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“What are you doing about here?” said I turning the conversation. “Going home from work.” “What do you work at?” “Folding up seeds at **** nursery,” and she told me where. “What do you get a day?” “Nine pence — we both work there” — (meaning the other girl). “You can get half a crown if you'll do what I wish.” “I can't do anything.” “Yes, you can feel me.” “Feel you, what's that?” — I rattled the money, — “Here are two and six pence, none will see us.” We were by a long wall, and the fog was now thickish. “Here is the money — give me your hand.”

I unbuttoned my trowsers, my prick was stiff, I put it outside, but under my greatcoat. She gave me her hand in a reluctant way, and I guided it to my penis.

— “Lay hold of it.” “I shan't, let me go — I'll hollow.” “No — feel it, put your hand round it and here is your money.” — Her fright got over, she put her hand round it. — Curiosity got the better of her fears, I saw her tho she couldn't in the dark see it, looking down at it.

— “You old beast, let me go,” — but I kept her hand on the stem, then put it in my trowsers and under the balls. — “Now let me go.” — I relinquished her hand, she turned away, went two or three yards off and stopped. “Here is your money, now you have felt my cock, tell me, is it bigger than your brother's.” She broke out into a laugh, turned and ran off — I followed and overtook her standing still some distance off. — “You did not give me the money,” said she. “That was your fault, here it is, but come back, people here will see us.” — She came back saying, “I must go or I'll catch it.” — At the corner I gave her half a crown, and said “Every night you feel my cock I will give you a shilling, and I'll give half a crown if you let me feel your bum.” “You old beast,” said she again, as the money dropped into her hand. Then she bolted off like lightning.

I went to the spot at the same time next night, but she did not appear. On the third night I saw her and she was alone, there was no fog, but it was between dark and daylight, and the lamps were not lighted. — She recognized me. “Go away or I'll run,” said she. “I'm not going to hurt you, give me a kiss and I'll give you a shilling.” — I induced her to turn up the same place, and there gave her both. Then she felt my cock again and had another shilling. —She was not a hurry to take away her hand from my cock as on the first night. I fancied she liked feeling it. “Meet me every night,” (it just suited me then). “I can't, cause she comes home with me,” — meaning the other girl. How cunning young sluts are!

Her feeling of my prick, and the whispering baudy talk in her young ears, took my fancy, but I wanted more. I saw her the next night. She was with the other girl, and like a fool I was going up to her, when they ran off. Another night I caught her alone. I was that night in a frenzy of randiness, put her hand round my prick and my own hand outside hers, and so frigging, I spent copiously. — “What is the matter sir,” said she looking up in my face, for I dare say I was sighing and giving evidence of sexual emotion.

Then I missed her, and gave up all idea of getting into her, for that had been in my mind. About two weeks afterwards, by mere chance passing by there, I saw the little devil loitering near the turning where she had first felt me. — Crossing the road, I said in passing, “Come on,” — and in two minutes she stood by my side.

She had been ill, her mother said it was fever. But with a chuckle — “I know what it was — I eat too much of them sweets and fruit. — Mother said it was the smell from the privy, and told the doctor so. —He asked me what I had been eating, and I said nothing.” — Then I found that she spent her money on fruit, sugar candy and bull's eyes, and in riding in omnibuses. When she felt sick she got some brandy, and she only gave her companion a little bit of sweet. — “Because she'd wonder where I got the money and would tell.” — This much amused me, and reminded me of a girl, or rather two girls I had known many years previously. A girl of fifteen riding in an omnibus by herself for pleasure, and gorging herself with sweets out of money got by feeling a man's prick in a street, seems an amusing fact.

She missed the money evidently, and her want was my opportunity. Said I, — “I can only give you money if you let me feel your burn.” “Oh no, not that.” “Well, it's no worse than feeling my cock. — If you feel my cock, let me feel your cunt.” “Oh! that I shan't,” — but she lingered. — “It could not hurt,” I said, “and who knows you have felt my cock?” — “Who will know it if I feel your little cunt? — Here is the money.” — She looked round (it was dark). — “No. No,” — but she stood quite still — I stooped and put my hand up on to her bottom. — “Oh! have done now, let me go, give me the money.” “Let me feel properly.” “I won't.” — With the hand which was on her naked bum, I drew her close to me, and with the other, pushed up her clothes till I felt the top of her cunt. — She struggled tho quietly, and escaped me, but as before stopped till I went to her to give the money; then she went off. — I felt sure that she had come out to meet me that night.

One night soon after it was lighter than usual and some man passing the main road shouted out. — “Leave that girl alone.” — I went further up the turning, she with me, and was just stooping to feel her little bum, when some female came out a house and passed us. I stood upright, but soon saw the woman standing at the end of the turning, and seemingly looking back.

— No one had ever passed out of the houses during my previous fun. This woman who had eyed us narrowly as she passed, or had certainly turned her head to look, I thought would turn back. The girl was more frightened than me. — “Oh don't again, don't, I won't any more, and I mustn't stop, I'm frightened of mother,”

— and she walked towards the high road, I following.

A cab passed, few do pass at that spot or indeed much other traffic. — I hailed it. It was empty and stopped. — “Come into the cab, we'll drive, you can feel me there and I can sit.” She hesitated, but I hustled her in. — “Drive to * * * * Park,” and off he drove. — How many times have I got women into a cab for my pleasure, how many times more shall I do so? They like it.

She got frightened and wanted to get out. I pacified her, promised her five shillings instead of the smaller sum I usually gave. — “Where to?” said cabby turning round as he entered the park. — “Go on till I stop you.” — On he drove, it was getting darker, I had not yet kissed her that day as I usually did — but in the cab, she stood by the side of me, and I kissed and she kissed again. — Kissing always soothes a female young or old. — Gradually I got one hand round her bum, and the other outside her quim, but directly I tried to insert my finger in the split, she strongly resisted, threw her-self on to seat opposite, and cried to get out. — “No, no, I won't — you'll hurt me — yes you will.” — So I desisted.

“Well dear, lay hold of my hand — lay hold of this finger — put it yourself there, — just let it go where you piddle from, and no further.” — “There,” said she, holding my finger so that I just felt the clitoris. Then thrusting away my hand she again sat on the opposite seat, holding her clothes down; but I soon got her by my side again. The baudiness, I know, pleased her.

I was furious with salacity and talked baudy to my heart's content. I had said a little of that sort before, and the little slut had listened to it without uttering a word, but stood drinking it all in with her ears, and as if she knew quite well what I meant, and as if she liked it. — I never liked frigging myself, but now my cock became unmanagable, as I felt her little buttocks, and coaxed her lewedly, and lovingly.

“Frig me my dear,” — I had taught her the meaning of that word. — “I can't.” Taking her hand I put it round my prick. — “Now I'll lift your clothes — there — it's against your thigh — that doesn't hurt you does it?” — I slobbered my prick with saliva, and taking her hand and putting it round my prick (which she now liked doing), frigged myself with it.