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The full gamut of emotions runs over her face as she sits there, enraptured by the story. I’m seeing another side of her tonight. She’s normally just one of the guys—albeit, in a hot chick’s body, but still one of the guys. She’s totally into sports, hanging out, drinking beer, eating pizza, shooting pool…you know, normal dude stuff. Right now, I’m seeing the cultured, sophisticated, feminine person that lies beneath the surface. Trust me, my dick is aware of her womanly parts at all times, especially when she’s wearing a dress like she is tonight, but I’ve never seen her in this light before today. I’m itching to find out more about this Devyn.

I realize the play is over as Devyn stands. “Riley, are you coming?”

I get out of my seat and take the hand she is offering. We filter out of the theater and begin walking around the town square. She hasn’t pulled her hand away yet and I’m not complaining.

“Care to commemorate your visit to our festival?”

Devyn stops mid-stride as the street vendor asks his question. “I’m sorry, were you talking to us?”

The robust man in full costume holds up his camera. “Milady, I’d be honored to take a picture of such a lovely couple.” He gestures to the wooden kiosk that holds several mementos available for purchase. “Perhaps you’d like to take home a framed photo? We also offer magnets and key chains if you’d like something smaller.”

She blushes. “Oh, right. Um…we aren’t a couple. We’re just friends.”

The vendor looks at our joined hands. “My apologies for the error, milady. Perhaps a photo between friends, then?”

She follows his gaze and pulls out of my grip. “Oh, uh…no, thank you.”

I awkwardly put my hands in my pockets as we start walking again. “You feel like walking for a while before we head back to the hotel?”

“Sure.” She holds out her hand and smiles. “Screw it. Who said friends can’t hold hands?”

I smirk as I take my hand out of my pocket and link our fingers together. “Not me.”

She squeezes my fingers. “Me neither.”

As we stroll through a large park I ask, “So, what did you think of the play?”

Her face lights up. “Oh, I loved it! I think they did such a good job! I’ve never seen that particular one before. It was beautiful…I think Cleopatra is definitely one of Shakespeare’s more complex characters. You feel empathy for her one minute, but then hate her in the next. Ya know? What did you think? Was the festival better than you remembered?”

I pull her arm and jerk her into my body. “No offense to my mom, but the company was definitely better this time around.”

She tucks her chin. We’re so close that I can feel the rapid beat of her heart. Her breath catches when her tits brush against my chest. I’m not positive, but I think I see her nipples poking out. Fuck me, but my dick just became rock hard thinking about it. We stand facing each other, chest to chest, just breathing without a word. Oh fuck it, I think before taking one step closer so she can feel the evidence of how she affects me.

Devyn gasps and tilts her face up. “Riley, what are—”

I put my index finger on her lips to silence her protest. “Shhh. I just need to see something.”

I lean down slowly towards her mouth. I don’t know why I’m about to cross this line after two years of a strictly platonic—okay, mostly platonic—relationship, but I can’t seem to stop myself. She holds herself completely still waiting for me to make my move. I need to know if she’s feeling what I’m feeling. I don’t even know how to articulate exactly what I’m feeling right now, but it’s definitely something.

She turns her face away right before our lips touch. “It’s starting to rain.”

I pull back and shake my head to clear the fog. “Huh?”

She looks up towards the sky and wipes a raindrop off her forehead. “The storm is rolling in. We’d better start walking back before it gets too bad.”

“Right,” I say.

We’re a block away from my truck when the sky opens up. We start running through the downpour. Devyn squeals as the drops become heavier and heavier. Suddenly she stops and turns around to face me. She gets this big smile on her face, holds her arms out wide and spins in circles repeatedly. She tilts her face up to the sky as she twirls and laughs.

“What’s so funny?”

“This rain is ridiculous! We’re soaked! I figured there’s no point in running from it so why not enjoy it?”  She begins turning in circles again, laughing like a loon. She’s fucking gorgeous.

Without any further thought, I advance upon her and back her into the side of my truck. Surprise has made her laughter fall silent immediately. I can see the wheels turning in her mind trying to process what’s happening. She pulls out of my hold and takes three steps to the side. “Riley, what are you doing?”

Okay, I’m trying not to be a dick here but that’s kind of hard —pun intended—to do when her pink sundress is soaking wet and plastered to her body. The streetlight above is shining brightly so I can clearly see every curve on her body. She’s wearing a lacy bra and I swear to God her nipples are taunting me saying, “Touch me! Suck me! Lick me!”

She crosses her arms over her chest. “Riley! Stop staring at my boobs!”

I throw my hands up in frustration. “Tell your boobs to stop staring at my eyes!”

She looks down and notices how transparent her dress is. “Oh my God, I might as well be naked! I can’t believe this is happening right now.” She puts her hand on the passenger door. “Can we please just go?”

I pull my keys out of my pocket and hit the button to unlock the door. She climbs in before I have a chance to open it for her. I walk around to the other side and get behind the wheel. I turn the ignition and crank the heat. She’s holding her hands against the vent as I fumble behind me looking for the sweatshirt I had in the backseat. I finally find it and hold it out towards her.

She grabs it and starts pulling it around her shoulders. After zipping it up to the neck she says, “Thanks.”

“No prob.” I put the truck into gear and pull onto the road. “Devyn, I don’t know what just almost happened back there, but I think we need to talk about it.”

She groans. “Can we please just forget it ever happened?”

I look over towards her and raise my eyebrows. “Really? Is that what you really want?”

She sighs. “Yeah, I do. It was stupid.”

I frown. “Stupid?”

She pushes her wet hair out of her face. “Yeah, completely stupid. I was emotional from earlier, and well, you’re a dude. My dress is totally see-through and you reacted like any straight guy would. It’s no big deal.”

I’m about to point out that I almost kissed her before her dress was clinging to her body but she gives me this pleading look as if she’s begging me to drop it. “You’re probably right. I was thinking with my other head for a second there. Sorry about that. It’s totally no big deal.” I laugh to emphasize the breeziness of my statement.

She laughs with me. “Right.”

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Deal Breakers _11.jpg


I GULP NERVOUSLY. “OKAY, here's the thing. I'm a virgin. And you need to relieve me of that."

Riley sprays beer from his mouth all over the table. "The fuck you say?"

I steel my nerves and grab a napkin to start wiping up the mess he made. "We're graduating next week. I can't move to Portland, officially starting my adult life, without having had sex."

Riley gapes at me, speechless. "How in the hell are you still a virgin? You're twenty-two! More importantly, how the fuck have I not known that when we've been together practically every day for the past four years?"