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She wipes a tear away. “What’s that?”

I smile. “I need you to say yes. Devyn Summers, will you make me the happiest sonofabitch alive and be my wife?”

She nods. “Yes.”

I slide the two carat solitaire on her finger and stand up. “Yes? Really?”

The tears are flowing freely now. “Really, Rye. Now take me to bed so we can practice making those babies.”

I grin. “Deal.”

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Paranormal Romance

Pixie Dust (Karli Lane #1)

Vampires, Warlocks, and Exes—Oh My! (Karli Lane #2)

Finding Faerie (Karli Lane #3)

My Fairy Lady (Karli Lane novella)

Contemporary Romance - coming soon!

Deal Takers (Rainey and Brody’s story)

Deal Makers (Drew and Charlotte’s story)

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To my husband, Tad: Your unwavering support and encouragement is invaluable.  You continue to amaze me every day with all that you do for me and our children. I am truly honored to be your wife. I mean, really, who else would put up with my never-ending sarcasm and eye rolls?

To my children, Kaitlynn and Carter: Thank you for your patience while I lock myself away to write at all hours. You both make me so proud each and every day. Mommy loves you to infinity plus infinity!

To my brother, Mike: Thank you for getting drunk as a toddler and giving me two nephews to use as inspiration for this story.

To my friend/critique partner/ cover designer/ interior formatter/ fellow author, Jen (JL) Durfey: Thank you once again for all of your feedback throughout the writing process and your beautiful designs at OMK Creations. I really, really, REALLY want to read some more of your stories so get back to writing them, lady!

To Travis Frost: This story wouldn't be nearly as funny without your man-child ways and potty humor. Go shorty, it's your birfday! We gonna party like it's your birfday!

To my beta readers, Jamie Clark-Frost and "Princess" Catania: Thank you once again for allowing me to bounce ideas off of you throughout the writing process. You're two of my favorite ladies alive and I wouldn't trade you for all the books in the world! Anyone who knows me well, knows how powerful that statement is!

To my editor, Erin Potter: Thank you for continuing to put up with my delays, sentence flow issues, and punctuation errors. You're truly a joy to work with and I will happily endorse your services at Shamrock Editing any time!

To all the bloggers and reviewers: Taking time out of your busy lives to share your opinions with others makes it possible for Indie authors like me to do what we love. I can't possibly articulate how valuable you are to me, but please know that I am eternally grateful for everything you do.

Last, but NEVER least, to my readers: If you took the leap with me from paranormal to contemporary romance, thank you for putting your faith in me! I hope you enjoyed this story as much as my previous ones. If you're new here, welcome and thank you for your support! You all made it possible for me to leave a seventeen-year career to pursue writing full time. My life is infinitely better now and I cannot possibly thank you enough for that. I will forever be your fangirl!

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LAURA LEE IS THE AUTHOR of the bestselling Karli Lane series and the Dealing With Love series. She is a proud member of the Romance Writers of America focusing on paranormal, urban fantasy, and contemporary romance.

Laura's passion has always been storytelling. She spent most of her life with her nose in a book thinking of alternate endings or continuations to the story. She won her first writing contest at the ripe old age of nine, earning a trip to the state capital to showcase her manuscript. Thankfully for her, those early works will never see the light of day again!

Laura lives in the Pacific Northwest with her wonderful husband, two beautiful children, and three of the most poorly behaved cats in existence. She likes her fruit smoothies filled with rum, her cupboards stocked with Cadbury's chocolate, and her music turned up loud. When she's not writing or watching HGTV, she's reading anything she can get her hands on. She's a sucker for spicy romances, especially those involving vampires or cowboys!

For more information, check out her website at:www.lauraleebooks.com