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We looked about together, and then sat down. “It is hot.” “Not so hot as yesterday, for after luncheon, I stripped to my shirt and sat in it till dinner time.” “And I did to my chemise,” said she laughing. “I wish I had seen you.” “Do you tho?” said she, making eyes at me. “Yes and you might have seen me, but we men show too much, our shirts are short.” “That depends,” said she, chuckling and looking lewed. Then we had a discussion about statuary. — She liked the nude, she said. I ran as closely to the border of decency as I could in talking about it, and she seemed to like it, and my letch for her grew stronger, tho she was middle-aged.

We looked round again after a rest, and came on the fragment of a male bust in marble, the prick of which had been knocked off; but the balls remained, and what is rarely seen, all the hair round the prick had been sculptured and was there.

As we looked, strong words occurred to me, but I hesitated — p'shaw — if she is offended she can but show it, and I leave L***s — if not, I'll go further. — We are really strangers — I'll see if she is game or not, thought I.

“It's a woman's torso,” said I. “No,” said she, laughing, “where are your eyes?” “Ah — yes — I see where it ought to be, it's knocked off, I wonder what Greek maiden has it.” “Oh for shame,” said she, leering at me. I took no notice. — “See how rare — I won-der, what is the period of the sculpture?” “What is rare?” “They have shown the hair round — you may see hundreds of pieces of antique sculpture without that.” “Oh my — we are getting on I think,” and she left me, and sat down. In a minute I was at her side.

The ice was broken, I felt now sure she wanted to hear talk suggesting sexual pleasure, and I followed suit. — “American ladies have a great deal of hair haven't they?” “I don't know.” “You have.” “How do you know?” “I'm sure of it from the look of you — haven't you?” “I don't know.” “Will you ascertain? — but not here.” “Oh — it's time to go to luncheon.” “We'll go back together.” And we did. I felt sure now she'd let me have her.

After luncheon we all loitered a little in the reading room. “Where is your room said I. “It looks out on the back.” “Ah you are cooler, mine looks on to * * * * it is hot, but what a nice view.” “What's the number?” she asked. I gave it. — “Why that's next to my niece's.” “Yes, I can hear her.” She looked hard at me. — The other ladies had just left the room and she rose. — “Are you going to the museum to see if the torso is male or female?” said I.

“No — to my niece, Amy's.” “And I to have a siesta in my shirt.” — She looked so hard at me that I felt sure some suspicion crossed her mind. We went up-stairs together. As we got to my door. — “This is mine,” said I, “look, — it is large and so nice.” — She cooly walked in and went straight to the door between the rooms, my clothes covered the key hole, but with-out any hesitation she pulled them aside, peeped thro the key hole, and then looked at me. — “Oh you have been peeping.” “Yes, and saw you both naked this morning, bathing,” said I boldly. — She burst into a quiet laugh, holding her sides and sitting down. — “We've come to Europe to learn something I guess.” “I guess I want you,” said I, and gave her a kiss and put my hand up her clothes. — “Hish, she'll hear — don't make a noise,” said she. “If we are quiet they can't hear there, my bed is close to the corridor. — Now don't be nonsensical, I saw it all this morning, all the dark hair, and your splendid thighs, and bum,” and I pulled my prick out.

She dallied for a minute and did the coy — “I'm surprised at you, — What a shame” — and so on, and squirmed slightly, whilst she whispered her objections, but never dislodged my fingers from her quim, — and laid hold of my prick. — Then she soon got on to the bed quietly, I on to her, and a well fucked cunt received me, — but she was a charming wriggler, and I enjoyed her. — And didn't she like it.

We lay talking in whispers for a time. — “Will you wash?” “No — I'll go to my room, I'll see if any one is in her room.” — She peeped at her niece's. — “I can't see her.” “Come back to me.” “I will if I can in half an hour, but leave your room door ajar then.” I did, and she returned in an hour. — “Be quick,” said she — and quickly we copulated. “I've passed several times,” said she, “but there was always a chamber-maid or some one about.” “Let me sleep with you to night.” “We'll talk about it after dinner,” said she. — Then suddenly — “I wonder if Amy's there,” and she peeped again. “No. — Could you hear us talk?” “I could not distinguish a word you said, tho I heard you,” I replied.

“Not tonight,” she whispered to me over a Galignani after dinner — “we are all going out.” I was not sorry, for I had fucked rather hard the night before, having been over stimulated by the two cunts. — “Don't stop the key hole.” “I will,” — but she didn't I saw both women naked the next morning — but they spoke in a very low tone. I am sure that middle aged lady enjoyed being looked at naked when bathing.

Next day, she said she would leave her door open a quarter of an hour after her niece was in her room. — She would not come to my room. — If I was out of my room no one would notice it, but suppose one of their party wanted her, nad found she was not in her bed-room, how could she explain that. She was a regular cunning, cock huntress I am sure, and have no doubt that wherever she travelled she got her lower maw well satisfied by fresh pricks. She had lust in her eyes, was baudy to the backbone.

After watching Amy undress at night, I was soon in the aunt's room and passed a lascivious night with her. — She had a beautiful chemise on; her hair was nicely tied up. She was perfumed, had gold bracelets on, and silk stockings and slippers. That middle aged one knew how to excite the male. — She was quite free now. — The other day she would scarcely let me see her cunt, — now she opened her thighs wide to my admiration.

It was one of the largest vulvas I have seen. The mons was like a pincushion, the lips were thick, it opened wide as I clutched it, the whole palm of my hand I laid between the lips, whilst my wrist rubbed her clitoris and my middle finger curved up a little into the vagina. It pleases me much recently, to feel the entire surface of a cunt that way, to grasp the whole, to wriggle my hand over all parts at the same time, it's an unusual mode of frigging and I think it pleases the ladies. — For a minute I lay in that enjoyment with her, our tongues meeting, and, then I mounted her. Her hole instead of being very large as I expected, seemed delicious. She knew exactly at what level to place her legs to engulf me, not a quarter of an inch of my prick was out of her fat cunt, and in-stead of thrusting and ramming away, I nestled it close on to her elastic orifice, with a steady quiet pressure, till the upper wrinkles of my testicles were almost in her, and the upper hair of my prick tickled and irritated her clitoris. — So I lay enjoying her, wriggling, not thrusting, and thinking about her large looking, hirsute charms. “Go on dear,” she sighed impatiently and fucked me with a cunt movement once or twice. Then, immediately, “Oh — I'm sp-en-ding,” A violent, but momentary oscillation of her buttocks came, and I felt her cunt relax under its own moisture.

“You've spent.” “Yes, you haven't — take it out and wait a minute.” I pulled it out pretty wet. She kissed me, I turned on my side, she felt my prick, I her wet aperture, and did the old fashioned frig on the clitoris. — “Weren't you in a hurry,” I said. “Yes,” she replied with all the frankness of a doxy, “I wanted it so to day.” The next minute I was up her and never spent in a more delicious cunt, its size and hairiness was a novelty. — She spent with me. — “Let me get up and wash.” “No.” “I will.” She uncunted me and did so. — “Why that?” “Oh you know — to prevent consequences.” “But it won't.” “Not for sure, but it's wiser.” “Have you ever had a child?” “Never.” “Are you a widow?” “Yes.” — This is exactly what took place — and word for word what was said at that minute. I did not know before for a certainty that she had been married, and have only her word for it now.