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I smile as I pull him off the couch and down the hall into my bedroom. I flip on the lamp and say, “I appreciate your chivalry, Rye. I really do. But the truth is…Jackson and I hadn’t been together for quite a while before we broke up. And I’ve been waiting for almost five years to take advantage of you. I’d say it’s impossible to rush something that’s long overdue. Don’t you agree?”

He shuts my bedroom door and turns the lock. “Take advantage of me, huh?”

I laugh. “Oh, yes, absolutely. And I’m going to objectify the hell out of you.”

He grabs my face and kisses me hard. When he pulls away he says, “Just remember, turnabout’s fair play, Dev.”

“I’m counting on it.”

Riley and I resume kissing while he walks me backwards towards the bed. He starts untying my wrap dress and suddenly, I feel really self conscious. My body isn’t what it used to be the last time we were together. I try my best to keep in shape but having a child definitely had a permanent effect in some areas. My stomach is flat but not nearly as toned, my hips are wider, and I have a few stretch marks across my lower abdomen and thighs. Why did I turn on the lamp? I wonder if I can figure out a way to shut it off without being too obvious.


I CAN’T BELIVE THIS is finally happening. I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t hope tonight would turn out this way, but I certainly didn’t expect it. My dick does a happy dance in my pants as I unwrap her dress and push it off her shoulders.

I take her in from head to toe. She’s wearing a black lace bra with a matching thong. I saw parts of her in the closet the other day but the lighting was so poor I didn’t get to truly appreciate it. Her new curves are spilling over the cups of her bra. Hips flare out from a trim waist, giving me a little more to grab onto. She had a fantastic fucking body before, but now…this is fucking perfection. I know I’m biased but I’m sure every hetero guy in the world would agree with me. Right before I kicked their asses for seeing her like this.

She wraps her arms around her waist. “Why are you staring?”

“I didn’t think it was possible for you to get more beautiful. It seems I was wrong.”

She gasps as I press her into the mattress and begin kissing her neck. “You don’t need to sweet talk me, Rye.”

I pull back with a frown. “What are you talking about? You asked me a question and I gave you an honest answer—not some cheesy line.”

She rolls her eyes. “I’m not stupid, Riley. I know I don’t look the same as I did when we were first together. I mean, I try to eat right and exercise regularly but there’s only so much that could be done after carrying Nathan.”

I sit next to her outstretched body. “Devyn, you’re right; you don’t look the same. You look better. How can you not see that?”

She gasps as I trace my finger along the edge of her bra. “I’m at least fifteen pounds heavier than I used to be.”

I squeeze her breast in my hand. “More to love.” I slide the lace down and take her nipple into my mouth. I pull back with a pop and say, “What else?”


I circle her areola with my tongue. “What else do you not like about your body?”

“My stretch marks,” she pants. “I hate those.”

I run my finger over two tiny silver lines right above her hip. I lower my mouth and kiss them. “These marks are because you carried my son in your body. Our son. Nothing could be more beautiful than that.”

She tangles her fingers in my hair as I move across her abdomen with my lips. “Oh, Rye.”

“Yeah, baby?”

“Your mouth should be illegal.”

I smile against her skin. “You think so?”

She nods emphatically. “Uh huh.”

I crawl up her body until we’re face to face. “Are you sure you’re not trying to deflect, Devyn? Because we’re not going through with this until you’re one hundred percent certain of how sexy you are. How crazed you make me when I look at you. Hell, when I even think of you.” I suck on the shell of her ear and say, “You are so fucking beautiful. Sexy. Smart. No one has ever turned me on like you do. No one has ever made me feel like you do.” I pull back and meet her eyes again. “I love your new curves. I love everything about you. I think I’ve been in love with you since the day we met. You’re it for me, Devyn. Do you hear what I’m saying?”

Her eyes get misty. “I do.”

I nod once. “Good. Now can we get to the fun part?”

She laughs. “The fun part? What could that possibly entail?”

Her eyes roll back as I brush my knuckles against her core. “I’m not so good with words. I should probably just show you.”

She moans. “Mmm, that sounds like a great plan.”

Her hands clench the blanket as I lower her panties and rub my nose against her plump outer lips. She lifts her ass so I can remove her thong. “Mmm,” I moan as I inhale her sweet scent. “God, I could eat this pussy all night.”

She arches her back as I give her wet slit one long lick. “Riley, please!”

“What do you want, baby?” I pin her hips down into the bed and do it again.

She whimpers. “Please don’t tease me, Rye! I’ve waited too long.”

I suck her hard little clit and press it against the roof of my mouth. She screams before she grabs a pillow to muffle her sounds. “You like that?”

“YES!” She squeezes the pillow against her face.

I slide back up her body and remove the pillow. “Are you trying to suffocate yourself?”

She blushes. “We need to be quiet so Nathan can’t hear us. I’m finding that awfully hard to do right now.”

I dive into her mouth and suck her tongue. Grinding my aching cock against her, I say, “Do you know what else is awfully hard right now?”

She pops the button to my pants. “Lose the pants so we can do something about that.” Her nails scrape my ass as she impatiently shoves my slacks and boxers down at the same time.

I climb off the bed to fully remove my clothing. I smirk when I see her watching my every move with her mouth agape. “Like what you see?”

She straightens her spine and moves back against the cushioned headboard. She reaches behind her back and unclasps her bra. She throws it aside and spreads her legs enticingly, putting her pretty pink pussy on full display. Trailing her finger down her soaking wet lips, she says, “I’d rather like what I feel. Get over here, Rye.”

Fuck. I launch myself onto the bed so fast that I almost overshoot and land my ass on the floor.

Devyn laughs so hard she snorts. “Smooth.”

I’m pretty sure I look embarrassed—because I am—but I decide to cover it with redirection. I roughly grab her hips and hook her knees over my shoulders. With zero hesitation, I lick her from end to end, up and down, over and over. I eagerly lap her sweet cream and fuck her with my tongue. She’s squirming and moaning and clawing at the bedding. I spread her thighs further and insert two fingers, pumping them in and out. Her juices coat my fingers and leave a wet spot on the bed. I flatten my tongue and trace circles over her clit in time with the pumping of my hand. I look up and almost lose my shit when I see her staring down at me with pure ecstasy in her gaze.

“Oh, Riley! I’m going to come so hard.”

“Mmm,” I murmur. “Give it to me, baby.”

Devyn stiffens suddenly, grabbing my hair and clapping my ears with her thighs. I slow my pace until her limbs relax over my shoulders and kiss a path up her torso until I reach her mouth.

She reaches up and bites my bottom lip. “That was unbelievable.”

“You’re unbelievable. I feel like the luckiest bastard in the world right now.”

She smiles brightly and lifts her hips to meet my erection. “Riley, I need you.”

I rub the head of my dick through her lower lips and moan. “Right there with you, baby.”

I slip just the tip inside of her and groan. “You feel so good.” She arches her back to drive me in further. I slip in easily because she’s so fucking wet. Her pussy grips me like an iron fist, holding on tight as I pull out slowly. Fuck, this feels so good. Too good. “Shit!” I pull out quickly and sit back on my legs.