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As I reach for the soap, I start to think of all the places that I can look for a job tomorrow. I could go for another coffee shop, but I can’t see another shop paying close to what I made. The thought of working at Case’s club passes over my thoughts, and I quickly squash it.

Don’t even consider that as an option.

I bet it’s great money.

What he does is illegal.

You wouldn’t be doing anything illegal. You’d just be serving drinks.

“Stop,” I say out loud to myself. As if that will make my mind stop thinking about it. It’s too late for me to have an internal battle with myself. Either way, I will lose.

As I wrap the towel around myself under my arms, I swipe my hand across my bathroom mirror. I grab my toothbrush, apply toothpaste to it, and brush my teeth leaning over the sink. Humming a tune to myself, I distract myself from thinking about taking the job Case offered me.

When finished, I wring my hair out in the sink again, considering it’s dripping water all over the floor and down my shoulders. I take a deep breath and smile when all I smell is my vanilla bodywash and not the smoke from my car.

I open the door and step out into the hallway to head back to my room but come to a halt when I collide with a very large, very hard body.

I gasp as I look up into dark blue eyes. The same dark blue eyes that I spent most of my day with earlier today. Case stands there, hands on either side of my shoulders, to steady me from our running into each other. His hands are warm on my damp skin. His eyes drop down and rake over my body, and I can’t hide the shiver that runs through me. Why do I feel so cold?

“I’m gonna regret this,” he mumbles as he starts to lower his lips down to mine, and I suck in a deep breath.

Is he gonna kiss me?

I lick my lips and my heart pounds so loudly in my chest that I’m sure he can hear it. I don’t know why I’m so nervous. I’ve kissed men before. Hell, I’ve had sex before. But he’s different; he screams trouble. Dangerous. And my body likes that even as my mind screams run. At the last second, he moves to the right and whispers in my ear. “Although I don’t mind the show, you might wanna pick your towel up off the floor.” His hot breath makes another shiver run through me when it hits my cool skin. He pulls back and his eyes look down at me once again. They darken and I swear I hear a deep growl as he just stands there.

Disappointment floods me when I realize he didn’t kiss me. But his words start to sink in. I follow his eyes down my body. I screech as I realize the reason I’m so cold is because I lost my towel when I ran into him. And I’m standing in front of him buck-ass naked.

OH, MY GOD! I shove him out the way, and for a second, he doesn’t budge. After one last long look, he removes his hands and takes a step away from me and steps to the side. I reach down, snatch my towel, and finish running across the hall to my room. I slam my bedroom door shut behind me.

“What’s wrong?” Savannah sits straight up in bed, her hair covering half her face as she looks around lost with sleepy green eyes.

“What’s going on out there?” I hear my brother’s voice on the other side of my door, now in the hallway.

“Taylor saw a spider,” I hear Case say with amusement in his voice. And if that doesn’t embarrass me enough, the chuckle that comes after does.

Kill me now!

“What is Case doing here?” I ask myself as I close my eyes and bang my head back against my door. Ow, that hurt.

“He came over to pick up Blane. They have some business to take care of,” Savannah answers. “Why? I thought you said he wasn’t that bad? Maybe even a good guy.”

I open my eyes and look at her now sitting up in my bed. “A good guy?” I breathe. “Who cares what kind of guy he is. He just saw me naked,” I growl.

Her green eyes look me up and down with a frown on her face. She takes in my towel and wet hair. After a few long seconds, her lips pull back in a smile. And then she bursts out laughing. She throws her head back and laughs so loud that I’m sure Case can hear her on the other side of my door.

I run to my bed and bury my head in my pillow. Her laughter dies down and then I feel her hand softly on my shoulder. “Hey, it’s okay.”

“I thought he was gonna kiss me,” I mumble into the pillow.

She laughs once again and pats my back over the towel. “So you do find him hot,” she says knowingly.


I can’t help the big grin on my face. I am still standing outside of Taylor’s room, and I can hear the girls talking. I can hear Savannah talking to her about how she finds me hot, and it makes me chuckle.

I walk away from the door ‘cause if I can hear them, then they can hear me.

“You ready?” Blane asks walking out of his room at the end of the hall and shutting his door behind him.

I nod. “Give me a second.” I step into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I need a minute to calm myself before I have to get in my car with her brother.

“Shit!” I curse softly as I place my hands on her sink and drop my head. I am so fucking hard right now after seeing her flawless body. I knew I should have had Blane come to me at the club, but when he asked me if I wanted to pick him up at his house, I couldn’t resist. The urge to see Taylor again was too great to turn down.

Now, I have a hard cock, and my mind is in the gutter. I take a deep breath to calm myself, but it just makes my desire for her harder to tame as the scent of vanilla fills my nose.

My cock twitches and I close my eyes. I see her standing in front of me; she’s naked and her body is trembling with my hands on her shoulders. Her skin was so soft and smooth. Her lips parted, and I swear I heard her whisper kiss me. Fuck, how I wanted to. I let myself look at her without shame. My gaze devoured her perfectly round tits, flat stomach, and smooth pussy. I wanted to drop to my knees right then and there and wrap her legs around my head as I fucked her till she was shaking for a different reason than her being cold.

A knock on the door makes me jump. “One sec,” I grind out.

“Come on, man,” Blane says as he pounds on the door again. “We need to get going.”

I lean over and turn on her sink. I throw some cold water on my face as I take a few calming, deep breaths. “Coming.” I reach over, grab a hand towel, and dry my face.

I readjust my very painfully hard cock behind my zipper and open up the door. I may be a fucking man, but she’s just another woman. I can keep myself together, for fuck’s sake. I have to!

Blane stands there staring at me with a smirk on his face. If he had any idea what I am thinking about, he wouldn’t look at me like that. “Did that spider scare you too?” He laughs.

I roll my eyes and slap my hand on his shoulder. “Let’s go.”

I throw one last look over at Taylor’s door and imagine her lying on her bed, naked and ready for me to take her … Fucking stop, Case! I berate myself.

I look over at Blane, and I hear Taylor’s door start to open. I don’t even turn around. I just walk to the front door because, all of a sudden, I need out of this house.

As I drive down the highway with Blane, I feel like I left my mind back at their house with Taylor. I can still smell her, and thanks to my stupid decision to go into her bathroom, now my clothes and car smell like her. I have literally fucked myself, yet I’m not getting to reap the benefits. Just the blue balls.

I growl, my hand tightening on the steering wheel. “Dude, what’s wrong?” Blane asks looking over at me.

“Just a little tense.”

“Are you going to be okay to do this?” he questions. “Maybe we can reschedule …”

“You don’t reschedule something like this,” I interrupt him. “You don’t want to do anything that makes you look suspicious,” I inform him. “Rox already doesn’t trust you.” Rox doesn’t know him.