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“So, tell me,” I say. I want to know the real Nick. Maybe then I can tell him about the real Dani.

“I never knew my parents. My father died in rehab—he snuck in some drugs or someone gave him something and he overdosed.” He sits beside me and takes my hand. I have to fight back tears. “Mariann said my mom was a junkie. That she married my father for his money. That wasn’t true. Will said she never did drugs and she loved my father.” I bite the inside of my already chewed-up cheek to keep the tears in my eyes from spilling over. “When my father went to rehab, Mariann only agreed to help get my mom back on her feet if she signed away her parental rights. She had to do it. My father needed help, and she had no money to live on.” His tone turns bitter when he starts to talk about his family’s wealth. “My father blew all of his money on drugs. He left my mother with nothing. She had to give Mariann custody of me, but she never thought she would lose me. It was insurance. To prove she wouldn’t take the money and run away with me. She never had a chance. Once she signed her parental rights away, Mariann made sure she never saw me again. My grandmother told me all my mother wanted was money, but that wasn’t true. She wanted me, and I didn’t know until it was too late. She died of cancer when I was thirteen. That’s when I met Will and he told me the truth about everything. My mom and dad, how they met, and what kind of woman Mariann Marino really is.”

“I’m sorry,” I whisper. I don’t know what else to say.

Nick kisses my hand. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about selling thizz. It’s just that you seemed to have your own opinion on drug dealers.” I think of our first conversation about the pills in K’s bedroom. It all makes sense now. “I want to make my own money, have my own legacy. I want nothing to do with Mariann or her money. She let me grow up thinking my mother didn’t love me, didn’t want me. I’ll never forgive her for that.”

I can’t reply to anything Nick has just said. I’m speechless. He is from one of the most successful, respected families in the state, and he really believes selling thizz is a career he can be proud of. I don’t know what to think about that. I’d be a hypocrite to judge him. I have no problem taking the pills that he sells. Does that mean I condone it?

“Are you doing this by yourself?” I start to wonder about the pills in Matt’s room. Maybe he was stashing them for Nick.

“No. Matt and Arnie work for me.”

“Matt works for you?” Matt’s been lying to me too. Lying about Nick and himself. All this time I thought I knew him. I thought I could trust him. A lump forms in my throat.

“Matt’s my boy.” He smiles proudly.

Matt is your friend. Not mine.

I suddenly realize what kind of danger we were just in. I knew dating Nick could be dangerous, but I was thinking more like getting my ass kicked by girls like Katie. Not being shot by a biker gang. “Those bikers think you’re in their territory?”

“Don’t worry. Once they find out who I am, they’ll be the ones backing off.” His arrogance has a whole new meaning. “I wanted to tell you so many times.” He stops and kisses my hand. “I had to make sure my plan worked first.” Nick smiles, hoping I will too. I offer a weak grin and pretend I’m not freaking out. “Thizz has been so huge that Will says if we partner up, we’ll be major players on the West Coast. We can control the thizz market.” Nick kneels on the floor in front of me likes he’s begging me to see things his way. “I’m not hurting anyone, Dani. You know that,” he says. Is he insinuating that I know more than most because I love thizz? He’s right. I’m not hurt by his product. I can’t live without it.

Nick’s phone buzzes again; he takes it out and checks the number before declining the call. I’ve been an accessory to his life this entire time, and I didn’t even know it. My father would be so disappointed. Being with Nick is such a betrayal to him, to what he stood for. How can I stay with him now that I know? How do I leave knowing he’s the only one I know that has thizz?

“You better go. Lucy will be home soon,” I lie.

Nick takes my hand and pulls me into his arms. “Is everything cool?”

“Yeah,” I say with way more enthusiasm than needed.

He takes my face in his hands and looks into my eyes. “I love you, Dani. This doesn’t change anything.” This isn’t the first time Nick Marino has told me he loves me. But I do believe it is the first time I’ve felt the meaning in his words. If there is one thing I know for sure, it’s that Nick Marino cares about me. His love is a gift, one I should appreciate. “Then I don’t care that you sell thizz.” The words feel like the truth. Being Nick Marino’s girl for a little longer doesn’t seem like a bad idea anymore.

Nick stands and I walk him to the door. “So, does this mean I get an unlimited supply?” I’m joking, but Nick doesn’t seem to think so.

Nick grabs my shoulder and turns me to face him. “No. We don’t get high on our supply. We can party like we’ve been doing. Once or twice a week is fine, that’s it.”

His words make me feel two inches tall. “Ok,” I say quietly and bite back tears.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap. I don’t want any of my friends, especially you, taking pills like that. Just like I wouldn’t want you drinking every day. It’s the same thing. You feel me?” Nick never talks to me like this. I don’t like it. I just want him to leave so I can do whatever the hell I want.

“I understand.” I fake-smile and kiss him goodbye as the pill I took sends another jolt of pleasure through my body.

Nick leaves, and I go to my room and lie down. Things start to make sense. All the phone calls, the errands. All the lies Matt has told me. I wonder if he really is going to Stanford. I want to call him out, but what’s the point. Matt doesn’t owe me anything.

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I’m sitting in the diner having lunch with Ashley when Nick comes flying around the corner. He would never drive like that through town and risk getting pulled over. Everyone knows his car; it isn’t like he can outrun the cops. If they don’t catch him on the street, they’ll just show up at his house.

Something must be wrong.

I settle our check while Ashely packs our food in a Styrofoam container. She is about to burst when I head back to the table. “Why is Nick driving like someone is chasing him?”

“I don’t know. Just hurry up.” I usher my sister to the car and listen for sirens. I don’t hear anything. That’s good news.

I start my mom’s Audi and back out of the lot, unsure of where I’m going. I dial Nick’s number—no answer. I turn right and drive towards home, toying with the possibility of leaving Ashley while I go find Nick. My parents are at a wedding. They left me strict instructions not to leave Ashely alone, but I have to make sure everything is ok. I need to know Dani is safe. Suddenly a thought crosses my mind. What if Nick isn’t outrunning someone, what if he is in a rush to get Dani home? What if he is so upset that he can’t wait to get her out of his car? I make a U-turn at the next light and head towards Dani’s house. I want to be there for her just in case something has happened between them.

I can’t deny something almost happened between us last night. I’m happy I didn’t let Dani do something she would’ve regretted. Not that she wanted to. But it sure as hell seemed that way. I’ll try Nick one more time. If he doesn’t pick up, I’ll drive to Dani’s and check on her. Ashley can wait in the car. The angst I’m feeling when I dial the phone causes my legs to shake. Part of me wants Nick to be ok, but another part of me wishes for something else. Ashley sighs when I make another U-turn. I’m driving in circles waiting for Nick to answer his phone. I dial again. It takes me a few seconds to realize he’s picked up. “Nick!” I shout. “I saw you blast by the diner, what the fuck is going on?”