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“Suck my prick — do.” “Lick my cunt then.” I have gone thro this talk with other women, but with Sarah it seemed quite novel.

The couple were laughing and getting noisy. Suddenly I heard thro the partition, the woman laughing loud and say, “No I won't, I won't now,” and feet moving hard on the floor. Sarah turned down the gas, and in a minute I had my eye at the peep hole.

He had her in the middle of the room, and was trying to pull her chemise off — she resisting. — “I will see you quite naked.” “You shan't — oh don't make such a noise, we shall be heard,” said she.

He desisted a minute, then recommenced. She would not let him — but in a modest way dropped her chemise down to her cunt, then put it up on her shoulders, and let him pull it up to her navel. Half naked each pose, he turned her round, admired, and kissed her flesh, exclaiming. — “Oh ain't you beautiful — oh what a bum you have — oh I am so randy again, look here,” and he pulled up his shirt to show his stiff one. — “I want another fuck.” — Then he sat down with prick standing upright before her admiring eyes, and said. — “Do you mean to swear you spent — that you had pleasure just as if my cock was up you?” — “I don't know that — but it seemed so, I seemed to wet with pleasure, and yet I didn't like it — but it was pleasure, and great pleasure — nearly like the other.”

“I'll never believe a woman can have pleasure and spend by being licked, just as if she is being fucked. Let me try again.” — “He's never done it before really I think,” whispered Sarah, “he don't know much.”

She refused, it was dirty, how could he want, wish such a thing. — But how can a woman withstand a man? — Refusing whilst she yielded, he threw her on the bed, and putting a pillow under her knees, again I saw the white thighs distend, the dark haired lips pulled open, the red gash appear, his head close up to it, and the licking begin.

All was silent. I placed my ear at intervals to the hole, heard the sossling of his tongue on her clitoris, when his saliva had run over, and then in low tones he said, “Does that give you pleasure?” — But I heard no reply, I looked, and he had drawn back his head — whilst she lay with her limbs hanging down.

Then a little conversation, and again the licking began — her thighs crossed on to his shoulders, she cried out, — “Oh don't, now — do it properly.” “Be quiet, only this time.” Breathless with agitation, I kept putting first my eyes, then my ear to the hole — heard her murmur with pleasure, saw her belly heaving, her thighs twitching round his head, and no more. Then he rose, pushed her further up on bed, and for the fourth time fucked her as she lay there.

I got down — “Suck my prick, do — you shall, and I'll give you another sovereign — two — if you will. — If you don't another woman shall.” “Lick me then.”

— I thought she was joking, but soon it was a reality

— I did not like it, but said I would. — She sluiced her cunt, she placed herself at the bed side, my tongue touched her cunt, I gamahuched thinking of my pleasure to follow, till she writhed under her sensations. — Now I ceased, for it struck me that when I had done her, she would not fulfil her part of the bargain. — “Oh! go on, I am coming.”

“Will you suck me afterwards?” “I will, I will, and you will give two pounds.” “Yes,” and again my tongue and her clitoris met.

“Let's do it at the same time.” “All right.” I took off my trowsers and drawers — we placed ourselves side by side, one of her thighs over my head my head laying on the other, my prick touching her face — I recollect no more than that I tasted her cunt, that I felt as if a cunt had got hold of my prick, that I put my left hand to it, that her belly shivered, that my nose went against her cunt, that I spent in her mouth, that I tasted her ejaculation, that in a baudy frenzy she had sucked my prick for the first time, but not the last, and that I had gamahuched her.

“You need not hurry,” said Sarah, “they won't stir now in such a hurry.” — It was true. When I looked they were laying quietly. — At length he rose, looked at his watch and said she'd better get up — “for darling you must not be too late.” She got off the bed and they kissed. — Never was a more loving couple — they had kissed every two minutes for four hours. — Again she sat on his knee, but I could not hear what they said.

To the door he went and asked if they had a daily paper, and told them to go somewhere and get one, which was soon done. — He stood under the gas light and called over a list of plays. — “Say you have been to Lyceum, they play Hamlet.” “Oh but I have seen that.” “So much the better, you'll know all about it.” “They will wonder why I went again.” “You say they took you.” — Then they laughed, and I gathered that the woman was supposed to be at the theatre.

He looked at his watch. — “We can stop three quarters of an hour more. — Wash your cunt — you had better always do so soon afterwards, they say it stops getting in the family way.” — Then he sat down and lighted another cigar.

The girl put a basin on the floor. As she washed I just saw the top of her head above the bed. Then she pissed. — Whilst doing so she made some remark I did not hear —but he put down the paper and said, “Oh the devil.”

As she rose from the pot, — “Yes, I am afraid so, I am a month behind my time, they ought to be on to day.” — Her voice was sad, she sat on his knees again, her back towards us now, and I could not hear what they said but they talked earnestly.

He changed the position — pulled up her chemise, and sat her naked bum on his thigh saying, “I like your flesh against mine.” — He drank more brandy and water — his cigar had gone out, he lighted it at the gas. “Is John's cock big?” She laughed, “I scarcely know, he showed it only an instant — but it was stiff.” “Was the skin off?” “It was quite red.” “I should like to catch him, I'd knock his damned young head off.” “You told me you did something like it to one of the girls, when you were about his age.” “So I did, but I don't like John doing it to you.”

He began walking about the room with his hand on his prick, and said she had better dress. “I should like to do it again.” “Oh, I can't let you, you have tired me so.” — He dressed and again walked up and down the room, frigging his cock as if determined to make it stand. — “Look at you,” said the woman laughing.

“You don't know what a number of ways there are of doing it,” he said. “Don't I?” “No, come here, people often do it this way.” — His cock was not stiff. — She was nearly dressed. — He sat down and pulled her on to him, placing his legs between her thighs, her cunt close to his cock. — “They do it like that.” — Then he turned round and sat her with her bum to-wards him. — She laughed. Then he said something and both laughed loudly. — “They do it so — come here,” and he got up. “I shan't.” — But making her lean over the bed, he threw up her petticoats, exposing her fair round backside, and pressed his cock against it, she wanted to move, but he kept her there fumbling her bum, and, frigging at his cock at the same time.

“I must go — if am not in by twelve — there will be a row — your mother always sits up you know.” — He looked at his watch — both finished dressing, but he kept his cock out of his breeches, and it had stiffened whilst putting on her bonnet. — “I mean to do it again.” “Oh! I can't, — I can't stay, it must be time to go.” “I will do it, — I will — lie down and I won't be a minute.” — In vain her resistance, he got her on to the bed, and again fucked her. They seemed to enjoy it more than ever, for it was a long job, and they groaned and sighed loudly with pleasure. In another minute without either of them washing, off they went.

The baud went in the room, looked at the rumpled bed clothes, muttered, called to the servant, and told her to bring a clean counterpane. They had left spunk on the bed. Then she took up a white handkerchief which the young man or woman had left, put it in her pocket, and looked at the peep hole, and seeing that she was being watched, dropped the picture on her side.