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He was poking his hand between her thighs, she preventing it, when I next looked. “Now Charley, that is really dirty, do let me get up — I am so wet and I want to pee so badly, I really do.” Up both got, he stood affectionately over her whilst she pissed, and washed her cunt. He washed and pissed and then he sat her on his knee again, and they began talking. I could now hear all they said.

There was a large easy chair without arms and I think two such chairs but am not sure. — There was no sofa, an omission the baud told me intended, so that the couples might take their pleasures on the bed and in sight of the spyhole. — There was but one place in-deed where a sofa could be placed, which was just against the peep hole partition, but with couples so close to each other on either side of the partition, we might, had there been a sofa there, have been more easily heard and found out. — With bed in full sight, the washing place on the other side of it and near the window, the fire and bright gas light, beneath which nearly all the men placed the women when they wanted to look at them naked, and all being away from the peep hole side, there was very little in the room which could not be seen by us. Evidently the whole arrangement was purposely made, tho the plan of the two rooms aided it.

The gas burner also was large for a baudy house, and made so to show up the occupants. I saw some gay women turn it down, and the men turn it up. One girl grumbled to the landlady about there being too much light. — After a time, to my disgust, a smaller burner was put in, then a larger again replaced it. — But I've no doubt the peep-hole room paid well . Several times when I went there by myself, I found the room engaged, and at other times with Sarah, couldn't have it.

The handsome couple sat down just under the light facing us, after he had said again “This is not a very comfortable room, there is no sofa. — Do you recollect what we did on the sofa the last time but one.” “Yes,” said she, and laughed.

His hand went under her cehmise. — How is it that a man cannot keep his hand off a pretty girl's cunt? — “How many times have I fucked you?” said he. “Ho! Charley — oh! you do speak plain — I don't know.” “Fifty or sixty — let us count them,” — and he began to reckon their meetings. — They were so joyous numbering them. Then I heard places named, they made mistakes, and recommenced laughing. She'd seen several houses I found.

“Oh Charley, your brother John put his hands up my clothes the other day.” “John — my brother?” said he surprized. “Yes, he has been always getting in my way ever since you left, and trying to look up my clothes if he gets a chance — he is getting on fast — I gave him a good cuff one night — and then he pulled it out and said, 'Look here — this is what you want.' ” “Pulled out what?” “Pulled that out.” “What, his prick?” Laughingly she said, “Yes.” — The man swore. — “Damn him, I'll give him a lump on his head.” “Oh you can't, he mustn't know I told you.” “Damn him, — did you see his prick?” “Yes.” — Then they both roared with laughter. — “Oh, if I could catch him, what a hiding he'd get, why he's only fif- teen, he beats me.” They talked on and every now and then he groped her — then they took to kissing and feeling each other. — “When do your monthlies come on?” “Oh, I feared they'd come on to day.” “Oh, how lucky.”

I could hear nearly all they said for they were in-experienced, and seemed quite fearless directly they were within the room, and never thought if any one could see or hear them. — The street was also that night free from vehicles, on other occasions when passing they prevented me at times hearing what couples said. — I heard now nearly everything until they got lewed, and then only snatches, and his exclamations of amatory delight. But I had a bad cough — altho it was warm weather — and I feared they would hear my suppressed barking. — They never seemed to do so. — She had changed from one knee to the other, I suppose because she had fatigued him. — Now on his right she was nearly facing me — I could see his left hand up between her thighs — and his prick standing up. He pulled her right hand down to it, and they sat feeling each other and kissing.

Just then my cough became so bad, that I got down and buried my head in the bed clothes. When I got back he had laid her on the foot of the bed and was standing kissing her. I heard what seemed like modest objection, but he heeded not, and opening her legs wide, I saw sideways the red gap between her thighs. He opened the lips with his fingers and contemplated, he opened and closed them again and again, then put his head against it and it seemed stationary, her limbs moved, and quickly she raised herself up on her elbow. — “Oh, Charley what are you doing? — Aha — you dirty man.”

A little resistance on her part — and coaxing on his

— then down she fell on her back and again his head went between her thighs. Turning to Sarah I said, “He is licking her cunt.” — She looked. — “So he is, I wonder if she likes it.” — He licked on, her limbs quivered, her thighs seemed to open, then close tight round his curly haired head, her belly heaved — and suddenly she half-rose crying quite loud, “Oh — don't

— I won't — oho — oho,” — and fell back again.

He rose, pointed his stiff stander to her crack, and canting both thighs over his hips, fucked her again. — Then bending over her with his hands still under her thighs, they again were quiet.

Then they sat down and talked about cunt licking. — “I am ashamed of you and myself, what made you do so?” “I don't know, I never did such a thing before,” said he. Then he was curious and questioned her about her sensations whilst being gamahuched.

“I did — it is something like the pleasure when we do it together — but I don't like it.” “You don't mean to say you spent.” “I did — it got more and more nice, and was all over just as you got up — I wanted to stop and could not, it got the better of me.” “I'll never believe that you spent, or that any woman can by being licked,” said he. “How salt your cunt tastes.” “Oh Charley, how can you go on so.”

He called out and ordered sherry, took it in standing in his shirt, and the landlady said, “You won't be long sir, shall you?” — Angrily, “I took the room for the night didn't I?” “Oh yes, yes, but you said you might not stop and we are so busy, sir, that's all.” — He slammed the door. — “The old bitch says she wants the room — and so she may.” — “Oh,” said the girl, “it frightened me to hear her say that, and I only with my chemise on, suppose she'd come in.”

They took sherry and he said, “What beastly stuff, don't drink it, it will make you ill.” — Again he called and rowed about the quality, got hot water and brandy, and gave her some, lighted a cigar, sat her on his knee and with cigar in his mouth, put his fingers on to her cunt — the cunt he had licked and fucked, and which then had his spunk in it. I whispered to Sarah. — “Girls like that are never so clean as a gay woman,” said she. — Their voices dropped low and what little I could hear was partly baudy. I had been standing an hour and a half with my eye to the peep hole, grew tired, put in the cork, dropped the picture over the spyhole, turned up the gas, and talked.

It was shortly before this that I had seen the girl suck the man's prick, whilst he buggered his own arse with a tooth-brush handle. — Somewhere also about the time a French doxy — unasked took my prick in her mouth and whom I made desist — I had rarely had it in a woman's mouth excepting in half drunken orgies. Now at once came on a desire for that luxury, it was though seeing this woman's cunt licked. — “Suck my prick,” said I. “I'll see you damned first,” said Sarah.

I never relinquished a letch till I satisfied it, I talked about what I had seen, what heard, what done that way with women, and got her to admit that she had been asked to suck. I wondered whether it was more pleasure than spending in a cunt. She wondered (I know now it was bosh). We talked about the gamahuching just seen, and prick sucking. Then she said, “Why don't you lick my quim then?” “Do you like it — do you spend with it?” “Of course I like it, every woman does, you can't help spending if a man keeps on at it.”