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“You didn’t, baby,” I say softly as I lean down and give her one last kiss on her lips.

Her head falls to the side, a few strands of hair covering her face. Her arms fan out to her sides and her lips part as she softly snores. She’s out!

I help her get undressed. Once she is wearing nothing but her black lace thong, I place the covers up to her chin. I turn around to start undressing when a picture on her long dresser gets my attention. I pick it up as I run my finger over it. It’s of her family. She sits on the grass with her legs out in front of her. She has her dark hair down and the wind is blowing it to the side. Her mother is sitting behind her with her arms wrapped around Taylor’s waist. Her dad lies on his stomach beside them with Blane sitting on his back. They’re all laughing, looking anywhere but the camera. I feel a pain in my chest at what she lost. That she lost her mom at such a young age. She can’t be any older than five years old here.

She sighs and I turn to look at her in bed. Her dark hair with blue streaks fans out over her pillow, and she’s rolled to her side, giving me her back. I set the picture back down and get undressed making my way into her bed next to her.

I reach up and push some hair back from her face as my eyes roam over it. This is gonna be harder than I expected. But then again, I think a part of me knew she was gonna be a challenge for me. I just didn’t know that it would break me down. That she was gonna affect me on the inside. No woman has ever had me this confused.

My eyes look over her beautiful face and full lips. I feel that tightening in my chest return. How could I have thought I could bring her into this world? Why didn’t I demand more information from Blane in the beginning? I could call him right now; I could tell him that the deal is off. I could leave right now and leave her a note that this just isn’t going to work out.

I lift my wrist and run my fingers over Nicole. I wish she were still here. She would know what to do. She would tell me to close my eyes and jump. To take that chance with Taylor and not to run. But she’s not here. And she can’t tell me what to do. So I have to make a decision. I just hope that it’s the right one.



I open my eyes and see that I’m in bed alone. I let out a sigh as I place my hand on my forehead. I have a pounding headache and what little light enters my room is blinding. And I am hung over.

I roll over onto my stomach and a moan of pain falls from my lips. I have never been this sore and hung over in my life. Damn, did I fall down last night? Why am I so sore? I know it’s not from sex.

I open my eyes as I hear the front door open and close. “Thought you guys were staying gone all weekend?” I call out with my scratchy throat. All I get is silence.

“Savannah?” I call out again. Still silence.

I roll out of bed and then pull the sheet with me. I pull it up to the back of my neck and wrap it around myself, shielding my body from my brother; I just don’t care to put clothes on at this second.

I walk out of my bedroom and my right shoulder hits the corner of the door, hard. I can’t even walk straight. “Savannah?” I say again as I round the corner to enter the kitchen.

“Sorry to disappoint you.”

I come to an abrupt stop when I see Case standing in the kitchen. “What?”

He holds his hands out to his side with a smirk on his face. “I’m not Savannah.”

“No.” I shake my head. “I thought … you weren’t here when I woke. I just figured you had left,” I say.

“I did,” he says pointing at the bag on the kitchen table. “You were pretty drunk last night. I figured you would need some breakfast.”

I smile. I’m wearing a big, goofy smile that probably makes me look like a love-struck teenager, but I can’t help it. “Thank you.”

He walks over to me, and I notice that he still has on what he was wearing last night. The shirt brings back memories to mind. “I’m sorry,” I say softly.

“For what?” he frowns

“For snapping at you. For being jealous. I had no right to act that way.” It hurts to admit I was jealous, but I need to apologize. I don’t want him to think I am head over heels in love with him and that he’s gonna have to fire me.

He reaches up and places his hands on my face, and I close my eyes enjoying his hands softly gripping me. I love it when he touches me.

“Don’t apologize for that,” he replies just as softly, and I open my eyes to look up at him. “Honestly, the way the guys were looking at you last night … made me mad with jealousy.” My eyes widen at that. “I wanted to lay you over that table.” I swallow thickly knowing where this is going. “Push up that dress and fuck you right there in front of Rox.” Why does that thought turn me on? “I wanted them all to know it’s my name you scream out when you come. It’s my cock you like in that tight pussy.” I inhale sharply. “Don’t be ashamed to be jealous, Taylor.” He lifts his hands and pulls mine away from the sheet. It falls down to the floor around my feet. His dark blue eyes look me up and down, and he sucks in a breath. When his eyes return to mine, he laces his hands in my hair. Tightening his hands, he pulls my head back so my face tilts up toward him. He lowers his lips to mine and speaks softly. “Don’t be ashamed because I feel the same way about you. I don’t share what is mine, and you are mine.” Then his lips slam on mine.

I should be afraid of how territorial he is. I should shudder at the thought of how he wants other men to watch him take me and show them I am his property. But instead, it ignites a fire in me. It lets me know he wants me just as much as I want him. I’ve never felt his way about a man before, and I know it’s unhealthy. There’s no way we can have a future. I’m a waitress, and he runs a club and sells drugs, but I kiss him back with everything I have. I wrap my heavy arms around his neck, and I pull him to me as if I could become a part of him and he a part of me.

My knees weaken as he tilts my head to the side with his hands in my hair and deepens the kiss, stealing my breath. I moan as he presses his hard cock into my stomach. It has me pulling at his shirt, needing to take this to the next level. Needing him inside me this very second.

He must feel it as well because he removes his hands from my hair and lifts me up, his hands digging into my ass cheeks. As he sets me down on my feet, I see we are in my room. I rip his shirt open; his buttons go flying and he lets out a growl. I undo his pants, and before they are even all the way off, he is on top of me on the bed. His hands are in my hair one second and then massaging my breasts the next. His lips are on mine, and then trailing down my neck. My mind goes blank, and my body can’t sit still. My fingernails dig into his back, and his teeth sink into my collarbone. I cry out as I close my eyes. My pussy throbs, and I lift my hips to meet his. I’m so wet for him it should be embarrassing.

His knees push my legs apart. He lifts his body off mine and then his hand is between my legs. I gasp as he pushes a finger deeply into me. He pulls it out and then this time thrusts two. My voice catches in my throat as I arch my neck and my nipples harden.

I’m in no mood for foreplay. “I need you.” I gasp as I run my fingers through his hair.

He all of a sudden pulls back and gets off the bed. I lean up on my elbows as I pant. “What’s wrong?”

He reaches down and picks his pants up off the floor. He digs into his back pocket and pulls out his wallet. “Fuck!” He hisses before throwing it to the floor. He looks up at me breathing heavy.

I instantly know the problem. I nod my head to my nightstand. “Top drawer.”

He opens my drawer in a rush and I’m about to open my mouth and tell him to not worry about it, that I’m on the pill, but I decide against it. If he’s willing to take the time to use a condom, then I should let him. I’m already being a little slut, might as well not be a stupid one.