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Kitty on being pressed said she thought they were doing what Betty had said men and women did. “Fucking me?” “Yes.” He was doing nothing of the sort, that she would swear; but they did it sometimes, for he was going to marry her soon, and after making Kitty promise not to tell, they went to sleep. “If you tell”, said the knowing older one, “you will lose your place.”

Next night Betty said, “You be quiet, Jim is going to marry me soon, only he don't wish it known, he is coming up when Master's asleep, and going to lay down by the side of me, — you sham to be asleep.” Kitty remarked, “He can't lay here all night.” No, when he had had his pleasure he would go. Kitty had fear come over her, but promised, then fell asleep, but awakened, and heard Jim say in a whisper, “She sleeps like a top.” Then was a rustling and rumpling about, and Jim cried, “Oh! cunt,” Betty said, “hush !” they kissed, sighed, and Jim crept softly away, Betty got out and washed her cunt in the dark, and found Kit was awake.

This went on for several nights, Betty had oiled the lock and hinges of the door, and when she heard the Master go up to bed, would softly open the door, and leave it ajar. When Jim had emptied his ballocks he would leave and close the door gently, Bet would light the candle, and wash her cunt. One night she said to Kitty, “Come and see the stuff that comes out of a man's prick.” Kitty jumped out of bed, saw the seminal sediment that Betty had washed out of her, and stood looking at Jim's spendings at the bottom of the wash-stand basin. “Look how thick it is”, said Bet. “We have no thick stuff, have we?” Then she felt it. “You are a beast”, said Kit. “Wait till you have a sweetheart”, said Bet.

“Why”, said I to Kit, “I asked you before if you had seen any one frig, and you said only your cousin.” “Yes”, replied she, “my cousin Grace, you didn't ask me about any one else, but I did see a young man once do it to himself”, added Kitty, “it was my cousin Bob.”

I made her tell me all about that. She had cousins male and female, one named Grace her friend, and a cousin Bob, who used to go and see them; he was a favorite of Kitty's mother, a lad of sixteen, a carpenter. Grace must have been about a year older than Kitty.

Kitty's parents lived in two rooms, and had the right to use a wash-house. I am sure from all she said they were steady working-people. The mother went out sometimes charring, leaving Kitty at home to mind the children. She was useful at home, mended and made their linen. Grace often used to help her at needle-work.

Before Kit went to the fishmonger's she was at home one day mending, and Grace with her. Grace was always talking about what she knew, and had frigged herself before Kit. Kit had tried to frig, but got nothing but a pleasant sort of feeling, nothing approaching the luscious crisis that she felt when Betty tried her middle-finger on her clitoris. A knock at the door. “Who is there?” “Bob.” Kitty had been forbidden under pain of having her ears boxed, to let Bob or any one else in when her parents were out. “You can't come in”, she cried. “Let's in for a minute, I've got something to tell you.” “Tell me through the door.” “No they will hear upstairs.” “No.” Bob began rapping a tune with his fists on the door. Grace said, “The lodgers will tell your mother.” Bob who seems to have been a little fresh said, “Oh ! won't you be sorry”, and tramped downstairs.

A noise outside. “Why there he is again.” “Is that you Bob?” No reply. “See if it's some one else.” There was a shuffling outside. Grace got up and cautiously opened the door peeping. A big foot was thrust in, and she couldn't close it, then pushing the door wide open, and himself into the room comes Bob. Probably with the instinct of what might follow Kit had thrust the two children into the bed-room. Fe-males are strange and cunning animals; even at an early age, cunt is always ready, always inciting, and preparing them for cock; knowing or unknowingly, whether for intrigue, or objectless, or for the delight of doing what is forbidden; cunt is always inciting the female to help the male, for “cock and cunt must come together”, as poor Fred said.

Bob was making a half-holiday, had had enough beer to elevate him, and was of an age at which a prick has a habit of getting inconveniently stiff. If you can't afford to pay for cunt, or don't know a cunt which will take you up it for love, your prick is a restless article, which will insist on the buttocks pushing it somewhere or somehow, till the stiffness is taken out of it. A frisky youth with restless cods was in the room with two girls, one of whom was also frisky, and the younger inquisitive. They got joking, he kissed them, they tickled him, till he threw himself on the floor, and rolled about as the girls tormented him, and thought they were getting the best of him. He suddenly caught hold of them both, pulled them on to the floor in a heap, one on the top of him one by his side, and holding one one way, and the second another way, managed to put his hand on to one's cunt, turned the other over, and lifting up her clothes slapped her naked backside; they struggling and crying out at the attack on their sacred privates, he fighting, overturning, and exposing the limbs of the lasses, until, as Kitty said, “he's seed all we'd got to be seen over and over again.”

This quieted Kitty and Grace. When released they called him a blackguard, and told him to go out of their room. “I'll tell my mother”, said Kitty. “Tell her”, said Bob, “tell her you saw this”, pulling out a stiff prick, “as stiff as yours”, said Kitty, who was laying at the side of the bed feeling my cock about whilst telling me.

“We turned away, then turned round, it was still out, he had got it in his hand, and was grinning. Grace said, 'Let's go to the children', and burst out laughing, so did I, because she did.” Kitty stopped her, saying, “Don't let the children see him, they may tell mother.” After a time they turned round again, the fascination of the prick was on them, both wanted to see it. Grace winked at Kitty. “Go away Bob”, said Grace, “you'll get Kitty's ears boxed if it's known you have come in.” “Don't care”, said Bob, “show me your cunts, and I will. Cocky, cunty, cocky, cunty”, he sang out, “look here, — come and feel it.”

“I don't know what you mean”, said Grace turning round again. (Kitty said that Grace told her after-wards she wanted to see as much of his thing as she could.) “Show us the crack between your thighs.” “You beast, I've a good mind to hit you”, said Grace. “Come on”, said he. “You go.” “Feel my prick first.” “I won't.” “You Kitty.” “I won't you beast.” “But”, said she, “I was curious like to feel it for all I said 'no' to him, and so was Grace.”

Bob ran at Grace, and catching her, pulled up her clothes, and felt her; then running after Kit, he did the same, the whole three were yelling, Bob with his prick out promising to go if they felt him, they frightened of the mother coming home.

They were much agitated now, the children in the bed-room were crying at the row, and both girls threatening to call the lodger upstairs. “Let me”, said he, “let me put my cock just on your naked thighs, — do, —do, — do, — only for a minute.” “Shan't you beast.” “Oh! I must do it”, said Bob, “I must,-h000”, and then sitting down on a chair, Bob closed his eyes, frigged away, and saying, “Oh! it ought to be in your ck — ck — cunt”, spent, the two girls looking at him and at the sperm jetting out on to the floor.

They stood looking, never uttered a word, and fear came over them lest Kitty's mother should come home, and catch him there with his cock out, and his sperm on the floor. “Go, there is a good young man,—mother will be home directly, — oh ! that's her footstep, — run upstairs, and wait till she's in.” Bob whose nervous system was I dare say a little shaken by his frig, but- toned up his trowsers, and ran out of the room. The girls locked the door and listened, — it was not the mother, then they began to talk.