myself in kneeling position between her legs and pulling up my shirt. — My cock was stiff. — “Come nearer and let me feel your prick” — said she frigging on — I moved so as to let her, she grasped it, began frigging me and went on frigging herself. — A fierce lewedness was on her face. — “I haven't spent for quite four days.” — “Not fucked, nor frigged yourself?” — “No.” — “Oh spend pet, let your spunk fall on me.” — On your face?” — for I was now standing near her. “Any where — I'm coming — spend on me.” — With a wrench at my prick which hurt me, she spent and lay quiet — I pulled aside her cunt lips (such a lot of her spending was running out of her like thinnish gruel), threw my-self on her, plunged my prick in it and fucked. — Then our spunk ran over the bed. “Damn the counterpane, let the spunk run on it,” said she, holding me tight to her and kissing me.

We had a baudy afternoon, she kept me up her revel-ling in our spunk, we talked all the voluptuousness which a randy man and woman could, she never let go of my prick for about four hours, fucked me dry, and when she rose to prepare for her Spaniard, what with frigging and fucking, she could have had but little enjoyment left for herself with another man. “I don't care, I like you, he doesn't fuck much, he's a little fellow, but he'll marry me I hope.”

I followed up that letch of seeing her frig herself for a little time, she was complacent, and after calling me a baudy old beast did what I wanted always — one day, she frigged herself whilst I held her cunt lips open, an-other day with my two fingers up her cunt. I did these tricks at the beginning of our entertainments, my satis-faction being mainly in seeing what she spent, tho I watched her face and movements during her enjoyment. — She insisted on feeling my prick whilst she operated on her clitoris, and talked baudily all the time, looking lasciviously at me until she spent with eyes closed. One day I knelt over her, and she sucked my prick whilst she frigged herself; she was delighted with my proposal, but I finished up her cunt. — After that my curiosity was satisfied — I knew what her spendings were like.