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I throw the card down on the passenger seat and pick up my phone. I dial Savannah’s number one last time. Ring … ring … ring … ring … Hello, you’ve reached Savannah. Leave me a message … I hang up with a shout of frustration.

I eye his card once more, and my mind fills with desperation. What other choice do I have? I don’t, really. I mean would he really hurt me? He said yesterday that he wouldn’t do anything to me because I haven’t made a move. I haven’t called the cops, so I’m really no threat to him at the moment. I’ve called everyone I know who could help me. My friends from school are either back home with their parents for the summer or away on vacation. I have no other option. And if he’s willing to help us out with what we had stolen, then maybe he would help me out since I’m in a bind …

“Fuck it!” I snatch the black card out of the passenger seat and dial the number before I change my mind, but not before I dial #67. If he doesn’t even answer like everyone else, then I sure as hell don’t want him to call me back in an hour or two.

I tap my foot against the floorboard as I hear the first ring. “Case.” I freeze when his deep voice comes across the line. Shit! It only rang once; I wasn’t expecting him to answer at all. “Hello?” His voice sounds rough from sleep.

Double shit! What do I say? My heart pounds in my chest. This was a bad idea. Very, very bad … “Hello?” he snaps, losing his patience.

“Hi.” I cringe as the octave of my voice is three times higher than normal. Why did you call this man? You hate him! But I need to get to work. And if he is as bad as I think he is, I need to get on his good side. This could help me get there. Right?

“Who is this?” he demands, still sounding irritated. Great. I’ve pissed off a man who has already threatened me once. I’ve lost my mind.

“Hello, Case.” I roll my eyes at how breathless I sounded that time. Clearing my throat, I try again. “This is Taylor …”

“Taylor?” His voice has lost its edge. “Something wrong?” he asks quickly.

I actually laugh at how sincere that sounded. “No.” Just losing my mind, it seems. “Well, yeah,” I say as I look out my windshield and see the smoke still lingering around my car. “I was on my way to work. And well, my car caught fire…”

“What?” The tone of his voice makes a shiver run through me. This is not the type of guy you would wanna piss off. Just the sound of his voice causes me to cower. “Where are you?” he snaps.

“I’m sorry for calling you,” I say softly since he sounds so mad. “But I’ve called Savannah three times. She won’t answer. And then I called Blane once, and his phone went straight to voicemail. I then called work, but no one could come and get me. And then my boss. He didn’t answer,” I ramble. “I need to get to work.” I take a deep breath, realizing I forgot to breathe between words. “I don’t have anyone else …” He’s quiet, so I continue. “I would call triple A, but I don’t have it …”

“No. No,” he interrupts me.

“I just happened to have your card in my car.” I go back to my rambling. “And thought, maybe … I just need a ride to work. I’m already late as it is.” I start to bite my nails and stop. I pay too much money for them to do that. “I’m stuck here on the side of the road.”

“You’re on the side of the road?” he growls.

I look around at the deserted backroad. “Uh, yeah.”

“Son of a bitch,” he hisses. I frown at his choice of words. Is he mad at me? “I was driving when it just starting smoking. I pulled right over …”

“Are you sitting in your car?” he interrupts me.


He huffs. “Stay in your car and wait for me.” I can hear a rustling of clothes and then the sound of a few doors slamming.

“I’m sorry again for calling you.”

I hear a beeping sound on his side of the phone and then an engine roar. “No worries. Just do what I said,” he orders. “I’m already in my car and pulling out of the club parking lot. Where are you?”

I sigh in relief. “Thanks so much. I will pay for your gas.” I cringe even after I say it. I don’t have any cash on me. But I do have my debit card on me. If it’s not already maxed out.

“No need for payment, Taylor. Now, where are you before I go the wrong way.”

I inform him of where I am, and he promises to be here as soon as he can. When I hang up, I realize what I just did. I just called a drug dealer. What if the police arrest him and go through his phone? I sigh in relief. I had blocked it. Well, one point for me.

I get out of my car and lean up against my trunk while I wait for him. I know he told me to sit in it, but I think I’d rather take my chances at another car hitting me as I stand on the side of the road than to be sitting in my car if it decides to go up in flames. Who knows what is really wrong with it and if my bottle of water really did any good.

About fifteen minutes later, I see a black truck coming around the corner. It’s the first vehicle I’ve seen since I pulled over on the side of the road and I stand up straight. I give a small smile as it starts to come to a stop behind my car. My first thought is that of course he drives an overly large jacked up truck. Trying to compensate for something? My second thought is that wasn’t very nice. He’s the only one who answered your phone call.

“Thank you …” I come to a halt and my words cut off when a man about my age jumps out from his lifted black Ford. A man who looks nothing like Case. Did he send someone to help me? Did he realize that I was where no one would find me? I immediately shake that thought from my mind. He said he was coming. And this guy is not Case.

The man smiles at me, showing off his jagged teeth as he pushes his sunglasses to the top of his head. Eyes so dark they look black look me up and down in a way that makes me uneasy. “Need help, little lady?” he asks with a Southern drawl.

“Uh, no,” I say, and his smile falls. “I have someone coming,” I add quickly. “Thank you, though.” I take a quick look around. Where is Case? I hope he gets here soon. All of a sudden, I feel too exposed standing outside of my car. I should have stayed inside where I could lock my doors.

He looks around after I do, and his smile returns. “Well, they’re not here yet. How about I take a look.” He winks at me and then walks past me to the front of my car.

“Uh … sure,” I say, nervously. What else is there for me to say? I already told him that I had someone coming, yet he insisted on helping.

“Pop the hood,” he orders as he looks down at it.

I gladly open up my car door and get inside of it. I pop the hood and then close my door. I’d take being blown up by a car explosion any day to being kidnapped, raped, mutilated, and left for dead on the side of the road.

I watch through the little crack at the bottom of my lifted hood out of my windshield as he reaches over and grabs something in my engine. He cusses as he jerks his hand back. “Will it start?” he asks loud enough for me to hear.

“No,” I lie. I’m not sure if it will. But trying to start it just sounds like a bad idea. What if that would cause it to explode?

“It’s still too hot to touch.” He comes into full view when he slams the hood down.

I wipe my sweaty hands on my thighs. Shit, it’s hot in here. I grab a hold of my shirt and pull it out quickly, trying to fan my chest. “Yeah, I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself,” I say loudly hoping he can hear me since my car door is shut. That was nice, right? Even though I’m scared to death. He stands in front of my car and places his arms over his chest as he stares at me through my windshield.

I clear my throat when I realize he’s not going to budge. “Thank you?” I say in a high-pitched voice.

My heart starts to beat faster when he makes his way over to my driver’s side door. He opens it, and I try to give him a thankful smile when I step out. Why didn’t I lock myself inside? That would have been too obvious. Plus, he would probably just break my window open.