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When I had finished, I called out — there was no bell. — She was sitting on a stool outside waiting. — “Take away, maiden — and here's a ribbon for you,” — giving her a bit of silver and a kiss — she took both quite quietly. — “Give me a kiss and I'll give you an-other silver coin.” Without hesitation she did. Then I gave her a lot more, and as she was going out of the room with the pay, I pinched her bum hard. She kicked up behind and laughed. — “Who is in this house but me?” “No one yet, but I dare say it will be full presently, unless the rain stops travellers,” she replied.

Tired and intending to rise early, I went to bed. — It was barely dark, and I scarcely was asleep, when I was awakened by a violent bang. It was a trunk thrown down, and then were voices, a door closed, and a German couple began to talk so loudly that they might have been heard across the road. Then I be-came aware that the partition between the bed rooms was but of boards. — I could hear all they said, tho I understood but little, and was about to knock and ask them to make less noise, when I heard a pot put on the floor, and a strong female piddle rattle, and at the same moment the male pissed, — it was a duet on porcelaine. They were undressing I guessed. “You sleep that side,” said the woman, from which I inferred it was a double bed, and the next instant I heard them mumbling prayers together.

Then into the bed they got, and to my horror the bed creaked, and made much noise when they moved, as bad spring beds abroad often do. After a minute's tranquility during which I nearly dozed off — I heard two or three loud kisses, the bed began to creak with a regular cadence, and I knew they were fucking — louder and quicker came the noise, I could count each thrust, I could tell the energy by the noise each made.

— “Ach mein Lieber,” cried out the woman. — “Ach,”

— and with a loud cry of pleasure from him all was quiet. I was delighted with the entertainment.

My bed was close to the partition and there was in fact but an inch or so of board between us, and tho the amorous sounds amused me, and gave me a stiff one, yet I was glad to get to sleep, and was just dozing off again, when the infernal bed began again creaking. They had not finished a quarter of an hour before they recommenced, and again were fucking with an energy, kisses, and noise that I have not often heard during that operation. — I was awakened three or four times during the night by the happy amorous couple, whom I wished at the devil.

Before six o'clock I arose, ordered some coffee and eggs, — and the servant brought them to me. — “Who was in that room?” I asked. “A lady and gentleman.” Said I, “They are just married, it's their honeymoon. — They have been love making all night and kept me awake.” — She laughed — “Hush,” said I, “listen — speak low — shut the door.” — The girl shut the door not quite knowing what I meant. The bed began to creak, louder and louder. — “They are love making,” I whispered, — quicker and quicker was the shaking. “This is it my dear,” said I pushing my belly back-wards and forwards. — They both kissed loudly, the lady shrieked out, the man shouted out something. — The girl who was German understood it, put her hand to her mouth and rushed out of the room. — A minute after I opened the door gently, — for I wanted her, and meant to bribe her to let me, and caught her peeping thro the keyhole of the door of the happy couple. She rushed off.

I finished my breakfast, called for her to take away, and she came in to do so. Breakfasting, I heard the happy couple washing, pissing and dressing, — apparently quite unconscious of any one overhearing them. — And as she entered I heard them leaving their room, pooped out, and saw a German about thirty years old, and a woman of about the same age, both quite plain and common in face, dress, and manners.

“Do you make that noise when you make love?” said I. — The girl laughed. — “Did you see them doing it thro the key hole?” — “No,” said she. “They were at it tho, weren't they?” “Were they?” said she. “Yes, and you and I will, my bed doesn't creak. — Come along, here is half a louis for you, put the tray down, — and I put my hands up her clothes. “Don't, mistress will hear, said she laying down the little tray and looking at me.

I flew to the door and bolted it, pushed her on to my bed, and in a minute my spunk was in that maiden.

— She had a spanking backside, a good fat little cunt with thick hair on it, and I enjoyed her much; but a week or two's abstinence, and the excitement of hear ing the couple grinding, and her fresh cunt, fetched me too quickly. My companion had the wetting with-out her share of the pleasure. I like in these stray amours for the lady to enjoy it as well as myself, with a whore I am mostly indifferent. The maiden arose as my prick left her belly, took up my tray, and left with it without uttering a word.

I had washed my prick, had finished dressing, and was thinking of going out in about half an hour after this event, when I heard a quiet knock at my door — it was the maiden who came in smiling, “Look, said she, “that is the Herr and Frau who are in the next bedroom — and thats my mistress talking to them.

—The German couple and the mistress were under a balcony of the hotel having, with others, their break-fast in the open air. — We both peeped long. I put my arm round the servant. — “I mustn't be seen, said she. “Didn't they fuck, said in the lewedest French I could manage, “they fucked six times. “Mein Gott, said she. “Is the house getting full?” “There is no other traveller in the house — this day last week it was full, it always is on Saturdays, and she lingered. — She wants fucking thought I, and my prick rose at the idea. I kissed her and put my hand up on to her cunt. — “You've washed it. “Yes.” “Get on the bed and we will fuck again.” “I'm frightened lest the old lady should come back — I'll see in a minute if she goes down the village, she usually does in the morning. — She leaned her arms on the window sill, and peeped through the curtains. I peeped also, my arm round her, and gradually I put my hand up her petticoats from behind, felt her bum jutting out, and pushed my thumb into her cunt. After wriggling and pushing my hand away once or twice, she let me thumb it quite quietly. “What a time she is taking,” said the girl, — “oh — don't — now what are you about.”

'Be quiet dear — I'll do it whilst you watch. Now be quiet, I'm not looking, I'm only feeling and I'll rub my prick over your fat bum. — I managed that, my prick stiffened, I rubbed the tip a little in the bum furrow, and in another second or two I had driven it right home up her cunt. Then I rested, she peeping thru the curtain, I leaning over her, charmed with the novelty of the position.

She objected, — said “leave off, but did not extrude me as a woman can do, when a man is up her in such a position. A cock and cunt when joined can't keep still, in a minute I felt her cunt contracting, my prick then wriggled up her involuntarily, her backside replied and I gave one or two thrusts. — “Oh — don't — wait — till she's gone, — said she gasping. “I will mein Liebchen,” — but our genitals excited each other to the climax. — With a sigh she ceased looking at her mistress, laid her head in her hands on the window sill, and jutted her bum further out, I pushed my prick hard home, I got my hands under her clothes and round her belly, and without another word we fucked ourselves into blissful silence.

Our senses returned. With my prick still stiff and in her, “Can you see your mistress?” “Yes,” said she, peeping again, but keeping her backside close up to my belly, — “She's not gone, — she's talking to the land-lord and the couple — they are eating still. How many times did they awaken you?” “Six quite.” — “Mein Gott! — and they are not young people, said she. — Then finding the spermy mixture was dripping, I lifted up her clothes so as to see her arse, withdrew from her what remained of my prick. She turned round, and we both laughed. “I must get my breakfast,” said she, “and make the beds.”