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“Be happy to, follow me,” I say. I take Sophie’s hand in mine and we go in search of Krista. We find her standing by the bar, flirting with the bartender of all people. She lights up when she see’s me approaching.

“Krista, I want you to meet Jordan, he works with Kyle,” I say by way of introduction. The ball is in your court now Jordan.

“Hi Krista, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Jordan says smoothly.

“Oh, the pleasure is all mine,” Krista says flirtatiously.

“If you will excuse us,” I say to them, and Sophie and I walk away in search of the table we are sitting at for dinner.

“Lucky you. Jordan should be a nice distraction for Krista,” Sophie says.

“Why, do you think Jordan is good-looking?” I feel a pang of jealousy.

“What do you think?” she questions.

“That you only have eyes for me,” I say.

“True,” she says sweetly.

Chapter 12


We’re back in London, exhausted from our trip to Hawaii. For me, it was both physically as well as emotionally draining.

Seeing Marcus with an old flame, who obviously was still in love with him, was difficult to stomach. Especially when she was so drop dead gorgeous, it brought all my insecurities to the surface. I just need to remind myself that beauty is only skin deep right?

We crawl into bed tonight, and it’s still nagging at me. What was it between Marcus and Krista anyway?

“Marcus, tell me, was Krista all that in college?”

“Sophie, that time in my life was closed years ago. I won’t discuss it,” he says. “You are the love of my life.”

“Yeah, yeah, tell me more,” I tease.

“I realized a long time ago that I actually started falling for you even before we ever slept together. That’s what made all of this so different for me, different in a good way. It’s one of the reasons why I’m so in love with you. I took the time to get to know you first. I was intrigued by you from the beginning. Of course your beauty and hot body drew my attention first, but the more I got to know you, your whole package sucked me in. Do you remember how many hours we worked together, late into the night sometimes. I saw how you performed under pressure and you were resilient, yet kept your sassy, ball busting charm.”

“You found my sass charming?”

“I did, I love your wicked sense of humor too. In the beginning I couldn’t believe the stuff that would come out of that pretty little mouth of yours. On the outside you look so classy, sophisticated and professional. But boy you really surprised me our first night together between the sheets, sweetheart.”

I let out my throaty and seductive bedroom laugh.

“Touch me, feel what your naughty laugh does to me,” Marcus says huskily, taking my hand a pressing it along his steely shaft. “I fell for you hook, line and sinker, and I’m never letting you go.”

His well-chosen words reel me back in and reassure me that he does love me, all of me. I squeeze his rigid manhood as his lips press urgently to mine as I deepen this delicious kiss from the man of my dreams.


My Mom is less than enthusiastic about my pending nuptials with Marcus. In spite of the fact that he is the love of my life, she can’t get past me not marrying John.

She absolutely adored John. He was perfect for me, or so she believed. But we know when it comes to affairs of the heart, no one knows better than the person going through it. Yes, John looked good on paper, heck he looked great in person as well. Unfortunately, for my mother, my heart felt differently. It was Marcus all along, as hard as I tried to fight it.

I need to go shopping for another wedding dress soon. My mom and I went together the last time, so I don’t dare ask her to do it again. Makes me sad that she won’t be here today, but at this point I will just be happy to get her to fly all the way over to London for the wedding. She doesn’t like airplane travel. I can tell when I do talk to her on the phone that she thinks I am making a mistake marrying Marcus. Knowing this makes me feel beyond terrible inside, because I know usually mothers know what’s best for their children. She thinks his name, his money and his slick charm swayed me. In the back of my mind I know mothers are usually right, but I brush the fleeting thoughts away and remember how much I love him, and how much he loves me. Doesn’t love conquer all?

I asked Julia Robbins to go shopping for a dress with me today. Since she is a new bride, and did this recently I thought she would steer me in the right direction.

“You are going to love this shop. They have got all of the latest designs in wedding couture. It’s where I found my dress, so of course I’m partial. I took the liberty of making you an appointment with my salesgirl at 11:00,” Julia says as we  walk down Bond Street, making our way to Just Say I Do.

“Perfect, thanks so much for coming with me today,” I reply.

We walk by the gorgeous storefront window, which displays mannequins wearing the most amazing wedding dresses. Once we walk in, we are greeted by a classy older woman, who says to feel free to browse while she let’s our salesperson know we have arrived.

“What do you have in mind?” Julia asks, as we roam the displays of dresses.

I know in my mind I have to get something totally different then what I picked out for my wedding to John. God, as I look through the dresses, it feels strange. I feel a strong sense of guilt, remorse and sadness when I think about John. How I practically left him at the altar.

“What’s wrong Sophie?” I hear Julia saying to me while I was lost in my own guilt-ridden world.

“Oh nothing,” I reply, shaking my head slightly, as if trying to shake my memories and guilt out of my mind.

“Hello ladies.” A pleasant looking woman in her forties greets us.

“Louisa,” Julia squeals, and gives Louisa a hug. She then introduces us.

“So Sophie, what kind of dress did you have in mind?”

“You both pick out what you think would look good on me and I will just try them on,” I reply. Louisa hesitates, and looks at Julia.

“Alright,” Louisa says to me as she steps back and seem to appraise my stature and figure. “I have a few styles I think you would look fabulous in.”

I like hearing this, I just can’t think straight right now.

“Come on, Louisa is the best,” Julia says.

We follow Louisa around the boutique as she plucks 3 or 4 dresses off the racks before leading us into the dressing room.

The first one I try on is a very sexy, almost corset style dress. When I walk out of the dressing room, Julia let’s out a whistle.

“Too sexy siren?”

“You rock that dress! Once Marcus see’s you in that dress, all he will want to do is get you out of it,”

I twirl in front of the mirror. “No, it’s too much, to vixen.”

I come out in dress number two.

“That dress is more sophisticated, you will make a striking bride, Sophie,” Julia exclaims.

“This is more the look I was going for,” I say, admiring myself in the mirror.

“Let me get a veil that will go perfectly with this dress,” Louisa says, disappearing into the back of the boutique.

As I gaze at myself in the mirror, I try and imagine Marcus at the end of the aisle waiting for me. I start to freak out a little. I try and take a deep calming breath.

“What is it, Sophie? You have the strangest look on your face,” Julia asks.

I don’t have to answer her as Louisa has returned and is adjusting a beautiful veil on my head. She drapes it across my face. I actually start to tremble and almost hyperventilate. I was trying on dresses less than a year ago to marry John. What the hell am I doing? Maybe my mother is right.

“What do you think?” I finally hear Louisa ask for the second time.

“Looks lovely,” I say softly, and then turn to go back into the dressing room. I can’t do this right now. Plan another wedding. I put back on my clothes in a flash, I need to get out of here and get some air.