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“What will my sister think of our being so long up here?” — were the first words uttered. Down we went, I buttoning up as we descended. I don't think that my friend, or her sister, had noticed the time, or had the slightest suspicion of our little game, they were too much engrossed with themselves. I never enjoyed a fuck more, for all the circumstances gave a spice to it. It dwells in my remembrance now, that fuck a hundred feet above the top of the mountain, and on the top of a flight of stairs, and it stimulated me to fuck on a church tower, which I since have done.

I wanted her again, and sat scheming how to get her. There was a short thunder shower, we waited till it was over, and then out came the sun. My friend said we would go home. “No, wait, I'll not go till I have seen the landscape with the sun on it, I may never be here again.” He wouldn't go up the stairs again, nor would the lass, she had seen it often. I saw that he wanted to get rid of me. I certainly wanted to get away from him. My woman said she shouldn't fatigue herself, but pressed a little, consented. On the half-way landing, I pulled out my prick which was again stiff, for I talked baudy all the way up and occasionally felt her cunt. “Oh, don't sir, you've made me in such a mess.” — Wet indeed her thighs were, from her cunt half way down to her garters, but her cunt felt lovely as my prick fucked in it again. We were in no anxiety about being caught, but we nevertheless hurried up to the top to show ourselves, and as quickly went down again. She agreed before we got to the bottom to meet me that night at a place I named.

We got back to the town and separated, before entering it, putting the women down. He showed me the shop as we passed, where the young one helped her father, and then without hesitation, showed me a baudy house when I asked him. The girl had promised to meet him some day, and he meant to take her there, for have her, he felt sure he should some day. I met the other woman and took her to that very house that night, and fucked her twice. She was a fine, strong woman, with an arse like marble, and a dark haired cunt. She had had one child which was dead. Her husband was a bad fellow and had run away from her. She suspected he had gone to America with a young friend of hers, so she had come to live with her father and sister, who had not been long in the town. Her husband had disappeared six months, and by all that was good, she had been a chaste wife, nor ever had been fucked since then until that day. This she said after gushing out her history, and crying a bit.

I had intended leaving but now stopped. My friend was surprized at that, and at my disappearance of an evening, but said nothing further. For three nights I had her and what delight it was to poke her, for she was hot-cunted, and no mistake. How she admired my prick and played with it, as if she'd never felt one before, and how she spent. What would she do I asked if her husband didn't return, nor let her know anything about him. That made her cry. She didn't know, she said, but certainly she wouldn't pass her life without love, if any man whom she liked would keep her, she would go and live with him. She had a strong clitoris, and longish nymphae. I am sure she was hot-cunted, she shewed it in her eyes, but she was not a whore. I saw her serve in the shop afterwards.

I bought her a pair of gold earrings at a shop she told me of. The day after I gave them to her I left the town, for my onward travel. My friend at parting told me he had felt the younger woman's cunt on the tower landing, and was sure she would let him fuck her some day. [I never heard whethr he did or not.]

On my way back I stopped at Paris. At a brothel I had a lovely creole, such a tall, handsome creature, but who annoyed me with her smoking. She was naked, all but stockings and slippers, when she came in. After washing her cunt, or as they call it there, making her toilet, she was smoking then. She laid down for my inspection of her cunt and backside, which took me a long time, I was so pleased with her, she smoking all the time, and contemplating me and her self, in the looking-glass which formed the top of the bed. I stripped myself naked, so that I might lay all over her, and enjoy the contact of her lovely flesh with mine, a thing I am fond of doing with women before I fuck them, and there she laid smoking, seemingly quite unconcerned, and I believe was thinking of something else than what was taking place between us. “Put out your cigarette, you don't fuck with that in your mouth, do you?” “I've done so before now,” she replied placidly, but she put it down. Then at once she laid hold of my prick, to insert it in her cunt. It was stiff against her thigh touching her cunt, and I was enjoying its stiffness without immediate intention of putting it into her, so I took it away from her cunt, as she put to that orifice “You're in a hurry, ma chere.” — “Not at all,” said she, stretching out her hand for the cigarette, which was still alight and within her reach. But I knocked it out of her hand. “Let's think of fucking, ma chere.” “Volontiers.” Being deprived of her cigarette, she began the proper preliminaries, most voluptuously, and was soon rewarded with a gluey injection.

That over, I questioned her about her parentage, feeling desirous of knowing the breed, for the tone of her flesh was most delicate, and made me curious. Then seeing my curiosity about parentage, “Did you ever have a black woman?” she asked. I never had. She told me then that there was a fine Negress in the house. At once I sent for her, but she had just been engaged by a man, so I fucked my creole again and de-parted.

A day or two after, I had the black woman, who was, I should say, about twenty or twenty-two years old, and 11 woman. She came in dressed, or half dressed in :)w satin, and with a silk handkerchief of the bright-possible colours, wrapped round her head. She {e French well, and said she was born at Guadede. Whether that is a place inhabited by a Negro or not, I don't know was impatient to examine her, and my hand sought cunt under her single garment without delay. I there hair, short and crisp, and close, which re-minded me of the vegetable called a loufah, with which ntals rub themselves at the baths, and one of which friend gave me recently to use, for the first time. He travelled much in the east and had brought home many things novel to me, loufahs among them stripped her forthwith. She had on white silk stock-s, and bright coloured slippers, which made a funny contrast with her flesh, for she was very dark. She was exceedingly well made from her knees upwards, a handsome round backside, and lovely breasts, the calves of her legs were miserably thin, and she had very large ugly feet, and her hands were also large. Her face really did not strike me as ugly, and had splendid white teeth, shewing thro very thick. Her face seemed in one perpetual grin, and her shewed incessantly, perhaps purposely.

But her cunt was the most important part to me, I nd the split very much like that of any other female¬, it had smaller inner lips, with a clitoris which ck out like a very little prick, and seemed to have little connection with the inner lips, which however, commenced by a junction with it, and enlarged lower down. All this was almost a black red, the vaa looked pink. The outer lips were quite round, and of moderate fullness. The hair every where about her cunt, was quite black, and like horsehair with intense curliness, and laid flat on her motte. There was only a moderate quantity of hair about her cunt and belly al-together. The effect of the deep colored split, with the pink interior, cutting as it were thro the surrounding blackness, interested me but did not stir my lust at all, which surprized me, so I sat to look more closely at her cunt.

The hair interested me. Not only was it crisp, but each hair curled right round, and as it was short and not in large quantity, I could easily trace the curls. I have never seen cunt hair exactly like it before.