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Tired of looking I laid down and slept. When I looked again, there was the young lady sitting still naked at the table examining a bonnet. She put the bonnet on, and went to a looking glass, and I had the pleasure for the second time in my life as well as I can recollect, of seeing a naked woman with a bonnet on. It started a letch in me which I satisfied at a future day — and the sight now made my cock stand suddenly. It had not done so before at seeing the slim American lass naked.

Tired of looking, for I neither could see washhand stand, chamber pot, or bed, and so missed the delicate operations the lady performed there, I ceased looking, and hanging a coat so as to cover the keyhole went out. — At the table d'hote dinner I sat near to the young lady, who was one of a large party, and gathered that the middle aged couple whom I had seen in the morning belonged to the family. He was an American merchant with a branch business at L***s. The woman who had stripped to her chemise when the young one was naked, was called aunt. She had been married, I gathered, and looked a lecherous she. — It was delicious to be talking to the young lady, knowing what I did of her sweet neat body. It was their first visit to Europe.

After dinner I was outside the hotel, sitting and smoking, when a fine looking, dark eyed girl passed, and I went home with her. — She was a shop girl she said, and told me where she was daily to be seen, but it was impossible to live on her wages. — She usually went home past the hotel because gentlemen there noticed her, and she had many English, but did not know the difference between Americans and English. It was a sweating night and we stripped. — As I entered her rooms, which were very comfortable, a nice looking young woman there, after exchanging a few words, left the room hastily. She did not look as if she were the servant. When in my shirt, “You've a good large bed, your lover I suppose sleeps there with you,” said I. “No,” — sister did — that was her sister. — A letch for having two women together came over me, for a long time I had not had that. — “Let her come, and we will all three be naked together.” — No, her sister would not, she was not gay. I pressed my wishes and asked questions. — Yes, her sister was kissed but was not gay. — A gentleman made her an allowance, and saw her several times a week in the day, and she worked in addition at some silk industry in their room. He would not let her go either to shop or factory — her sister was lucky she thought.

This only whetted my lust. “He won't know, ask her, and I'll give her ** — and the same to you” (it was double the agreed compliment). She hesitated — went to her sister, returned and shook her head. — “No.” — I doubled my offer. — “Ask her to come in and talk with us then.” She was a long time gone, but returned with the sister. — “Now, ma chere, let me kiss you — let me see you undressed, nothing more, for an instant — let me feel you.” “No.” — Then I raised my shirt and showed my pego in grand condition. “Feel it” — “feel it,” said my woman. The sister laughed, laid hold of it, and let it go after a good feel. — “Viola,” said she. — No she would not lie down with us. “Won't you have this?” said I taking two Napoleons out of my trowsers pocket and chinking them — “Come Victorine, who will know?” said the other. — The sight of the gold I suppose settled it, both left the room, she consented.

Directly they had gone, a nervous feeling came over me at the idea of fucking one, whilst the other looked on — I wished I had not asked, and my cock began shrinking. — It was in vain I handled it, and when they came in, in their chemises, desire had gone, and I was in a state of nervous fear. — Then both laid on the bed, I looked first at one cunt, then at the other, I stiffened but then shrank. — Then I mounted Victorine and rubbed my cock against her orifice, but it was of no use. — “Turn your head and don't look,” said I angrily at first, fancying that might take off the spell. — She turned it away, and then I felt her cunt whilst I lay on her sister, but all was useless. “I am a damned fool,” said I, “it's over excitement and I can't do it some-how.” — We all got up — the women laughing. I hid my cock under my shirt, but remarked — “You saw how stiff it was.” “Yes, I did,” said both of them to- gether. “And you both felt it.” “Yes.” At that, comfort came over me, I did not feel so much ashamed, and we sat together looking at each other like cats in a gutter, till — “Go you, but leave me with Victorine, and come in when I call out.” — The woman went — Victorine and I laid down on the bed, — I cuddled to her in the heat — we felt each other's machines, — we put our tongues together, — and under the soft, quiet dalliance my cock rose to its duty. — I felt my sperm moving, and shouted for the other woman who came in. — “It's in her cunt ,look,” — and I pushed one of Victorine's legs high up. — “C'est bien vrai.” “Lay down,” I said. She did. — I withdrew my prick from Victorine — who objected, — and inserted it in the other's cunt, brought myself nearly to a spend — pulled it out and put it back in to Victorine, and spent up her, grabbing at the other's cunt with one hand whilst I did so. — My manhood was established, my voluptuous joy complete.

Then until midnight, I kept up the game, putting my prick into both cunts before spending, and discharging in each alternately, and departed in much contentment, and leaving them content. — Next day I saw the one in a shop she had named. — She nodded familiarly to me as she saw me. — There were half a dozen young women there. — I wonder if all played the same game of a night.

The adjoining room was dark, and all was quiet when I arrived at my hotel. — Next morning I heard a hubbub, and something sound like a gong. Looking, I found that a large sponging bath had been put down, and saw with much pleasure the young lady take her bath, squat and rise, squeeze water over herself in various attitudes, and rub her dainty little bum, belly, and adjuncts dry. Then she shouted out, “Wait a minute,” and when nearly dry let in the other lady who was in a wrapper, and she used the bath, which I heard after was their own.

[At the time this occurred such baths were a rarity at foreign hotels — if any, they had one or two, and you had to wait long to get one. — The English mainly used them, and at length forced hotel keepers all over Europe to provide them. At this epoch frequently a bath formed part of an English family's luggage.]

The young one had not put on her chemise when she opened the door. — The elder had not the other day taken off her chemise, as I imagined, out of modesty, — but now she threw off her wrapper and her chemise and stood naked as born, and a very fine made woman she was, with a huge triangular bush of dark hair at the bottom of her belly. She bathed and rubbed her cunt and all dry, delightfully in my sight, and then both had breakfast in the room. — The elder one made my cock tingle, tho the younger had not — and I thought I would try my luck with her, for that she had licked the rolling pin a good bit I was sure, from what I had heard eavesdropping, and what I saw in her face. But I wanted to leave L***s, and go elsewhere, so I must either have her soon, or not at all.

I dined close to home at the table d'hote and got to a certain intimacy, but there was no chatting after dinner in a garden, nor any means of getting to speak to her alone for long. I saw no chance, but shall have my luck with women I believe, all my life.

There were three men of the party and four ladies. The aunt was the oldest lady. — After breakfast next morning one said — “It's too hot to go out till eventide. — We made a mistake in not coming here later on.” The men said they should go by steam to some place. — Aunt said, “I can't stay in all day, I don't mind the heat, and will go to the museum for an hour or two.” — In an hour after there she was, and there was I as if by chance. — “My nieces are lazy,” said she, “if I come to foreign parts to see, I like to see.” — She was well dressed, but of a common breed.