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I sigh, dreading this part of the conversation that I inevitably knew was coming. "Look, I know I'm not your type, but I figured since you've screwed practically every vagina in Eugene since freshman year you wouldn't be so opposed to throwing me a bone. It's not a big deal. I'm not asking you to marry me. Or even date me. I just want one night of sex from someone who knows what they're doing, so I can finally understand what the big deal is. You're the only one I trust, Rye." I grab his hand and look at him pleadingly. "I figured we could do it this weekend when you help me move."


I TAKE A LONG pull from my bottle. Then another. And another. I can’t believe what’s happening right now. How can the hottest girl I’ve ever known be a virgin? And what the fuck did she mean she wasn't my type? She's EVERY guy's type. Has she been avoiding mirrors her entire life? She has legs that go on for miles, perfectly rounded tits, and an ass that was made to be grabbed. All of that with the face of an angel. A Victoria’s Secret angel. Even if she didn't look like a supermodel, her personality would win over any guy with half a brain. She's perfectly happy hanging out at The Duck Pond for hours watching a game. She couldn’t care less about shopping, or getting her nails done, or all that other girly shit. She's definitely all woman and sexy as hell, but it's effortless for her.

Okay, so maybe she has no clue that almost every dude at U of O has the hots for her, but never in a million years would I have expected this. I'd be all up in that shit if she hadn't friend-zoned me on the first day we met. Initially, I wasn't going to give up, but the more I got to know her, the more I didn't want to risk our friendship by pushing for more. We had a few near slips over the years, but I managed to keep it in my pants which for me, is a pretty big feat. And now she’s asking me for it? Am I dreaming?

How in the hell is she still a virgin? She's dated guys throughout school. Hasn't she? I think for a minute. Yeah, she has! There’s been at least a handful that I can think of. Then there was that one guy from sophomore year that hung around for a while. What was his name again? Oh yeah, Brian!

"What about Brian?" I ask. "You dated him for like six months."

Devyn rolls her eyes. "Please, Rye, Brian is a walking stereotype! I didn’t see it at the time, but I was totally his cover girlfriend until he was ready to come out of the closet. He broke up with me for someone named Michael, for Christ's sake! And I'm going to their wedding next month! How could you have missed that?"

What? "Shit, I thought you said Michelle." I start rubbing the back of my neck. "Now that you mention it though, it was pretty obvious. Damn! How did I miss that?"

Devyn laughs. "No clue...you were probably too consumed with picking out the lucky brunette of the month."

I scowl. "Hey, I'm not that bad!"

Devyn laughs even harder. "Oh, please! You are such a man whore! But that's okay given the circumstances. I know you're the right person for this. I don't want to lose my V-card to just anyone. I've messed around with guys before but I always thought that final moment should be with someone that I was in love with. Since that hasn't happened, I'm okay with it being someone that I trust. You're the only guy who fits that description for me, Rye. And like I said earlier, your bedroom skills are legendary. I want my first time to be good. I want it to be with you. Besides, you kinda owe me."

I smile at her comment about my skills. I can’t help myself. I do know my way around a woman's body. And I know that women talk. I count on it, actually, which is why I haven't had to ask anyone out in years. They all come on to me because they hear the rumors and want to see firsthand if they're true. And I’m usually more than happy to oblige. I never really cared that they didn't stick around long enough to get to know me. Devyn knew the real me and that was good enough. All those other women thought I was just a body. Devyn knows my mind. Now that I think about it, she's the only woman not related to me who knows that I’m a certified genius, not the dumb jock they all assumed. Hell, I’m graduating with high honors next week and headed to Boston for my Masters in Aerospace Engineering. The average Joe can't claim that.

I start to seriously consider her proposal. Can I do this? Can I worship her glorious body and, let's be honest here, probably ruin her for any guy that would come after me, and then pretend it never happened? Go back to being just friends? If we weren't about to move three thousand miles away from each other, I'd say it was impossible. As it stands, it seems quite possible. Maybe it’s just my dick talking, but this idea of hers sounds better and better with each passing second. Wait a minute…did she just say I owe her?

“Owe you for what?”

She rolls her eyes. “Part of the reason I’m in this predicament is because I’ve spent almost every day over the past four years with you. Every guy I’ve liked, besides Brian, backed off once they found out about you. I never got past a few dates with any of them. They all thought we were an item or something. No one ever believed me when I said we were just friends.”

Okay, so maybe I had a word or two with these guys. And maybe I led them to believe that Devyn was off limits. I’m pleading the fifth.

"So to be clear, you want me to have sex with you. For one night and one night only. No strings attached, no emotions, just sex so you can turn in your V-card, as you call it. Afterwards, we pretend as if it never happened and go back to normal?"

Devyn nods and chews her bottom lip.

"I need to hear the words, Dev."

She holds her chin up. "Yes. Just sex. No strings. Afterwards, best buds like always. Do we have a deal?"

I smile bigger than I probably ever have before. "Deal."

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WE MAKE THE THREE hour drive north to Portland along Interstate-5. I’m super nervous about this weekend but Riley hasn’t brought it up so I can’t seem to either. Did he change his mind? God, I hope not. I’m starting a highly sought after paid internship next month at a huge marketing firm. The owner of the agency and the founder of Nike were both U of O alums. They open one slot every year for a graduating student. I worked my butt off creating mock ups for Nike’s new children’s line. Out of over three hundred applicants, they picked me. Now for the next year of my life, I get to learn from some of the best in the industry. I feel like everything is falling into place perfectly according to plan. Everything except my love life, anyway. And I’m honestly okay with that—I wouldn’t have time for a relationship right now. But let’s face it. Sex sells. It’s huge in the marketing world and I can pretend all day long but I know I’ll never truly get it until I experience it for myself. I know Riley is the right person to help me with my little dilemma. I don’t know what I’m going to do if he backs out.

“Why are you fidgeting so much over there?” Riley asks.

I look down and notice that I’m wringing my hands incessantly. I decide to bite the bullet and talk about the elephant in the room. Or the car, rather.

“Did you change your mind?” I ask.

“About what? Helping you move? It’s a little late now, don’t ya think, considering we’re only a few minutes outside of town?”

Oh no! Maybe he forgot about our deal! That’s even worse than him changing his mind. I clear my throat. “No…um, not about helping me move. Which I appreciate very much, if I haven’t mentioned that already. About…the other thing.”