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He runs a hand through his hair nervously. “Why not?”

“Dealers are very territorial. And in order for you to get the information that I need, you’re gonna have to cross over into what we call gray areas.” And now I have to create an excuse for that.

“What the hell is a gray area?”

“It’s an area that I don’t control.” I get all my drugs from Rox, so the fact that I am now buying from Cricket looks odd. But in all honesty, Cricket’s product is better. “If someone sees you selling or buying in an area that I don’t run, then you get your ass beat.” I look over at him quickly. “Do you wanna get your ass beat?” I ask when he doesn’t say anything.

He shakes his head quickly. “No. So what do I say?” he asks nervously.

“I’ll do the exchange. You just sit there and keep your mouth shut,” I inform him. “Open the glove box,” I order as I pull off the highway. “Hand me the baggie.”

He sighs nervously as he reaches for the bag of cocaine and then hands it over to me. “He’s going to offer you some.”

He inhales sharply. “I don’t do drugs, Case,” he says as his voice grows frantic. “I’ve never done a drug in my life.” I remember Taylor telling me the same thing. “What am I gonna do? I can’t do cocaine …”

“Stop,” I say loudly to get his attention as he rambles. I’m already annoyed by my hard cock in my jeans, so I can’t handle a grown-ass man acting like a little bitch. “I don’t allow my guys to do drugs while on the job,” I inform him. “But it’s also impolite to turn down when Rox gives you something.”

“So what am I gonna do?” He sounds just as frustrated as I feel.

“Whatever you have to, Blane. Whatever you have to.” I like this guy, and I have the hots for his sister. I’d hate to get him killed because he refuses to prove his loyalty. “Loyalty trumps any morals you have at the moment.”




I’m being a little bitch, and I know that. Believe me, if there was a way to turn it off, I would. I’m trying to be like the man sitting next to me—all tough and a hardass. But now, the fucker has me terrified. I can’t snort a line of cocaine. I’ve seen what one hit can do to someone. It only takes that one time to depend on something for the rest of your life.

I was once that sixteen-year-old who woke up at all hours of the night and ran to my father’s room to see if he had made his way home from a party. I was that kid who when he was home, my first instinct was to check his pulse as I prayed he was still alive. I can’t do that to myself. And I sure as hell won’t do it to Taylor.

I lower my head and run my hand through my hair as Case pulls into a parking lot. I look to see the word Fusion written on the side of the white building and I swallow nervously. He pulls his Corvette right up to the back door. He shuts off the car and gets out. I watch as he places the baggie of cocaine into his back pocket. “Just relax,” he says to me as my stiff body gets out of the passenger door.

“Easy for you to say,” I snap. “This is your life.”

He doesn’t respond to that; he just walks up to the back door and knocks on it. I let out a long breath squaring my shoulders as the door opens. A very beautiful woman answers the door. Her long black hair is pulled up into a high ponytail. Her dark eyes are lined with a black liner, and her lips are painted a color that could pass for chocolate. She’s stunning. She has a tight dark brown dress on that dips low in the front showing off a great set of tits that must have been paid for. A cream belt sits high on her thin waist, and I can’t help but look at the slit that runs up her long legs to her hip. Clearly, she’s not wearing anything underneath it.

“Case,” she says excitedly with a bright white smile. It looks like a million bucks. “It’s been a while.”

He nods his head. “It has.” She looks him up and down as if she is about to pounce on him. Surprisingly, he seems unaffected. “I have an appointment with Rox,” he says lacking the excitement she had for seeing him.

Her smile doesn’t falter, but you can see the disappointment in her dark eyes. “Of course. He is expecting you.”

She holds the door open for us and then closes it after we enter. I follow behind Case as he trails after her down a hallway. I don’t bother looking anywhere except straight ahead at Case as I follow them. I don’t know much about this Rox guy. Case kinda keeps me in the dark about certain things that he does, and I don’t blame him. I find I prefer to be in the dark on the deeper shit. I don’t need to know where the drugs go or where they come from, but I guess this guy is pretty important. Case called me earlier and told me that Rox had called him asking questions about me. He said I needed to make an appearance. When I asked why, he said it was unavoidable unless I wanted my ass beat. So here I am.

“He’s already in there waiting for you,” she announces as we come to a stop in front of a door.

Case surprises me as he leans in and gives the woman a kiss on both sides of her cheeks. “Thanks, beautiful,” he says giving her a flirtatious smile.

“Don’t be a stranger, Case,” she says with a wink before she turns and walks off. Swaying her hips a little more than usual, I’m sure.

“Case.” An older looking man stands in the middle of a room. I’m guessing this is the Rox guy. Case enters, and I follow him. “Nice of you to call.” He comes up to him and gives him a tight hug.

He pulls away. “Yeah, I thought it was about time we have a meeting,” he says cheerfully. He steps out of the way and gestures to me. I take a deep breath trying to calm my nerves once again. Try to think about the beautiful woman you just saw who is wearing no underwear. “Blane, meet Rox.” It doesn’t help.

I wipe my right hand on my thigh and then reach out in order to shake his as we say our hellos, but he pulls me in for a hug. I actually let out a laugh to try to cover up my nervousness. I look over at Case, and he’s smiling in satisfaction. Maybe this means Rox likes me. That’s good because I would hate for him to hate me. I hear that he is a ruthless motherfucker!

“I thought you should meet Blane. He recently started working for me.”

“What exactly is he doing for you?” he asks Case as if I’m not even here.

“He is buying from Cricket,” he says simply.

“Cricket?” His eyes widen. “Trying to throw him to the dogs already?” He smiles wickedly as he arches a brow in question.

Case chuckles at that. “I have total faith in Blane. He can hold his own.”

“I’m sure he can,” he says slowly as his eyes turn to me. His gaze returns to Case. “And why exactly do you have him buying from Cricket? I thought we had an understanding. You get your drugs from me. Am I wrong?” If he’s mad, his words don’t show it. He sounds genuinely curious.

Case shakes his head. “You are correct. You are my supplier, but it never hurts to test the competition.”

Rox smiles widely, and it makes him look like the Grinch. “Test the competition,” he repeats with amusement. “Did they pass?”

Case reaches down into his pocket and pulls out the baggie of cocaine. I suck in a deep breath. “You tell me.”

Rox’s black eyes light up. “A gift? I love gifts.” The smile on his face reminds me of a child on Christmas morning. Case hands him the baggie and takes the few steps that separate him from a couch. Case plops down and I find myself sitting down as well. “Oh, please join me,” he says looking over at me as he sits down in a chair across from us. My body stiffens, and I pray they can’t see it. But I gotta do what Case told me to do in order not to give ourselves away.

I swallow nervously and hold my breath as I nod quickly. Fuck! I let out a long breath as my hands shake while resting on my thighs. I give him a shaky smile as I look him in the eyes. They’re so dark they’re black. I don’t know why, but the devil comes to mind—soulless. I lick my dry lips and speak. “I would love some …”