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“Babe, don’t let her get you.”

Sophie says nothing more while she peruses the menu.

Krista is not making this easy for me. Actually, she is going out of her way to make it rough for me. She is purposely trying to make Sophie jealous, or drive a wedge between us. I’m going to have to tell her in no uncertain terms that we are through and to knock it off.

I excuse myself to go to the gent’s room.

When I come out, Krista is lying in wait for me in the corridor.

“Marcus, you can’t tell me little Sophie is satisfying all of your needs like I can,” Krista says seductively, rubbing her hand up and down my thigh.

“Krista, stop,” I say, grabbing her hand.

“Don’t be such a prude Marcus, it doesn’t suit you.”

“What is up with you Krista? We’re done, through, finito. I am marrying Sophie. I told you that the last time we spoke on the phone.”

“I still find it hard to believe you’re actually settling down,” she says, leaning into me.

Just then Sophie walks by us on the way to the Ladies room and she is seething.

“Don’t let me interrupt you two. You really should get a room,” Sophie spats out at us and walks into the Ladies room.


“Krista, stay away from me,” I growl, extricating myself from her and heading back to the table.

I’m going to have to explain myself out of this one tonight and it’s not going to be easy.

Chapter 10


Jealousy isn’t an emotion I usual do. I don’t like the way it makes me feel, out of control with my feelings. I like to be calm, cool and collected, but I do have a hard time keeping it together when it comes to Marcus and his endless string of other women.

I should’ve known better than to go for and settle down with a player.

Caught him in a somewhat compromising situation earlier tonight.

I saw them in the corridor and I could’ve turned around and high tailed it out of there. But I had to use the ladies room and I wasn’t going to let them stop me.

Plus, I wanted him to know I caught him getting cozy with her again. Made me sick. He is sleeping in his own room tonight, that much I know.

When I return to our table, I give him a cool stare as I take my seat next to him.

“Sophie, it wasn’t what you think. She was coming onto me.”

“I’m sure.”

“It’s true.”

“I know how irresistible you are Mr. Hunter, I believe you. However, you are sleeping alone tonight.”

“Babe, don’t be like that,” Marcus says, as he wraps his arm around me and kisses me on the cheek.

I glance in Krista’s direction and she’s staring at us with a scowl on her pretty little face. Girl looks like a freaking model, which bothers me even more. A tall, model thin blonde, Gisele Bundchen comes to mind.

Marcus’s scent makes me tingle between my thighs, as difficult as I want to make it for him tonight, I may not be able to resist my intoxicating fiancée.

“If you let Krista make you angry than she’s winning. Don’t let someone like her win.”

“Love your psychology, you clever, clever man. But it’s not going to work on me,” I reply.

“Let’s go for a walk along the beach tonight,” Marcus suggests as he stands and reaches for my hand. I can’t be rude in front of everyone so I place my hand is his and stand up.

“We’re going to call it a night, we’ll see you bright and early,” Marcus says to Kyle and we all say our goodnights.

We stroll through the lobby and hear the piano playing, on our way out the double doors to the lagoon where the dolphins swim.

It’s a beautiful night, warm with a tropical breeze blowing. You can see the stars and the swaying palm trees rustle from the wind.

“Sophie, do you know how much I love you?” Marcus says, pulling my hand up to his lips.

“Sometimes I’m uncertain about it all,” I say, giving him my most honest answer.

“What, uncertain about us?” Marcus says, stopping in his tracks and looking straight at me.

“Look, if you want to be with Krista again or have any doubts about our future together, I would appreciate you speaking up now rather than later. I’m a big girl, I can take it.”

“I don’t have a single doubt in my mind about spending the rest of my life with you.”

“Are you sure?” I whisper, hearing the vulnerability in my voice bothers me. Marcus has me wrapped around his finger, but I don’t want him to know that, although he probably does.

“Let’s go up to our room and I will show you how sure I am.”

“I told you that you are sleeping alone tonight. Didn’t I make myself clear earlier?” I try to say as firmly as I can.

“I’m going to wear down your defenses,” he breathes close to my ear, his warm breath enticing me, as his hand gently cups my breast through my thin silky dress. He lightly brushes his thumb over my hardening nipple.

He grazes his lips against mine, as if teasing me.

“Don’t you want me?” He knows I always want him. The animal magnetism between us is so strong; I’ve never been able to fight it.

My hand grabs his crotch and sure enough he’s ready for me.

“Make love to me on the beach,” I murmur.

“Are you serious?”


“I never took you for an exhibitionist.”

“It’s perfect here, it’s secluded and dark over there in the alcove where the beach ends. Come on,” I say, tugging at his hand. I start laughing at Marcus’s shocked expression. What is it about Marcus that has me losing all of my inhibitions with him? He brings out the sexy minx in me, although he too can be such an animal in the bedroom.

“Do you really want to get sand all over your body? I thought you were a bed sex kind of girl. I love making love to you in our suite, with the lanai doors wide open, it’s almost like we are outside with the breeze blowing on our heated skin,” Marcus says, trying to talk me out of being an exhibitionist.

As we near the alcove, someone else has already beaten us there.

“It looks like Kyle and Lauren beats us here,” I giggle.

“Come on, let’s leave before they see us. I want to take you to our suite and ravish you sweetheart,” Marcus says.


The lanai doors are wide open and the warm summer trade winds are blowing into our room. I’m riding Marcus hard and my nipples are pert from the cool breeze caressing them. Marcus is gazing up at me as he cups each one in his rough hand. I sit upright; I want him in as deep as he will go. I grind my swollen bud onto him, enjoying the sweet bliss I’m feeling between my legs and it vibrates through my entire being.

“Ah, yes, ah, yes,” I moan, rocking back and forth along his manhood. Then I do my bounce move, which really turns my man on every time. He groans loudly. I love knowing I’m the one that incites that low groan from Marcus Hunter.

He grips a cheek in each palm, and pulls me hard onto him.

“God, Sophie you feel amazing wrapped around my shaft and rocking us into ecstasy.”

“Yeah, you like it big boy?” I ask seductively, letting my long hair tickle his chiseled abs.

“You know I do,” he says, abruptly turning me over so he can piston into me hard. He loves to bang me hard, show me whose boss. He has his Alpha Male moments in the bedroom and who am I to object? I love it any way he will give it to me. Sometimes he will give me a playful slap and tickle. Bring it on baby.

“Hey, you weren’t supposed to sleep in my bed with me tonight,” I say.

“Who said anything about sleep?” Marcus growls. We are so close to losing it.

After our lovemaking, which was amazing by the way. I can’t help but speak my mind, you know me. “Marcus, if you have any doubt in your mind, if you still have any feelings for this girl Krista, speak now. I would be cool with it. I would only want you walking to the altar with me if you’re 100 percent sure, I’m a big girl, I can take it. I see the way she looks at you. There was obviously something between you two at one time.”