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Copyright LAN Fiction LLC 2015

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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“HOLY FUCKING SHIT, DUDE. Hot blonde at two o’clock,” Josh, my new dormmate says.

I look and I’m stunned. Hot is a major understatement for the blonde beauty standing by the bike racks. She’s magnificent. I know that’s a total chick word to use but it’s the only thing that comes to mind. I’ve never seen something so incredible. I watch as she secures her bike to the rack and walks away with her beat up backpack slung over her shoulder. The girl is a walking contradiction. She’s wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans but she looks like she just stepped off a runway. Instead of using some giant, impractical, yet fashionable bag like most girls around campus, she’s carrying something plain and perfectly functional. I step closer and notice that her bike is one of those old-fashioned ones with a straw basket in the front and the frame is covered in hand-painted flowers. It definitely stands out amongst the rest. Just like its owner.

“Wow,” I say.

I have to meet this girl. And I don’t know why, but I feel like I have to make a big impression and I’m at a loss on how to do it. I don’t want to sound cocky, but I’m one of those dudes that has never really had to work for it. I was one of the lucky ones who shot up ten inches right before my freshman year of high school. At six foot two and athletic pretty much my entire life, no one ever messed with me. I was always in the popular crowd and I never went through an awkward phase like most teenagers do. I have good looks and good skin and yeah, I’ll admit, I’ve used that to my advantage. Hell, I’ve only been on campus at the University of Oregon for a week and I’ve already had a few hookups. It just comes easily for me. I can tell this girl is different though—she’ll be a challenge—but I’d bet my entire academic scholarship that the reward will be so worth the effort.

Josh and I walk our bikes to the rack and begin the process of locking them up. I smile when I come up with a brilliant plan to introduce myself to her. I slide my front wheel next to hers and accidentally loop my chain around both her frame and mine. There’s no way she’s getting away without talking to me first.

Josh smirks when he sees what I’m doing. “Well, that’s a new approach. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of taking someone’s bike hostage to get a date.”

I shrug. “I’m hoping the originality of it will earn me some points.”

He slaps me on the back. “C’mon Rye, we’re going to be late for Chem.”

After Chem Lab, I wait in the green space next to the bike racks trying not to look like a creepy stalker. I don’t want to risk pissing off the hot blonde from earlier by making her late for class or something so I’m sitting here like a schmuck waiting for her. I stand up tall when I see her approach her bike and notice right away what I’ve done. She has this adorable little crinkle in her brow and she bites her sexy lip as she assesses the situation. She tugs on the cable and lets out a big huff.

I surreptitiously check out her amazing body as I sidle up to her. “Hi there. It looks like you’re having an issue, huh?”

She sighs. “Ugh, some idiot locked their bike to mine. I’m going to be late for class if I have to walk across campus to get there.”

“I think I can help you,” I say.

Her round, hazel eyes brighten. “Really? How are you going to do that?”

I start working the combination on my lock and catch her eyes as she makes the connection. I stand up and offer my hand in greeting. “I’m Riley McIntyre. Also known as the idiot.”

She laughs and shakes my hand. “Devyn. Devyn Summers. So tell me, Riley, why on earth would you lock our bikes together?”

I smile and decide to go with honesty. “I saw you earlier and…I don’t know…felt that I had to meet you. You ran off so quickly that this was the only thing I could think of.”

She raises a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. “And why did you feel like you had to meet me?”

I shrug. “A bunch of people from my dorm are meeting at The Duck Pond later for the game. I wanted to invite you.”

“Isn’t that the sports bar over on University Street?”

I nod. “It is. They have big screens, a few pool tables, darts, and cheap beer. It’s a pretty cool place to hang out.”

She bites her lip again. “Oh. I’m not old enough to drink. I’m only a freshman.”

“So am I,” I say. “But it’s cool. It’s a pub so it’s open to all ages. Some of the upperclassmen buy pitchers and we all share. They only check your ID if you’re buying.”

“We’ve only been on campus a week. How do you know this already?”

I laugh. “An old football buddy of mine from high school is a junior. He’s been showing me the ropes. So, are you in? Kickoff is at five so we’ll all head over there shortly beforehand.”

“The Niners game?” she asks.

“Yeah, I’m looking forward to seeing them get their asses kicked.”

She frowns. “Puh-leez. The Seahawks are a decent team, but they’re not so impressive when they’re not at home with all their twelfth man loud stadium garbage. Niners totally have this one.”

Holy shit, this chick knows football? “I disagree. Wilson has been in top shape this season.”

She smirks. “So has Kaepernick.”

I may have just jizzed in my pants a little. How can a woman this hot possibly know football? I think I’m in love. “You willing to put your money where your mouth is?”

She backs her bike out of the rack and straddles it. “What did you have in mind?”

I picture her straddling my face instead as I pull my bike out too. “For every Seahawks touchdown, you owe me a beer. I’ll do the same for you if the Niners ever get one.”

She glares at me. “Oh, you’re so on! But make mine soda.”

My mouth quirks at that. So she’s not a rule breaker, huh? I’ll have to see what I can do about that. “It’s a date.”

She frowns. “No, not a date. We’re just going to…hang out.”

I mirror her expression. “What’s wrong with a date? Do you have a boyfriend?”

She shakes her head. “No, no boyfriend. I’m just not looking for a date right now.”

I feign nonchalance. “That’s cool. We can totally just hang.”

She perks up again. “Really? You’d be okay with that? I don’t want to give you the wrong impression—I mean what I say—I’m just looking for a friend. Nothing more.”

Man, she’s going to be tougher to crack than I thought. “It’s totally fine. I could always use more friends. The more the merrier, right?”

Her face lights up in a smile as she turns her bike towards the other end of campus. “Right. I’ll meet you there around five. I need to get to class.”