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He turns to face me, and he holds up his right hand. I swallow nervously and my cheeks heat up when I see he’s holding my little pink vibrator. He arches an eyebrow. “Why do you look so ashamed?” The smile on his face is nothing short of amusement.

I lower my eyes to look at my bedspread. There’s nothing wrong with having toys, but him knowing I have it is what’s embarrassing. The vibrator appears in front of me on my bedspread, and I look up at him. He turns away from me and starts to dig through my drawer some more.

“What are you doing?” I ask nervously. Is he mad at me?

“I’m going to fuck you!” he says matter-of-factly as he pushes the drawer closed and stands. My eyes widen when I see he found my black sleep mask. I bought it the first night after I worked at Seven Deadly Sins when Savannah dragged me to Walmart for blue hair dye. I figured it would help me sleep during the day since I was working nights.

“Case …” I start to shake my head, and he reaches out to grab my arm. He pulls me over to him, and my body trembles as he begins to speak.

“I’m going to fuck you however I want.” The order sends a shock through my body, but I can’t help but shake my head at him. He runs his hand up the back of my head and grabs a handful of my hair. I close my eyes and my lips part as I pant. He’s so dominant, yet he makes me want to rebel. Just to see how far he will push me. “Say it!” he growls in my ear.

I try to free my hair from his grip, but he doesn’t let go. It just makes my pussy throb and my heart race. “You’re gonna fuck me,” I pant.

“How am I gonna fuck you?” His rough voice whispers in my ear, and I can’t help but reach down and touch my swollen pussy. I need him, and he’s taking too long.

His free hand grabs my hand between my legs and pulls it away. “You’re just making it harder on yourself, Taylor.” There’s amusement in his voice that causes me to open my eyes and look up at him. A smirk plays on his face.

“However you want.” I breathe. “Please, just fuck me,” I beg shamelessly. “However you want,” I repeat desperately. I just need him inside me.

He leans down, and his lips brush mine. “Was that so hard?” His tongue runs along my bottom lip. I go to lean in to kiss him, but his hand in my hair prevents it. I growl, and he chuckles once again. He’s driving me nuts, and he knows it.

All of a sudden, he lets go of my hair and pulls away from me. “Turn around and get up on your knees,” he orders.

I quickly do as I’m told. Without warning, he slips the black mask over my eyes covering me in darkness. My breath hitches and instinct has me reaching up to grab it, to remove it.

“No!” His hands grab my hands and pull them down from my face. I turn my face to look over my shoulder as if to look at him, but all I see is blackness. “However I want. Remember?” he asks, massaging softly up and down my arms. His fingers dig into my skin, and I let out a moan.

I nod my head. “Yes.” I lick my lips. I didn’t think I could get any hornier, but he keeps proving me wrong.

He lets go of me, and I hear some commotion before I feel the bed dip once again behind me. I jump when I feel his hands grab my hands again. His chuckle informs me of his amusement. He likes to play with me. My heart pounds in my chest as he pulls them behind my back. He holds them in one hand for a quick second before I feel something thick and heavy wrap around them. His belt maybe? Once he removes his hands, I try to pull them apart, but something has bound them. “Case…” I rasp. “What are you …?”

“Don’t worry.” He remains behind me as he brushes hair off my shoulder. “I’m still going to fuck you, baby,” he assures me. “I’m just gonna play with you a little first.”

“Play?” I swallow nervously.

I feel him shift behind me as he presses his body further into mine. My legs shake nervously, and I breathe heavily. I whimper when I feel a hand between my legs. Seconds later, I hear a buzzing sound before I feel it against my clit.

My body jerks, and I gasp as the sensation sends a jolt through me. His other hand wraps around my other shoulder, and he places his hand on my throat. It forces me to lean my back into his hard chest as he pulls my neck back. He doesn’t cut off my air but holds me firmly.

He slides the toy back and forth along my pussy before he very slowly pushes it into me. My body shudders, and I can’t help but fight his hold. The sensation of the vibration and the tight hold his hand has on me has my mind reeling.

“Don’t fight it,” he whispers, and it just makes me want to fight him more. I love the way his hand feels around my throat. I love to know that he has that power. That I’m helpless to him. I love the way he tied my wrists helplessly behind my back. I’m at his mercy, and I want him to take it.

I clench my teeth and my legs shake as he slowly pushes the little vibrator into my soaked pussy. I cry out and rock my hips against his hand.

“You’re so greedy,” he rasps. “I like it.”

I try to speak, to beg him not to stop, but nothing comes out but moans and whimpers. “Have you ever used this vibrator and imagined it was me getting you off?” his deep voice demands. “Hmm?” He pulls it out slowly and runs it across my clit. I whimper as my pussy clenches. “You know I imagine you when I get myself off.”

I try to pull my hands apart once again but whatever he tied them with doesn’t give one bit. He jerks my head back more and it makes it even harder to breathe with his hand around my throat. “I imagine you on your knees as I fuck your mouth.” I swallow thickly. “I imagine fucking you in a crowd full of men. All of them jealous of what is mine.” That thought should not turn me on. I shouldn’t want others to see me in such a personal act.

He lowers the vibrator from my clit and pushes it into my pussy again. “You would like that, wouldn’t you?” I can feel his smile as he presses his lips agasint the side of my neck. “Others standing around as I make you fucking come on my cock.” I shake my head from side to side the best I can with his hand around my throat and he let’s out a laugh. “You can tell me whatever you want, darling. But your body doesn’t lie.”

I go to open my mouth to say something, anything but his hand picks up the pace as he fucks me with my vibrator and I feel my muscles clench and my back arches as a strangled cry is ripped from my parted lips.

“Come for me, baby,” he demands as I feel his teeth bite down on my shoulder.

My body shudders as it explodes in his arms. Even with the mask over my eyes, I still see spots dance in the darkness. I’m panting and my body continues to shake as he removes the vibrator from my pussy and his hand from around my throat. I drop my chin to rest on my chest while I wait for him to remove the blindfold and unbind my hands. Instead, I feel his hand on my back. He pushes me forward until I fall down on the bed. I try to push myself up, but it’s impossible with my hands tied behind my back. I should feel nervous about this position—every part of me exposed and not able to move my arms or see what he is doing—but I’m not. My body still trembles, my heart races, and I try to catch my breath. I shudder as he runs two fingers along my pussy and then his fingers make their way  upward. All I can do is let out a moan as he presses the tip of his finger into my ass. At this moment, I will take anything he has to give me. And I know my body will glady enjoy it.

I hear him growl from behind me and then he removes his fingers from my body. I hear the sound of a foil packet ripping and then I’m arching my back and lifting my head from my comforter as I scream out from his hard cock entering me roughly.


We lay side by side naked as we laugh at something I had just said. The belt, vibrator, and mask lie at the end of the bed. As the laughter dies down, I turn onto my side and look at Case. He has one arm behind his head and the other is resting over his chiseled abs. A smile still on his face. He looks so handsome like this. It’s easy to forget who he really is. What he really does for a living.