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“That's it on the floor, — that's what comes out of a man's cock when he puts it up a woman's thing”, said Grace, — it's that which gets a woman in the family way, — it's that which gives them both pleasure when they do it together, when his thing is 'up her thing.”

Grace told all she knew, that when her mother was “lying in”, she once peeped through a key-hole, and saw her father frig himself. They talked of the pleasre they had heard it gave the woman to have that warm injection up her. Grace frigged herself, Kitty tried but got no pleasure, they sat opposite each other on chairs, Bob's spunk still on the floor. That was the only time she had ever seen spunk till she saw Jim's in the wash-hand basin. “Should you like to see mine Kitty?” “Shouldn't I!” said she. “You shall some day”, — and one day she frigged me.

Kitty was quite artless when she told me this, she had taken a liking to me, though I did not then know it, and was delighted to tell me all, it seemed quite a relief to her to do so. She had never spoken to any one else about it. To a man? she should think not, — it was not likely, and though I asked her often and often about it at times she never varied the account. I believed it implicitly, and that is why I narrate it here.

Several nights Jim served Betty so, till one night Kitty sneezed. “The girl's awake”, said Jim. “Who is that?” said Kitty shamming, though she knew full well. “It's Jim, — you won't tell, will you?” said Betty. “I have told her you are going to marry me, — have I not Kit?” Jim went on tailing his mistress, but now that he knew Kit was awake he put out his hand and felt Kitty's bum whilst fucking. “Did you tell Betty that?” said I. “No”, said Kit laughing.

Next night Betty who seems to have taken delight in debauching Kit, made her feel Jim's prick, she pulled her hand to it. “I thought I liked to feel, but I shammed that I did not.” “Was it big?” “It seemed bigger than yours, but I didn't see it.”

This went on for a fortnight or so, Kitty feeling always afraid that they would be found out, and so it came to pass. Illicit fucking in a house not your own is sure to bring trouble.

The Mistress' sister came to nurse her, and slept in her room. Betty said the sister gave a lot of trouble, and was always poking her nose where she had not business to poke it. Jim did not come up for one or two nights, he had heard some one moving either in the Master's, or in the sick woman's room. Kitty was glad of it. Jim I suppose at last randied out of his prudence one night, and Betty reckless for want of fucking, told him to come, and up he came. Then a violent knock at the door came just as he was fucking Betty.

“Who is that?” “Me.” “Wait a minute sir.” “Open it, or I will break the door open.” “Wait sir, I'm not dressed.” In came the door with a crash. Jim was just by the bed, Kitty standing by Betty, for both got up. At the door was the Master and his sister-in-law. “You damned whoring bitch”, said the Master to Betty, “at day-light out you go from my house.”

The sister-in-law turned down the bed, looked at it, and then at Kitty. “Please Maam it's no fault of mine”, said Kit. “You dirty little hussy, why did you not tell what was going on, — your father shall hear of this.” “Dress yourself”, said the fishmonger to Betty. “Leave them alone till the morning”, said the sister-in-law”, — and both left the room. Jim half-dressed, without speaking a word, had crept down-stairs whilst the talk was going on. The Master did not speak to him at all.

“They will sack us both”, said Betty. Kitty began to cry. “You are a fool, there are lots of places. I hope old Vinegar-Chops liked the look of it”, said Betty lifting up the towel (there were the drippings from Betty's cunt on it), — I dare say the sour-faced beast knows what it is, — don't you cry, you will get a living if your father does turn you out, any girl can so long as she has a good face, and something warm between her thighs.” That was Betty's comfort to Kitty.

After breakfast the Master put Betty outside the door, Kitty's mother was sent for, who boxed her cars all the way home, and the father knocked her down when he came home. “If I thought you'd turn a whore”, said he, “I'd murder you.” She told her mother the truth entirely, but only got her ears boxed still more, — she should have told her Master, the mother said. After this she was again kept at home, a short time after her father died, her mother changed her quarters, keeping her indoors to take care of the children, and had no idea that her daughter was getting fucked to enable her to buy sausage-rolls, as well as for the pleasure of having a male.

Chapter VI

Sausage-rolls, and consequences. • Kitty's home. • The little ones. • A saucy cabman. • Catamenia. • Fucking economies. • Changing money. • Pol and the bargee. • Kit implicated. • A black eye and bruised rump. • A little boy's cock. • Preparation for travel. • Kit's regret. • Bessie in tears. • Amusements abroad. • Home again. • Kitty a strumpet. • An evening at B.w Street. • Kitty's eight months doings.

One day I took some sausage-rolls to the baudy house, she clawed hold of one directly. “Ain't they prime !” said she, and never ceased till she had finished them all — such a lot, — then she turned pale. “I must go home”, she said. “Why?” She began putting on her things. “What is your hurry?” “I can't wait.” “Are you ill?” “Yes, — yes, — I must go.” “Then I won't pay you.” “I'm not well.” “How,-you want to go to the privy!” “I do”, said the girl hanging her head. I rang the bell, told the woman to show the lass where to ease herself. When she came back I could not get her to look me in the face, and thinking of her operation gave me a distaste for her that day, so I let her go without doing anything. Ridiculous that of course, but I tell things just as they occurred.

When it rained, and she could not meet me, how angry she was. “If I buy an umbrella mother will wonder where I got it.” Once she nearly got wet through, and I did not see her that time, because I did not expect her to be out.

She told me where she lived, and I arranged that if it rained I would go to the front of the house in a cab. I did that once only, and the cabman insolently demanded about five times his fare when I got down at E....r Street, saying I had enticed a young girl into the cab. “Yer haught to be glad to be let orf with ten bob”, said cabby, “think yerself lucky a peeler don't drop on you for taking a young gal like that, — yah ! you're a swell, ain't yer ? — yah !—yah !—poop !” —and off he drove.

She began to deplore her poor dress, bought a pair of white stockings, and I kept them for her, because she was afraid of taking them home. “Oh ! ain't I kept under”, said she, “I hate it, — I have a good mind to bolt.” “Then you will turn gay.” “Well I would like to dress nice, and do as I like, instead of minding children and working.” I persuaded her not.

“Have you had no other man but me for the last two months?” “Only one, she said, “but I'm never out if it rains, and I can't get out of nights cause of mother, and I wash and mend, — so how can I?” “I'll go and ask for some one else at your room, to see if you're in or not.” “Do, — if I don't open the door, mother will, on Monday I'll take the brats into the Waterloo road for a walk.” She did, and I saw he How short her clothes were! a carman as he passed stooped down, and gave her legs a pinch. Her mother was at home.

The girl grew fast, each week she seemed bigger than the week previously, the sausage-rolls agreed with her, the hair on her cunt lengthened, — she was so pleased when I remarked it, — her desire was to have as much hair on her quim as Betty had. Then she began to get heavy, dull, and drooping. One day I had her on the side of the bed, just for variety sake, for sometimes I found it delightful to see my prick up to its roots in her, and the next instant its tip. Her cunt felt very wet, looking at my half-uncunted prick it was covered with blood. I pulled it out, a red stream followed running all over her chemise. I had never seen such a sight before when fucking, and only once I think since, though I have poked women in that state.