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I look over to see the hostess; I watch her seat a couple of businessmen a few tables down. I eye her black patent heels that are probably about two inches tall. Her black pencil skirt shows off her thin legs and small waist. It comes to her calves but has a long slit up the back that some would consider a little inappropriate for such a business place. But she pulls it off, and it looks classy on her. She’s tucked a black silk blouse into her high skirt. The V-neck isn’t too low that her boobs spill over the top, but it’s low enough to show she has large implants. Her blond hair—that you can tell came from a bottle, but is not overly processed—is pulled up into a tight bun at the nape of her neck, giving her more of a teacher look than a hostess look. When she turns and catches me staring, she gives me a warm smile, showing off her beautiful teeth. Not one that says I just caught you staring at me, but one that says hi, it’s okay to stare at my hot self.

I look away and then at Case. His blue eyes are staring at me intently. He totally just caught me checking out his booty call. Please God, just end this day already.

I clear my throat. “So what is good here?”

“Everything,” he replies. A smirk growing on his face.

Was he just implying her? No, I asked about the food. I skim the menu and most of this stuff is more than what I pay for in a month at the grocery store. What happened to a burger and fries? Hell, I’ll settle for a hot dog from the guy on the side of the road who pushes one of those little carts around. I’m not the type of woman who lives on rabbit food and water.

“Case.” I put my menu down. “This is too expensive. We don’t have to eat here.” I wave my hand in the air.

“Is that really the problem?” He places his menu down and stares at me with those dark blue eyes. They make my heart race and my skin break out in goosebumps.

“Yes.” I can see how that sounded. Especially how he caught me staring at the runway model he’s obviously taken to bed.

“Then don’t worry about the price.” He picks his menu back up.

I reach across the table and pull it out of his hands. It slams against the table. “I don’t want to owe you any more than I already do,” I say softly so others can’t hear the exchange.

His smirk grows to a full smile. “We’re staying.”

I let out a puff of air. Getting frustrated. “Case …”

“Why did you call me today?” He changes the subject.

I mention me owing him, and he brings up me having to ask him for help today? “Because I had no one else,” I say softly. “And your number was just there.” I shrug. “I didn’t think you would answer in all honesty. And then when you did, I figured you’d be the last person to come and save me considering how I’ve treated you.”

He sits and stares at me for a long time. I’m guessing he’s trying to decide on just what to say. Maybe remembering all the bad stuff I said to him. After what feels like forever, he finally speaks to me. “Just because you don’t agree with what I do doesn’t mean I’m a bad person, Taylor.” I swallow thickly. He’s right. And Savannah was right; I’ve never been so quick to judge people before. Why do I let Case get to me so much? Because I’m afraid he may take my brother away from me.

I swallow my pride once again. “I apologized …”

He interrupts me. “I don’t need apologies from you, Taylor.”

Lunch went by agonizingly slow. Case didn’t say anything else to me, and I didn’t know what to say to him. We ate our meal in silence, and I couldn’t help but watch the way the pretty blond smiled at him as we made our way to the front door. Case came around and opened the car door for me, and I mumbled a thank you loud enough for him to hear. We may not be speaking, but I can’t be a bitch when he’s being a gentleman. He makes his way around the front of his car and gets behind the wheel.

Looking over his shoulder, he backs his car into the traffic before putting it into gear and taking off. I can tell by the way he’s driving that he’s mad. The way he shifts gears, slamming on the brake and the gas. And I know it’s because of me. But I don’t know what it is that I’ve done exactly.

The silence in the small car is almost deafening. I go to open my mouth to ask him the first thing that comes to my mind when my cell phone starts to ring. I look down to see SAVVY lighting up my screen.

I press ignore. Savannah calls two more times, and I decline both of them. I’m not in the mood to speak to her. I needed her, and she was just now calling me back? Screw that.

“What is your problem with me?” I demand looking over at him. Maybe it was the fact that Savannah just tried to call. Or the fact that I can’t take the silence anymore.

He gives a dark laugh, but it holds no humor. “That’s rich.”

“What does that mean?” I bark, now turning my entire body in the passenger seat to face him.

“It means you can have a shit ton of problems with me, but I can’t have a problem with you? That’s a little hypocritical.”

I roll my eyes. “I said I was sorry. What did you expect? You’re a drug dealer.” I regret the words as soon as I say them. As he had said at the restaurant, just because he sells drugs doesn’t make him a bad person.

“Yes. I know what I do for a living. Thanks for the reminder,” he snaps, hitting his hand on the steering wheel.

“Stop the car,” I demand, tired of this shit and ready to get out. He speeds up. “Case. Stop the damn car. I’m getting out,” I shout.

He snorts. “I refuse to leave you on the side of the road where some guy can stop and pick you up.” He shakes his head. “I refuse to have that blood on my hands.”

“I find it hard to believe that you all of a sudden are worried about my well-being.” His jaw tightens, and I add, “I’m not your responsibility.”

He veers the car off onto the side of the road and brings it to an abrupt stop. The force throws me forward, but the seat belt locks on my chest and I catch my breath.

He throws his arm over the back of my seat and leans into my space. I push myself up against the door and the window as far as I can with the seat belt still over my shoulder, staring at him wide-eyed.

“This is where you are wrong.” His voice is even, but I can see the rage in his blue eyes as he holds his face inches from my face. “Your brother works for me.” I swallow nervously terrified of where this conversation is going to go. I need to quit pissing this guy off. “First, he didn’t tell me about you. Then his house gets broken into. And believe me, I didn’t do it, princess. But someone out there did, and your brother swears he has no clue who that is. Your brother is my responsibility. Therefore, you are mine as well.”

I hate to admit I’m afraid of him. He may look like a man who belongs on a cover of GQ, but his demeanor is brooding and secretive. I can’t place my finger on it, but he seems as if he’s hiding something. He probably hides a lot. Hell, for all I know, this car could be stolen.

I drop my head and let out an exasperated breath. “What do you want from me?” It’s a loaded question but one that needed to be asked. He knows I’m terrified of what he is doing with my brother, but I can’t stop it. He threatens me and then expects me to fall for his charm when he’s being nice.

I hold my breath as he places his fingers under my chin and lifts so I have to look up at him. “Nothing. I want nothing from you.”




It was a lie I’m not sure she believed. When she asked me what I wanted from her, I almost said to use her for my own sick pleasure. That if I had my way, I’d have her naked in a matter of seconds with my hands in her hair and my cock in her mouth. And demand her to tell me who she thinks I am again. But that would get me nowhere. Taylor’s not the type of girl with whom you’re honest. She won’t like the truth.