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Hard to Love

Billionaire Romance Series




This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

Copyright © 2015 by C.C. Cartwright

Cover Design by Louisa Maggio at LM Creations

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

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LOVE Dies HARD 1 (Kindle Unlimited)


LOVE Dies HARD 2 (Kindle Unlimited)


LOVE Dies HARD 3 (Kindle Unlimited)


LOVE Dies HARD 4 (Kindle Unlimited)



Love Me Like You Do – Ellie Goulding

One Last Night - Vaults

Chapter 1


I’m still in utter disbelief that Marcus Hunter has asked me to marry him. Never in a million years did I think he would ever want to get married, he claimed he was going to ask me months ago, but I found it hard to believe. It all makes me excited and nervous at the same time. I get butterflies just thinking about it.

We decided to wait until we got home from our trip to London to do a pregnancy test, and yes it was positive. Ecstatic and petrified would describe how I felt when I found out I was indeed pregnant. This adds a whole new dimension to getting married, let me tell you. Marcus has been absolutely over the moon about it. Who would ever think a man would be that overjoyed at the prospect of bringing a child into this world? Let alone a man like Marcus, the international playboy. Really, it astonishes me each and every single day. Becoming a mother scares the living daylights out of me, the whole childbirth thing freaks me out. How women survive, it’s a wonder. Can you tell I’m scared? I honestly need to get a grip on the reality of it all.

Marcus is getting ready to move to London again, and I will follow shortly thereafter. I officially gave my notice to Bristol as soon as I returned and Mr. Ward was not one bit surprised. I think he wondered what took me so long; he knew I was dating Marcus Hunter.


Tonight is the annual Hunter Investments Christmas party. How much has transpired in the last year, it would make any girls head spin. We arrive a little later than the others and immediately head to our table. Tasha is at our table and Christopher and Cassie sit next to us. Lovely, just the person I want to sit next to. Cassie Long and I exchange cool hellos. I still remember her last words to me, “So you think Marcus Hunter, the office player, will marry you?” I suppose she’s eating her words right about now. I catch her glancing at the rock on my finger, proving to her that yes, it’s official, we are indeed engaged to be married.

“I guess you proved me wrong Sophie. Somehow you were able to get Marcus to propose to you. The question is will you make it down the aisle with him, you have heard of broken engagements? Oh wait, as I recall you have already broken off an engagement before. Hope you aren’t going to become one of those runaway brides,” Cassie says with laughter in her eyes. She really knows how to make my blood boil. Cool, keep it cool Sophie. Don’t let her rattle you. She really goes for the jugular. I don’t understand why, what have I ever done to her?

“All I know is that I’m one lucky girl,” I smile and reach over and rub Marcus’s leg and give him a flirtatious smile. He looks at me and returns a lustful stare. Take that Cassie Long. “He is incredible between the sheets too,” I lean over to her and whisper. She actually blushes and gets flustered.

“So have you guys set a date?” Christopher leans over and asks.

“Not yet, we’re in the process of moving to London. One thing at a time, we are thinking possibly this summer.” Although realistically, I want to have the baby before we have a wedding. I refuse to buy a maternity wedding gown. But no one needs to know about any of this just yet.

“I can’t believe you two finally got your act together, it was painful to watch you two go back and forth,” Christopher teases.

“I know, it took a painful year to realize we couldn’t live without each other,” I say looking at Cassie and she returns a look of disdain.

“Let’s get some more food,” Marcus suggests.

“Cassie is mean, rude and insensitive,” I huff out, once we’re out of earshot.

“Don’t let her get to you. For some she purposely tries to push your buttons.”

“The reason is standing right next to me,” I quip.

“Look, Cassie has been making a play for me since the day she started. Obviously she wasn’t successful,” he says, trying to reassure me that he is mine.

“Were you ever tempted?” I can’t help asking. She is gorgeous and Christopher seems crazy about her. I’m not sure if the feeling is mutual, she keeps him around, but I can’t help wondering if she’s hoping to hook a bigger fish.

“Don’t ask me those questions. You know I only have eyes for you babe,” Marcus says smoothly, he always says the right thing, my ladies man.

“You always have a smooth response don’t you, Mr. Playboy,” I tease with a smile.

“I love you,” he says softly, squeezing my hand as we approach the dessert table. I have a mean sweet tooth and have been craving sweets even more since I have been pregnant.

“Marcus, Sophie, glad you could join us,” Mrs. Hunter says, coming up behind us.

“Oh hi Mother, yes we were running a little late tonight,” Marcus replies to his stern mother. She is an ice-cold maven. His father has come around, but Mrs. Hunter eyes me as a gold digger, especially since in addition to announcing our engagement, we announced I was expecting. I know she still wonders if I was trying to trap her precious son. I suppose I can’t blame the woman, she will see in due time that is not what I’m about. I will just need to be patient with her and prove her wrong.

“Good Evening Sophie, you look very elegant tonight.” Mrs. Hunter actually gives me a compliment.

“Thank you, I love that color on you,” I reply pleasantly, in spite of how I feel inside towards this woman who will ultimately be my mother-in-law and grandmother to my child. Mrs. Hunter has on a gorgeous dark red silk dress, which screams couture. She dresses beautifully and is always well coiffed. She seems to be making an effort and I’m more than willing to meet her halfway.

Chapter 2



This week Marcus appeared on the cover of Bloomberg Markets as an up and coming hedge fund manager. He looks dashing on the cover and I can’t help feeling this could mean trouble for our relationship. Trouble as in women crawling out of the woodworks, new ones approaching him, trying to get a piece of him. I am constantly wary, as if I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. In the blink of an eye being Marcus Hunter’s fiancée, his love interest, could be taken away from me. This isn’t like me to be insecure in a relationship and I don’t like it one bit.