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“Sophie, look at me?” he says, turning my chin towards him, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

“I love you and I want you to be my wife. We’ve been through so much to finally be together,” he pleads softly.

I look at my handsome man, his eyes filled with what I believe to be sincerity, what I hope to be sincerity. I know in my heart I am still taking a huge chance with him.

“Sometimes, I’m still afraid to love you too much,” I whisper.

He moves to kiss me tenderly.

“Just know that I love you with all of my heart and only you,” he murmurs into my ear seductively. I’m addicted to his kisses; they still make my pulse race and my heart flutter.

“Let’s go to bed,” he whispers as he pulls away and stands up, taking my hand in his and leading us back into the room.

We leave the lanai doors wide open as the tropical breeze blows into our room filled with moonlight. We stop at the foot of the bed and he slides the straps of my dress down and it pools on the floor. I don’t have a bra on and he cups them gently in the palms of his hands, dipping down to take a nipple in his mouth as he gazes at me with the most seductive look on his face I moan out as my sex clenches in anticipation of his loving me.

He pulls his shirt over his head and drops his shorts onto the floor and I feast my eyes on my sexy man. I slide my hands into the waistband of his briefs and tug them off. He springs forth, hard and ready for me. I drop to my knees before him, and look up at him, returning the seductive gaze he gave me earlier as I take him between my lips.

“God, you kill me babe,” he murmurs, looking down at me. I love the taste of him.

“Mmmmmm,” I moan, sending vibrations along his shaft.

“Yeah, babe. I love you on your knees,” he says like the naughty boy he is.

We move to the bed and I sprawl out for him, I want him to take me hard tonight, but he seems tenderer tonight.

Chapter 9



“Nothing worth having comes easy. What scares us challenges us, what frightens us strengthens us. That’s what our love is to me. Worth having, challenging us and strengthening our bond each and every single day.”

“When did you develop such a philosophical view on love?” I ask, enjoying this sensitive and caring side of Marcus.

“The day I came home to find out you lost the baby, it brought me even closer to you. It’s a loss and a challenge we share together and made me love you even more. I know in my heart nothing would make me happier than to make babies with you, that’s how I know this is forever for me. Like I told you before, way back when we were just dating, I have never felt this close to a woman before, let a woman hold my heart in the palm of her hand. But I let you hold my heart every day,” I say, taking her tiny delicate hand in mine and place it gently on my bare chest. I need to convince her and reassure her, quiet those doubts that are obviously still floating around in her head and in her heart. Those doubts have been with her since day one. I had to put up a fight at every turn for her love since day one, because I knew after the first night with her that there was something different about her and about us, together.

I literally did feel the earth move that first night.

I have to admit, I was slowly falling for Sophie, even before I got her into bed and had my way with her.

She intrigued me with her intelligence, wicked wit and killer business instinct. Then add that sweet and sassy personality of hers and I became immensely turned on by her. I would fantasize about her in the office.

She may not scream sexy siren outwardly. But she has class, a sense of sophistication about her and is extremely sensual, especially when the bedroom door closes. I have to brace myself for what she has in store for me. She completely satisfies me in every possible way.

“Hey, I really like Lauren. You did well for yourself man,” I say to Kyle as we walk ahead of the group.

“Thanks, same with you. I like Sophie. Looks like you have met your match with her.”

“I know, right? She completes me.”

“We are two whipped guys aren’t we?”

“Never thought I’d see the day when you would settle down,” I say with a grin.

“Same with you Marcus. I thought you would be a confirmed bachelor.”

“I know, I thought I would be too. But Sophie, what can I say. She does it all for me,” I reply.

“I bet she does,” Kyle laughs.

“Tread lightly there, we’re talking about my future wife.”

“Hey, Krista keeps circling around.”

“I know. She was hoping to rekindle the flame. Especially after you two hooked up again in London last year,” Kyle says a little too loudly. I glance over at Sophie and she’s talking with Lauren.

“Keep it down. Sophie asked about her and got a little jealous.”

“For good reason. You were pretty into her at one time if I recall.”

“Yeah, I know. But that’s ancient history my friend. Let’s keep it that way. I have worked long and hard to get to where I am with Sophie and I don’t intend to blow it.”

Talking about Krista and I makes me uncomfortable, plus I don’t want to get Sophie started again.

Krista Fairbanks is part of the reason why I swore off relationships, off attachment, and off love. We were embroiled in a passionate love affair our sophomore year at Harvard. I thought the sun rose and set around her. She represented everything that was perfect to me. But some other guy came along and stole her away from me. She dropped me so fast, my head spun. After that I swore I would never let a girl get that close to my heart again.

Fast forward ten years later and I meet Sophie Shawn. Normally, I wouldn’t give a girl like Sophie the time of day; I had learned my lesson about dipping into the office pool. Day in and day out, I grew to admire Sophie. I had come to genuinely love and respect the ball-busting Sophie Shawn. She was my equal in so many ways and really kept me on my toes. The fact that she didn’t press me for anything more than friends with benefits, made her a challenge I could not pass on. She had me wrapped around her finger from day one without even trying. She acted like she couldn’t care less if our arrangement continued or not. The thrill of the chase was it for me.

The time Krista and I spent reuniting in London was good, she was a nice physical distraction for a while, but my heart was still with Sophie. Krista had now become the one who wanted more. Her love life hadn’t turned out like she had planned for herself and she was hoping to rekindle the flame with me. At thirty-one, she wasn’t married with 2 kids and the white picket fence like I’m sure she had imagined she would be by now. Who could feel sorry for her, certainly not me?

The rest of the wedding party catches up with Kyle and I and we are all about to sit down to dine.

I look over at my Sophie, laughing with Lauren about something. She looks radiant in a Hawaiian print sundress she bought earlier today. She is breathtaking in its vibrant colors. Her eyes meet mine from across the room and she offers me a small smile. Oh how I have fallen in love this girl, hook, line and sinker. All she had to do was reel me in. I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her waist and pull her into me and press my lips to her softly.

“Where are we sitting?” she asks, looking up at me with those exotic almond eyes of hers.

“Let’s sit at the end near Lauren and Kyle.” We take our seats.

“You could pass for one of the island girls,” I tease Sophie.

“Really? I think some of them are so beautiful.”

“You’re just as beautiful. I love you,” I say smoothly. She looks contented until her eyes scan down the table and see Krista staring daggers at her.

“What is her problem? I know there is something more that you’re not telling me,” Sophie says accusingly.