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At dinner tonight Marcus told me his phone was ringing off the hook. People he hasn’t heard from since his days at Harvard were calling. He seemed pleased about it, I’m sure being on the cover was a big ego booster, as if he needs his ego boosted any more than it already is. Hope he doesn’t get too big for his britches and too big for little old me.

It has been a couple of months since we got engaged and we’ve settled into our flat in London. Marcus found a lovely flat with a view of Hyde Park. There is no way I wanted to live in his other flat where he had entertained numerous women. The move was hectic and stressful for me, but we are now settled in and at a good place.

I’ve been having some strange cramping all morning. I better lie down for a while. I hope and pray it’s not the baby. There it goes again, a dull pain almost.

Chapter 3



Rough day at work fielding calls from various contacts and some people I barely knew congratulating me for making the cover of Bloomberg Markets. I must admit, it was a real feather in my cap, a nod from the industry that I’m more than just lucky sperm. I’ve worked hard at making a name for myself, in my own right. No longer in the shadow of my successful father, I can tell he is proud of me.

“Hi babe,” I call out, walking into our spacious flat that we call home together. “Sophie where are you?” I call out again and walk towards the bedroom in search of my beautiful fiancée.

“In here,” she says softly, her voice sounds strained and weak.

“What’s wrong?” I immediately go to her and she’s in bed with the covers drawn up over her. I turn on the bedside lamp and sit down on the bed next to her, she’s been crying.

“I think I lost the baby,” she says dejectedly.

“What happened, why didn’t you call me?”

“It all happened so suddenly.”

“Are you alright, how do you feel?”

“Really tired.” I take her in my arms and she starts to cry. Tears well in my eyes too.

“Shhh, it’s alright,” I try to soothe her, comfort her as well as myself. This is a blow; we were both so excited. “You rest. Is there anything I can get you? Are you hungry or thirsty?”

“Maybe just a glass of water,” she replies meekly.

I walk briskly into the kitchen to get her a glass of water and come back into the bedroom and hand it to her shaking hand. My poor Sophie, it breaks my heart.

“Do you need to see the doctor?”

“I called and they said I could come in tomorrow.”

“I will go with you babe. Let me change and I will come lie down with you.” I walk into our expansive walk in closet and sit on the ottoman in front of the full-length mirror. I take off my tie, strip off my dress shirt and slacks then toss them down in disappointment.

I crawl in bed with Sophie and just hold her all night long. I feel devastated by our loss. I can’t tell you how thrilled and ecstatic I was when I learned Sophie was carrying our baby. Even surprised the hell out of myself at my excitement. I felt ready to be a Dad, how scary is that? Now it won’t be, at least not in the near future.

We came and went from the doctor’s office and he confirmed that yes she miscarried. He reassured us that this happens and there is no reason why we shouldn’t be able to have a child in the near future.

“I want to set a date for the wedding,” I say, once we get home. Maybe she can distract herself with wedding planning. We need to move forward, I want to marry her as soon as possible. It hasn’t set well with me that we don’t have a date set yet, that was because of the baby. But now that it’s behind us, I want us to look forward to something else, getting married, making us official, make Sophie mine permanently, so she can’t get away from me again.

“Where shall we have the wedding, at home or here in London?” she asks.

“I never thought about having it here in London, I assumed we would have it at home. What would you like? I’m happy to have it wherever you decide.”

“How many people will we have to invite from your side? I was thinking of something small and intimate, not over-the-top. Just something elegant.”

“Knowing my mother, something small is out of the picture.”

“I figured as much, that’s why if we have it in London, less people will probably fly over for it.”

“Good point. Whatever makes you happy, I just want to set a date when you will become my wife,” I say. My comment brings a smile to her face and I take her in my arms.

“Remember, Christopher is coming to London at the end of the month. Can he stay here with us, or would you prefer I put him up at a hotel?”

“I’m good either way, I’ll let you decide. I do love Christopher, I’m fine with him staying here if you’d like.”

“Alright, I will just have him stay here with us.”

“Is he still with Cassie Long?”

“I believe so.”

Chapter 4



Christopher arrives and I stay home today to greet him. He is taking a cab over to our flat from Heathrow this afternoon after he lands.

“Hi Christopher, come in,” I say, and greet him with a hug. Christopher is like a brother to me now.

“Hi Sophie, it’s great to see you,” he says, returning the hug and even plants a kiss on my cheek. I show him to our extra bedroom and he puts his suitcase down and freshens up while I wait for him in the kitchen.

“This place is fabulous, but of course I would expect nothing less from Mr. and Mrs. Hunter,” Christopher says, joining me in the kitchen.

“Have a seat, here is a snack and a drink for you,” I say, moving over to the kitchen table to sit across from him.

“You seem happy playing house with Marcus,” Christopher remarks.

“I am, we’re happy. Things are good,” I say reassuringly, although the pregnancy loss still makes me sad at times.

“You look really good, glowing in fact.”

“Why thank you. How are you and Cassie doing?” I can’t help asking.

“Good, I think.”

“You don’t sound real confident.”

“What’s your take on her? Be honest,” Christopher asks.

“Well, if you want me to be honest, she screams Gold Digger to me.”

“Tell me how you really feel,” he laughs.

“She has made a play for Marcus since day one. I just call it like I see it. She’s not right for you.”

“Hmmm, those words of dating advice sound familiar,” Christopher teases, rubbing his chin and looking off in the distance to make a point.

“Yeah, yeah, I remember. Look where I am today from taking your advice,” I say, grinning back at my friend.

“It actually worked out for you two. I had to eat my words. Maybe you will eat your words about Cassie.”

“Are you serious about her?”

“As serious as I’ve ever been about someone before.”

“Really? You surprise me.”

“Why, didn’t you think I would ever consider settling down?”

“I guess I never thought about it. I always put you one step behind Marcus in the ‘I don’t do love’ department. But I guess there is a time when the right person comes along and sweeps you off your feet so to speak.”

“You’re right on that one.”

“When we least expect it right? When we aren’t even expecting it, it sneaks up on you.”

“Cassie is special you know.”

“She is very pretty,” I reply coolly, I’ll give her that. In her case, looks are deceiving, she is beautiful on the outside, but cold, calculating and mean spirited on the inside, judging by the cutting things she has said to me in the past.

“Why don’t you like her?” he asks. Should I tell him the truth?

“She has made cutting remarks to me about my relationship with Marcus,” I venture into dangerous territory. Maybe he should know how mean she can be, and then he can make his own decision.

“Can you be more specific?”

“Stuff like, do I really believe Marcus will marry me, or do I really think I will make it down the aisle with Marcus.”